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Nike The Bike hacks the 360


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So you hit the Update Arc for Non-Wrestler PAC button and it worked? That's awesome! Good job! After you figure out the PRO.PACH, try and take a look at the Selection pictures, and see if you can add selection pics to a no model.

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Been away for a while so only saw this topic now.

To explain from the beginning, I managed to add wrestlers into the unused slots in 2010 by following this procedure:

1. Open the chetch, extract the pofo files and edit these with x-packer for the unused slot you want to work on. Make sure you set the enable check and give the wrestler a selection screen value (determines where on the menu it will appear). Make sure your selection value is not the same as another wrestler as both wrestlers won't appear in the selection menu.

2. Update the arc files for the chetc using the update arc for non wrestler function in x-packer.

The two steps above are a long winded way of adding the wrestler info into the game. I switched to editing the save file directly as you dont need to delete your save file for each change and also you don't need to edit the arc files. I can't remember wether I added support for 2010 save files in x-packer or wether support is only from 2011 upwards. If not, there is a checksum at the beginning of the save file which monitors changes to the file. The checksum is a simple sum32 checksum.

3. Create the ch*.pac file for the wrestler you wish to add and add this entry into the arc file. The name of the file must correspond with the slot you want to insert into e.g. slot 445 should have a pac named ch445.pac

4. Add the entry in the h files to load the file into the game. It's very important that the order in which you load the files in the h files correspond with the order in the arc files. i.e. if ch101 is after ch100 in the arc, the order must be the same in the h file.

Another hack I found that worked is that you can add a wrestler pach file into another wrestlers pac file and the game will load it. e.g. if you have ch100 which only has 2 pach files, you can add 132002.pach, etc into this pac file. Add the entries into the arc and it will load, not need for h entries. I don't normally do this because it's confusing, but it's handy to test.

If you follow the above steps, the wrestler will appear in the selection menu.

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Thanks for the clear-up, Tekken57, it's nice to see you back :)2

Any ideas on how we can use the "Create new PACH archive" Function to make re-make the SSFA.PACH from the DLC_HD.pac and add a selection screen to a no model?

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So if I understand correctly all I have to do is follow steps 1 & 2 and they will be added? I'm not worried about the save file as I don't intend to play the game until I am done adding what I want anyway. This might sound like a dumb question , but how am I able to tell what selection values I can use?

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"Another hack I found that worked is that you can add a wrestler pach file into another wrestlers pac file and the game will load it. e.g. if you have ch100 which only has 2 pach files, you can add 132002.pach, etc into this pac file. Add the entries into the arc and it will load, not need for h entries. I don't normally do this because it's confusing, but it's handy to test."

This is cool since it is what I had a hunch about, the 360 version is not that different from the PS2 version after all. I just guess they thought the size of the CH.PACs would be too large if they did it the old way since each model file is way bigger on the newer consoles.

Thanks Tekken, you cleared up a couple of question marks, especially about the h file. That was probably my problem there.

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So if I understand correctly all I have to do is follow steps 1 & 2 and they will be added? I'm not worried about the save file as I don't intend to play the game until I am done adding what I want anyway. This might sound like a dumb question , but how am I able to tell what selection values I can use?

Well, you have to add entries to the arcs as well, and assemble your ch file :)2

William Regal is the last character in the selection screen, and his select screen number is 0x59(hex) so just start from 0x60(hex) and up.

Note, in the POFO editor in X-Packer, you have to put in the select screen number using a decimal value, so convert 0x60 to decimal ;)2

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Well yeah I pretty much updating the arcs was obvious even for me lol But thanks for the info on the select numbers. I'm going to go add Bundy & Andre now & see if I can do it

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Thanks for the clear-up, Tekken57, it's nice to see you back :)2

Any ideas on how we can use the "Create new PACH archive" Function to make re-make the SSFA.PACH from the DLC_HD.pac and add a selection screen to a no model?

From what I recall about the SSFA pac, it uses a different format from the normal wrestler pach files. Take a look at the headers and you'll see what I mean. The select pachs also have a different way of being referenced in the arc files, check out the arc you'll see what I mean. X-Packer cannot create pac files in the correct format for select pics.

Your easiest way to do this would be to use the existing file and inject your select pics directly there. Then change the name of the select pics in the header of the pach file.

So if I understand correctly all I have to do is follow steps 1 & 2 and they will be added? I'm not worried about the save file as I don't intend to play the game until I am done adding what I want anyway. This might sound like a dumb question , but how am I able to tell what selection values I can use?

No, you have to add values in the arc and h files or the game will freeze as it will not load the model. For the select values I usually take the id of the wrestler and add a large value to it say 1000. so if the id is 100, I will give it a select value of 1100.

Edited by tekken57
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How would I inject the select pic directly in there without replacing another one?

EDIT: I'm guessing using hex, right? If so, damn, lol. I just extracted the 0000.pac from the SSFA.PACH and it's not exactly easy to figure out :P2

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Tekken, you provided that dummy file with 12 attire slots, is it possible to expand the amount even further with x-packer?

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Well it would be possible to just add a ch.pac or chNTB.pac with all the characters I added for a patch for example and make it work like the PS2 does.

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Ah, so you have 1 huge pac file with all the PACH files in it. I don't see a reason for you to do that and X-PacKer will probably hang if you try to update the arcs, lol. But, just take a look at the dummy.pac inside a hex editor. Where you see "000DUMXX" Just keep continuing that sequence(remember to leave the same amount of space as tekken did between each name. Then scroll down until you see "PACH" Select PACH and keep selecting everything all the way until you see "PACH" again. So basically everything between the first instance where "PACH" is found all the way to the second instance, except you include the first instance in your selection but not the second one ;)2

Then copy it as many times as you added entries before(The 000DUMXX thing)

Sorry if it's hard to understand, I just woke up :P2

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How would I inject the select pic directly in there without replacing another one?

EDIT: I'm guessing using hex, right? If so, damn, lol. I just extracted the 0000.pac from the SSFA.PACH and it's not exactly easy to figure out :P2

Yup, hex is your friend :)

Tekken, you provided that dummy file with 12 attire slots, is it possible to expand the amount even further with x-packer?

I only created 12 pach files in the archive as the game only allows for four attires with a ring, entrance and cutscene for each.

I havent tried inreasing the number of pachs in the archive, not sure what it will do.

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The reason I wanted to do that is due to it would make it more like the PS2 version and probably easier to convert the PS2 editor to 360/PS3 as it would not require the additional steps of the newer consoles.

Look at my comparison below:

PS2 way:

Inject pach into existing pac.

Update arc file (header in the actual pac file is not even read by game).

360 way:

Create new pac (or exists already).

Update h file (if new pac).

Inject pach into existing pac.

Update pac header.

Update arc file.

Not major steps to add but it could perhaps allow me to change less code if it was possible to do what I said.

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By the way Tekken, since brienjs site went offline, do you happen to have your 2010 and 2011 mods somewhere so that I could get them?

I remember you and Red had some really nice looking mods over there.

The nWo, Hogan versions, Sting and a whole lot of others.

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Realized something today, format of pofo file is identical in PS2/PS3/360.

This means I can extract things I edited for the PS2 with SVREdit from the edited CHETC.PAC file and easily make a wrestler data pofo that I can use with x-packer.

Pretty sure same can be said for moveset files (in the PRO folder in ChEtc).

This also means I could make a completely unpacked 360-ChEtc.pac that could be compatible with svredit, almost as is.

Edited by nikethebike
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Ok, just verified movesets are identical with the difference that the 360 files are a little bigger, I think it is because they can support advanced entrances, which PS2 can not or at least doesn't by default.

However I can't just copy paste data, since PAC structures are different on 360/PS2. Individual files need to be exported and then imported.

Wish there was a pac file format converter so that I could just convert the PRO folder from PS2 to 360 format...

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I wrote a small lib to read the header of the PRO file from the PS2. Gonna check if the 360 format is just as simple...

This will atleast let me extract individual PRO moveset files quite easily.

Problem is, extracting the PRO and DAT files from PS2 can't be done with xpacker as it only handles the wrestler type pacs that are actually the equivalent to the 360 pach files.

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By the way Tekken, since brienjs site went offline, do you happen to have your 2010 and 2011 mods somewhere so that I could get them?

I remember you and Red had some really nice looking mods over there.

The nWo, Hogan versions, Sting and a whole lot of others.

I think I may them somewhere. Will have to look at my pc backups from years ago.

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Cool, would be great if you had 'em still.

About my own progress, recreating the header to convert from "PACH" to "PAC " and the other way around should not be hard. My program now reads the 360 headers as well.

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I would love to have some of those myself. Also that sounds awesome nike.....

Edited by ConnorMacleod
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So I'm guessing at some point, your aim is to make the program fully compatible with the 360 version, right?

Does your editor support exporting characters from svr 2007/08? If not, brienj wrote down a tutorial somewhere about converting SvR 2007/2008 PAC files to work with 2010 and I found it a while ago. I'll search around for it if you want :)2 IDK if SvR 2011 to SvR 2010 PS2 conversion method works or not as I haven't seen Arjun's video.

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