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WWE 2K14 Audio finally modded! - custom audio **Tutorial**


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Spreadsheet Updated.


I have checked all audio from 133kb to 170kb so far so if you are going to help either start from before 133kb or after 170kb.


edit : I thought of another one "The Family" and Bobby Heenan for "The Heenan Family"

Edited by Red Rooster
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Is you guys ever come across these names it would be good to have

The Dream Team

The Bushwackers 

High energy

Brain Busters  (Bobby the brain / Buster i think in create a finisher)

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you can string call names together from the CAW call names too. Kurt Angle / AJ Styles for example. All you need to do it edit them with an audio editor so that they're one file.


A, Aaron, Abs, Ace, Action, Adam, Adams, Adder, Adrian, Akane, Akira, Al, Alan, Alex, Alexander, Ali, Alice, Alien, Alpha, Amanda, Amateur, Amazing, Amazon, Amber, Ambiguous, American, Amir, Amy, Andersen, Andrew, Andy, Angel, Angelina, Angle, Angus, Ant, Anthony, Antoine, Antonio, Ape, Aquarius, Arcade, Arch, Archangel, Arctic, Aries, Armadillo, Ashley, Asian, Astronaut, Atlantic, Aunty, Austin, Awesome, Azrael

B, Baby, Back, Bad, Bailey, Baker, Balmer, Baltimore, Bane, Barbarian, Barnett, Bart, Base, Basket, Bay, Bear, Beast, Bee, Beginus, Bell, Belt, Ben, Beret, Bernie, Big, Bigdaddy, Biker, Bill, Billy, Bison, Black, Blade, Blake, Blank, Blaze, Blizzard, Blue, Boar, Bob, Booger, Bottom, Bouncer, Bowen, Boxer, Boy, Brad, Bradley, Brain, Brandon, Brawler, Brent, Brett, Brian, British, Brittany, Brock, Brody, Brooklyn, Brother, Brown, Bruce, Bruiser, Bryan, Bryant, Bryce, Bubba, Buffalo, Bug, Buggy, Bull, Burglar, Buster, Butcher

C, Caffeine, Cage, Cali, Camacho, Campbell, Canadian, Canary, Cancer, Canine, Capricorn, Captain, Carl, Carlos, Carter, Case, Casey, Cassidy, Cat, Chameleon, Champ, Champion, Chang, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Cheater, Cheese, Chef, Chen, Chet, Chicago, Chicken, Chief, Chimera, Chinese, Cho, Cholo, Chris, Christian, Christina, Christopher, Chuck, City, Clarence, Clark, Claws, Cliff, Clinton, Cloud, Clown, Coast, Cobra, Cockroach, Coconut, Cody, Cole, Colin, Colt, Columbus, Commander, Communist, Convict, Cooper, Cop, Corporal, Corporate, Corpse, Cory, Cougar, Cowboy, Coyote, Crab, Crack, Craig, Crazed, Crazy, Criminal, Crimson, Crocodile, Crow, Cruise, Crusher, Crusty, Crystal, Curtis, Cyborg

D, Daddy, Dallas, Damn, Dan, Danger, Daniel, Danielson, Daring, Dark, Darrell, Dave, David, Davis, Day, Deadly, Deal, Dealer, Death, Defector, Demon, Dennis, Denver, Destroyer, Detroit, Devil, Devin, Diamond, Dickey, Dinosaur, Dirty, Disaster, Diva, Doc, Doctor, Dog, Dojo, Dominator, Don, Donald, Double, Douglas, Dragon, Drake, Dreamer, Dublin, Dude, Duke, Durr, Dustin, Dusty, Dwayne, Dylan, Dynamic, Dynamite

E, Eagle, Earl, Earp, Earth, East, Eastern, Eater, Ed, Edward, Egger, El, Electric, Elephant, Eliminator, Elite, Elizabeth, Emerald, Emerson, Emily, Epic, Eric, Erik, Ethan, Evan, Evening, Executioner, Expert, Eye, Eyed

F, Faceless, Falcon, Fallen, Familiar, Fanboy, Fast, Father, Feline, Female, Fiend, Fierce, Finch, Fink, Fire, Finisher, Flea, Fletcher, Fly, Flying, Fool, Foot, Fort, Fox, Franco, Frank, Freak, Freaky, Frenchman, Fresno, Friend, Frisco, Front, Frost, Funky, Funny, Future

G, Gabe, Gabriel, Gaming, Gangster, Garcia, Gargoyle, Gary, Gas, Gates, Gemini, General, Genie, Genius, George, Ghost, Giant, Gibby, Gilbert, Girl, Gladiator, Goat, God, Gold, Golden, Goldman, Gonzalez, Good, Gordo, Gorilla, Goth, Grabber, Graham, Grandma, Grandpa, Grave, Gray, Great, Green, Greg, Gregory, Griffin, Grime, Grizzly, Groovy, Gulf, Gun, Guru, Guy

H, Hacker, Hammer, Hammett, Hannibal, Hardcore, Harris, Harry, Hat, Hawk, Heart, Heather, Heavenly, Heavy, Henry, Herbert, Hernandez, Hero, Hideous, Hill, Hippo, Hitman, Hockey, Hogg, Holiday, Holly, Hollywood, Homer, Homie, Hood, Hooligan, Hornet, Horse, Horsemen, Hosoqai, Hotstuff, Howard, Hubert, Hugh, Hundred, Hunter, Hustler, Hustlin

I, Ian, Icon, Icy, Immortal, Indian, Indianapolis, Indy, Iron, Irritating

J, Jack, Jackie, Jacksonville, Jacob, Jade, Jaguar, Jake, James, Jane, Japanese, Jared, Jason, Jay, Jefe, Jeff, Jeffrey, Jen, Jennifer, Jeremy, Jerry, Jesse, Jessica, Jester, Jet, Jim, Jimmy, Jin, Job, Joe, Joel, John, Johnny, Johnson, Joker, Jonathan, Jones, Jordan, Jose, Joseph, Josh, Joshua, Juan, Judge, Judo, Jun, Just, Justice, Justin

K, Kabal, Kang, Kano, Karate, Kareem, Katelynn, Keith, Ken, Kendall, Kendo, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kid, Killer, Kimberly, King, Kirk, Kisser, Kitty, Kline, Knight, Kobayashi, Kong, Korean, Kowalczyk, Kurt, Kyle

L, Ladiesman, Lance, Land, Larry, Las Vegas, Lassiter, Laura, Lauren, Ledesma, Lee, Legend, Lenny, Leo, Leon, Leonard, Leonardo, Lewis, Lex, Liam, Libra, Lightning, Lilith, Lillian, Lion, Lisa, Little, Log, Loki, Long, Long Beach, Lopez, Lord, Los Angeles, Louisville, Love, Lovecraft, Lover, Luchador, Lucifer, Luger, Lui, Luis, Lumpy, Lunatic, Lurking, Luthor

M, Machine, Macho, Mack, MacLeod, Madison, Madman, Maggie, Magic, Majestic, Maker, Malcolm, Male, Mall, Mamba, Man, Maniac, Manly, Mantis, Marcus, Marge, Mark, Marko, Marshall, Martin, Martinez, Marty, Masked, Master, Mastodon, Matador, Matsuda, Matsumoto, Matt, Matthew, Maverick, Max, Maximus, McCarthy, McDonald, McGregor, Mean, Mechanic, Mega, Megan, Melissa, Member, Memphis, Men, Mercer, Mercury, Metal, Meticulous, Mexican, Miami, Michael, Michelle, Mick, Mike, Miles, Miller, Mime, Mini, Miss, Mitchell, Model, Mohammad, Mommy, Money, Monk, Monkey, Monster, Montana, Moore, Morgan, Morning, Morris, Mortal, Mosquito, Mother, Motor, Mountie, Mouse, Mr, Mrs, Ms, Mummy, Murphy, Muscle, Mutant, Mystical

N, Nashville, Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Natural, Navajo, Nelson, Nerd, Nero, New, New York, Nice, Nicholas, Nick, Nicole, Night, Nightmare, Ninja, Nitro, Noah, North, Northern, Nose, Nurse, Nut

O, Oak, Octopus, Of, Ogre, Old, Oliver, Olympian, Omega, Online, Oozing, Opal, Ophiuchus, Orange, Otaku, Outlaw, Owen, Ox

P, Pacific, Page, Pain, Palmer, Panda, Panther, Park, Parker, Pastor, Patch, Pathetic, Pathological, Patrick, Patriot, Patriotic, Paul, Peanut, Pedro, Peltier, Penguin, People, Perez, Perry, Peter, Phantom, Phenom, Philadelphia, Phillip, Philly, Phoenix, Pierre, Pine, Pinky, Pirate, Pisces, Platinum, Playboy, Player, Poker, Polar, Pow, Powell, Power, President, Prince, Princess, Principal, Pristine, Pro, Prodigy, Professional, Professor, Prototype, Prune, Psycho, Puma, Punks, Purple

Q, Queen, Quinn, Quitter

R, Rabid, Rachel, Raiden, Rain, Ralston, Ram, Ramirez, Randy, Rat, Rattle, Raymond, Real, Reaper, Rebecca, Recluse, Recto, Red, Reese, Regime, Renegade, Reptile, Rhino, Ricardo, Richard, Richardson, Rick, Riley, Ring, Rio, Rivera, Rivers, Rob, Robert, Robinson, Rocker, Rocky, Rod, Rodriguez, Ronald, Ronin, Rookie, Rooster, Roy, Ruby, Rude, Russ, Russian, Ryan

S, Sack, Sacramento, Sagittarius, Saint, Sakamoto, Sam, Samoan, Samuel, Samurai, San Antonio, San Francisco, San Jose, Sanchez, Sand, Santa, Santos, Sapp, Sapphire, Sarah, Sarge, Satin, Satoru, Savage, Savior, Scarecrow, Scorpio, Scorpion, Scott, Scottish, Screaming, Sean, Sears, Seattle, Senator, Senior, Sensation, Serbian, Sergeant, Sergio, Serpent, Seth, Sexy, Shadow, Shane, Shang, Shannon, Shaolin, Shaw, Shawn, Sheldon, Sherrill, Shingo, Show, Shrinker, Siberian, Side, Sikh, Silent, Silva, Silver, Simon, Simpson, Sin, Sister, Skater, Skinner, Slate, Slopes, Small, Smasher, Smith, Smoke, Smoking, Snake, Sniper, Snow, Soccer, Sokolov, Soldier, Sonya, Sophia, Soul, South, Southern, Soviet, Space, Spartan, Spectacular, Spider, Stalker, Stallion, Star, Stephanie, Stephen, Steve, Steven, Stick, Stinky, Storm, Storms, Straw, Street, Strong, Student, Stunt, Styles, Sub, Submission, Sue, Sullivan, Sunshine, Superstar, Supreme, Surfer, Surgeon, Suzuki, Syndicate

T, Taipan, Tank, Tarantula, Tattooed, Taurus, Taylor, Teacher, Technical, Ted, Teddy, Teenager, Terror, The, Thief, Thighs, Thing, Thomas, Thompson, Thousand, Thug, Thunder, Tia, Tic, Tickler, Tiffany, Tiger, Tiki, Timothy, Tin, Tiny, Titan, Toc, Todd, Tokyo, Tom, Tommy, Tony, Top, Tornado, Torres, Town, Toy, Travis, Trevor, Triple, Trouble, Troy, Tsung, Turbo, Turner, Turtle, Twin, Tyler, Tyson

U, Ugly, Ultimate, Ultra, Uncle, Unstoppable

V, Vampire, Van, Vandiver, Vega, Vegas, Vice, Victor, Viking, Villain, Vince, Vincent, Violet, Viper, Virgil, Virgo, Virtual, Visor, Voodoo

W, Walken, Walker, Wall, Walter, Wandering, Warden, Warlock, Warlord, Washington, Wasp, Water, Watson, Wayne, Web, Webmaster, Wesley, West, Western, Whiny, White, Wide, Widow, Wild, Will, William, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Witch, Wolf, Wolverine, World, Wrestler, Wyatt

X, Xander

Y, Yama****a, Yap, Yellow, York, Yosef, Young, Youngblood, Yuri

Z, Zachary, Zero, Zodiac

Edited by Titan83
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Heres 3 versions of the Fink saying Ultimate Warrior from LOWM



Edit : The Mega Powers is 64118403


Awesome thanks man! 


Ok I have 3 entries working now, Hawk, Animal and The Road Warriors.


Make sure when you do make your new offset that the converted offset value (offset/8) is the one that ends in 00 or 000 eg. 30CB8700/ 8 = 61970E0 (no good)

30CB8800/8 = 6197100 (good)


Yeah I have tried a number of entries with 00 and 000, but no sice. Which entries have you used? If I can't get it working later I'll start with my backup .pck and start over in case I've made an error.


you can string call names together from the CAW call names too. Kurt Angle / AJ Styles for example. All you need to do it edit them with an audio editor so that they're one file.


A, Aaron, Abs, Ace, Action, Adam, Adams, Adder, Adrian, Akane, Akira, Al, Alan, Alex, Alexander, Ali, Alice, Alien, Alpha, Amanda, Amateur, Amazing, Amazon, Amber, Ambiguous, American, Amir, Amy, Andersen, Andrew, Andy, Angel, Angelina, Angle, Angus, Ant, Anthony, Antoine, Antonio, Ape, Aquarius, Arcade, Arch, Archangel, Arctic, Aries, Armadillo, Ashley, Asian, Astronaut, Atlantic, Aunty, Austin, Awesome, Azrael

B, Baby, Back, Bad, Bailey, Baker, Balmer, Baltimore, Bane, Barbarian, Barnett, Bart, Base, Basket, Bay, Bear, Beast, Bee, Beginus, Bell, Belt, Ben, Beret, Bernie, Big, Bigdaddy, Biker, Bill, Billy, Bison, Black, Blade, Blake, Blank, Blaze, Blizzard, Blue, Boar, Bob, Booger, Bottom, Bouncer, Bowen, Boxer, Boy, Brad, Bradley, Brain, Brandon, Brawler, Brent, Brett, Brian, British, Brittany, Brock, Brody, Brooklyn, Brother, Brown, Bruce, Bruiser, Bryan, Bryant, Bryce, Bubba, Buffalo, Bug, Buggy, Bull, Burglar, Buster, Butcher

C, Caffeine, Cage, Cali, Camacho, Campbell, Canadian, Canary, Cancer, Canine, Capricorn, Captain, Carl, Carlos, Carter, Case, Casey, Cassidy, Cat, Chameleon, Champ, Champion, Chang, Charles, Charlie, Charlotte, Cheater, Cheese, Chef, Chen, Chet, Chicago, Chicken, Chief, Chimera, Chinese, Cho, Cholo, Chris, Christian, Christina, Christopher, Chuck, City, Clarence, Clark, Claws, Cliff, Clinton, Cloud, Clown, Coast, Cobra, Cockroach, Coconut, Cody, Cole, Colin, Colt, Columbus, Commander, Communist, Convict, Cooper, Cop, Corporal, Corporate, Corpse, Cory, Cougar, Cowboy, Coyote, Crab, Crack, Craig, Crazed, Crazy, Criminal, Crimson, Crocodile, Crow, Cruise, Crusher, Crusty, Crystal, Curtis, Cyborg

D, Daddy, Dallas, Damn, Dan, Danger, Daniel, Danielson, Daring, Dark, Darrell, Dave, David, Davis, Day, Deadly, Deal, Dealer, Death, Defector, Demon, Dennis, Denver, Destroyer, Detroit, Devil, Devin, Diamond, Dickey, Dinosaur, Dirty, Disaster, Diva, Doc, Doctor, Dog, Dojo, Dominator, Don, Donald, Double, Douglas, Dragon, Drake, Dreamer, Dublin, Dude, Duke, Durr, Dustin, Dusty, Dwayne, Dylan, Dynamic, Dynamite

E, Eagle, Earl, Earp, Earth, East, Eastern, Eater, Ed, Edward, Egger, El, Electric, Elephant, Eliminator, Elite, Elizabeth, Emerald, Emerson, Emily, Epic, Eric, Erik, Ethan, Evan, Evening, Executioner, Expert, Eye, Eyed

F, Faceless, Falcon, Fallen, Familiar, Fanboy, Fast, Father, Feline, Female, Fiend, Fierce, Finch, Fink, Fire, Finisher, Flea, Fletcher, Fly, Flying, Fool, Foot, Fort, Fox, Franco, Frank, Freak, Freaky, Frenchman, Fresno, Friend, Frisco, Front, Frost, Funky, Funny, Future

G, Gabe, Gabriel, Gaming, Gangster, Garcia, Gargoyle, Gary, Gas, Gates, Gemini, General, Genie, Genius, George, Ghost, Giant, Gibby, Gilbert, Girl, Gladiator, Goat, God, Gold, Golden, Goldman, Gonzalez, Good, Gordo, Gorilla, Goth, Grabber, Graham, Grandma, Grandpa, Grave, Gray, Great, Green, Greg, Gregory, Griffin, Grime, Grizzly, Groovy, Gulf, Gun, Guru, Guy

H, Hacker, Hammer, Hammett, Hannibal, Hardcore, Harris, Harry, Hat, Hawk, Heart, Heather, Heavenly, Heavy, Henry, Herbert, Hernandez, Hero, Hideous, Hill, Hippo, Hitman, Hockey, Hogg, Holiday, Holly, Hollywood, Homer, Homie, Hood, Hooligan, Hornet, Horse, Horsemen, Hosoqai, Hotstuff, Howard, Hubert, Hugh, Hundred, Hunter, Hustler, Hustlin

I, Ian, Icon, Icy, Immortal, Indian, Indianapolis, Indy, Iron, Irritating

J, Jack, Jackie, Jacksonville, Jacob, Jade, Jaguar, Jake, James, Jane, Japanese, Jared, Jason, Jay, Jefe, Jeff, Jeffrey, Jen, Jennifer, Jeremy, Jerry, Jesse, Jessica, Jester, Jet, Jim, Jimmy, Jin, Job, Joe, Joel, John, Johnny, Johnson, Joker, Jonathan, Jones, Jordan, Jose, Joseph, Josh, Joshua, Juan, Judge, Judo, Jun, Just, Justice, Justin

K, Kabal, Kang, Kano, Karate, Kareem, Katelynn, Keith, Ken, Kendall, Kendo, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kid, Killer, Kimberly, King, Kirk, Kisser, Kitty, Kline, Knight, Kobayashi, Kong, Korean, Kowalczyk, Kurt, Kyle

L, Ladiesman, Lance, Land, Larry, Las Vegas, Lassiter, Laura, Lauren, Ledesma, Lee, Legend, Lenny, Leo, Leon, Leonard, Leonardo, Lewis, Lex, Liam, Libra, Lightning, Lilith, Lillian, Lion, Lisa, Little, Log, Loki, Long, Long Beach, Lopez, Lord, Los Angeles, Louisville, Love, Lovecraft, Lover, Luchador, Lucifer, Luger, Lui, Luis, Lumpy, Lunatic, Lurking, Luthor

M, Machine, Macho, Mack, MacLeod, Madison, Madman, Maggie, Magic, Majestic, Maker, Malcolm, Male, Mall, Mamba, Man, Maniac, Manly, Mantis, Marcus, Marge, Mark, Marko, Marshall, Martin, Martinez, Marty, Masked, Master, Mastodon, Matador, Matsuda, Matsumoto, Matt, Matthew, Maverick, Max, Maximus, McCarthy, McDonald, McGregor, Mean, Mechanic, Mega, Megan, Melissa, Member, Memphis, Men, Mercer, Mercury, Metal, Meticulous, Mexican, Miami, Michael, Michelle, Mick, Mike, Miles, Miller, Mime, Mini, Miss, Mitchell, Model, Mohammad, Mommy, Money, Monk, Monkey, Monster, Montana, Moore, Morgan, Morning, Morris, Mortal, Mosquito, Mother, Motor, Mountie, Mouse, Mr, Mrs, Ms, Mummy, Murphy, Muscle, Mutant, Mystical

N, Nashville, Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Natural, Navajo, Nelson, Nerd, Nero, New, New York, Nice, Nicholas, Nick, Nicole, Night, Nightmare, Ninja, Nitro, Noah, North, Northern, Nose, Nurse, Nut

O, Oak, Octopus, Of, Ogre, Old, Oliver, Olympian, Omega, Online, Oozing, Opal, Ophiuchus, Orange, Otaku, Outlaw, Owen, Ox

P, Pacific, Page, Pain, Palmer, Panda, Panther, Park, Parker, Pastor, Patch, Pathetic, Pathological, Patrick, Patriot, Patriotic, Paul, Peanut, Pedro, Peltier, Penguin, People, Perez, Perry, Peter, Phantom, Phenom, Philadelphia, Phillip, Philly, Phoenix, Pierre, Pine, Pinky, Pirate, Pisces, Platinum, Playboy, Player, Poker, Polar, Pow, Powell, Power, President, Prince, Princess, Principal, Pristine, Pro, Prodigy, Professional, Professor, Prototype, Prune, Psycho, Puma, Punks, Purple

Q, Queen, Quinn, Quitter

R, Rabid, Rachel, Raiden, Rain, Ralston, Ram, Ramirez, Randy, Rat, Rattle, Raymond, Real, Reaper, Rebecca, Recluse, Recto, Red, Reese, Regime, Renegade, Reptile, Rhino, Ricardo, Richard, Richardson, Rick, Riley, Ring, Rio, Rivera, Rivers, Rob, Robert, Robinson, Rocker, Rocky, Rod, Rodriguez, Ronald, Ronin, Rookie, Rooster, Roy, Ruby, Rude, Russ, Russian, Ryan

S, Sack, Sacramento, Sagittarius, Saint, Sakamoto, Sam, Samoan, Samuel, Samurai, San Antonio, San Francisco, San Jose, Sanchez, Sand, Santa, Santos, Sapp, Sapphire, Sarah, Sarge, Satin, Satoru, Savage, Savior, Scarecrow, Scorpio, Scorpion, Scott, Scottish, Screaming, Sean, Sears, Seattle, Senator, Senior, Sensation, Serbian, Sergeant, Sergio, Serpent, Seth, Sexy, Shadow, Shane, Shang, Shannon, Shaolin, Shaw, Shawn, Sheldon, Sherrill, Shingo, Show, Shrinker, Siberian, Side, Sikh, Silent, Silva, Silver, Simon, Simpson, Sin, Sister, Skater, Skinner, Slate, Slopes, Small, Smasher, Smith, Smoke, Smoking, Snake, Sniper, Snow, Soccer, Sokolov, Soldier, Sonya, Sophia, Soul, South, Southern, Soviet, Space, Spartan, Spectacular, Spider, Stalker, Stallion, Star, Stephanie, Stephen, Steve, Steven, Stick, Stinky, Storm, Storms, Straw, Street, Strong, Student, Stunt, Styles, Sub, Submission, Sue, Sullivan, Sunshine, Superstar, Supreme, Surfer, Surgeon, Suzuki, Syndicate

T, Taipan, Tank, Tarantula, Tattooed, Taurus, Taylor, Teacher, Technical, Ted, Teddy, Teenager, Terror, The, Thief, Thighs, Thing, Thomas, Thompson, Thousand, Thug, Thunder, Tia, Tic, Tickler, Tiffany, Tiger, Tiki, Timothy, Tin, Tiny, Titan, Toc, Todd, Tokyo, Tom, Tommy, Tony, Top, Tornado, Torres, Town, Toy, Travis, Trevor, Triple, Trouble, Troy, Tsung, Turbo, Turner, Turtle, Twin, Tyler, Tyson

U, Ugly, Ultimate, Ultra, Uncle, Unstoppable

V, Vampire, Van, Vandiver, Vega, Vegas, Vice, Victor, Viking, Villain, Vince, Vincent, Violet, Viper, Virgil, Virgo, Virtual, Visor, Voodoo

W, Walken, Walker, Wall, Walter, Wandering, Warden, Warlock, Warlord, Washington, Wasp, Water, Watson, Wayne, Web, Webmaster, Wesley, West, Western, Whiny, White, Wide, Widow, Wild, Will, William, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Witch, Wolf, Wolverine, World, Wrestler, Wyatt

X, Xander

Y, Yama****a, Yap, Yellow, York, Yosef, Young, Youngblood, Yuri

Z, Zachary, Zero, Zodiac


You can indeed. However some sound a bit shit, since they are pronounced differently from the call names it can sound a bit odd. I upped a shitty Macho 'King' Randy Savage I did. Admittedly that's combining a call with a CAW phrase, but some of them sound a bit odd even when you splice 2 CAW calls together. I guess it depends how pick you are, haha :D

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Heres 3 versions of the Fink saying Ultimate Warrior from LOWM



Edit : The Mega Powers is 64118403


Awesome thanks man! 


Ok I have 3 entries working now, Hawk, Animal and The Road Warriors.


Make sure when you do make your new offset that the converted offset value (offset/8) is the one that ends in 00 or 000 eg. 30CB8700/ 8 = 61970E0 (no good)

30CB8800/8 = 6197100 (good)


Yeah I have tried a number of entries with 00 and 000, but no sice. Which entries have you used? If I can't get it working later I'll start with my backup .pck and start over in case I've made an error.


Offsets ive used








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Thank you mate, think I tried a couple of those. But will start over and see what I come up with.


*171kb-173kb gone through and added to the chart :) Nothing overly exciting there

Edited by LordBarker
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Theres a wealth of games out there you could rip audio from, try Legends of Wrestling Showdown, that had some high calibur names in it.


I have this game but idk who did commentary in that game.  I can work some magic w/ the files when I get a chance.

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Theres a wealth of games out there you could rip audio from, try Legends of Wrestling Showdown, that had some high calibur names in it.


I have this game but idk who did commentary in that game.  I can work some magic w/ the files when I get a chance.


Wasn't it the Brain and Shivone? Although not sure they did the intros - doubtful  I guess

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It was indeed, for a few WCW mods it could be cool.


I think someone should start a seperate thread and use it to share the intros that are being created.

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Well I've tried a load of different approaches and can't get past replacing two files.

I started from scratch and got R and B working and then Road Warriors and then I can't add Hart Foundation. I've tried all sorts of different combos of HF first then RW etc. and the third file never goes in correctly. I think I'll leave it for a day or two and come at it with fresh eyes. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it, since it happens whatever order I try to replace the files in. I would assume it's my offsets, since each file works just not when all together.



I wondered if someone might take a quick glance at these below. Obviously the Game.pck is a bit too large to send across, but just wondered if there is a problem with these values at first glance. I started with a fresh .pck and injected 'Road Warriors' call successfully into the 30C96800 offset, but whatever I add after will not play. In the instance below I've provided the values for where the second call 'Rhythm and Blues' goes. I just get silence. However if I inject the R & B call into the first offset it works fine.


The Road Warriors
The Good Guys
Hex 1DB0B99c
New Offset:30C96800 
Converted (/ 8): 06192D 
new size 8611
Rhythm and Blues
The Tough Guys
New Offset: 30C9EF00
Converted (/8):06193D
new size 960C


If anyone could help that'd be great. 

Edited by LordBarker
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I'll give it a go when I get my game back from my friend.  Somehow I deleted my Games folder...


For Showdown, does anybody know how to extract the audio?

Edited by XIII
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Well I've tried a load of different approaches and can't get past replacing two files.

I started from scratch and got R and B working and then Road Warriors and then I can't add Hart Foundation. I've tried all sorts of different combos of HF first then RW etc. and the third file never goes in correctly. I think I'll leave it for a day or two and come at it with fresh eyes. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it, since it happens whatever order I try to replace the files in. I would assume it's my offsets, since each file works just not when all together.



I wondered if someone might take a quick glance at these below. Obviously the Game.pck is a bit too large to send across, but just wondered if there is a problem with these values at first glance. I started with a fresh .pck and injected 'Road Warriors' call successfully into the 30C96800 offset, but whatever I add after will not play. In the instance below I've provided the values for where the second call 'Rhythm and Blues' goes. I just get silence. However if I inject the R & B call into the first offset it works fine.


The Road Warriors
The Good Guys
Hex 1DB0B99c
New Offset:30C96800 
Converted (/ 8): 06192D 
new size 8611
Rhythm and Blues
The Tough Guys
New Offset: 30C9EF00
Converted (/8):06193D
new size 960C


If anyone could help that'd be great. 

Its your second offset thats wrong 30C9EF00/8 = 06193DE0 not 00 like I said before "the converted offset must end in 00 or 000"

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Sorry How'd you mean so? My new offset is 30C9F00 - isn't that the '00' part? So I then divide 30C9F by 8 to get 06193D. Is that wrong?


EDIT - Ignore me! Just realised - the resultant division needs to have 00 at the end :D

God was being a spastic! Though the 00 or 000 referred to the original offset, but it's not - d'uh!


Ok, next dumbass question. How do I figure out which values will result in the calculation ending in 00 or 000? That may be the dumbest question ever, but I'm tired and my brain isn't working right.

Edited by LordBarker
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Heres how I do it :


So currently my Game_Sound_M.pck ends at 30D50E9B divide that by 8 = 61AA1D3 so the next valid offset is 61AA200

61AA200 * 8 = 30D51000 so 00 fill to 30D51000

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Makes perfect sense - so did the maths got 6194FC2, next value was 6195100 (well by my calculation) and..it worked!


Right finally time to make this fucker sound right.


Massive thanks for the explanation mate - got three names in now - at last :)

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Makes perfect sense - so did the maths got 6194FC2, next value was 6195100 (well by my calculation) and..it worked!


Right finally time to make this fucker sound right.


Massive thanks for the explanation mate - got three names in now - at last :)

The next available offset would be 6195000 but it doesnt matter.


I just discovered the in-game wrestlers loaction audio has their weight as well so I have added another sheet to the spreadsheet that will be Town & Weight combined....dammit now I have to find fucking West Noobery MassATwoShits again!!


On the plus side Ive found the other "And John Cena" so I can finally get rid of that cunt completely!

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Im gonna stay in my lane for this one.

Its fucking Chinese to me.

Would you be able to add these new name call straight in the next cdlc ?

Not possible unfortunately, to replace a wrestlers name you must replace one of the standard roster wrestlers, we have no way of adding audio names to DLC wrestlers.


I could upload a Game_Sound_M.pck with team names replaced if you want but its pretty easy to do it your self with the help of the spreadsheets LordBarker and I have done.



P.S. I am done with the spreadsheets. The arent quite complete but most of them are done. I finished up at 425kb and may have missed some below that.

Edited by Red Rooster
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