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PC Community Dlc 1 - Buff Bagwell


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I could help with the Sound File, i dont know how to add Songs but i could replace some Generic themes.

Edited by JulianBITW
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Nice work!


Would it be possible to replace a few of the DLC duplicates (Shaemus, Orton, etc.) with these pac files?

Edited by Stalker
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@juliabtw, that would be great. Please create the sound file with the wrestler themes for the roster oulined. Post the sound file here and indicate which theme's were replaced.


Guys who are creating trons, please create the trons without music.

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I could help with the Sound File, i dont know how to add Songs but i could replace some Generic themes.

Replacing generic themes isn't too hard, you can always use VisitorX' excellent Sound Injector tool.

What would be more interesting is to figure out how to add entirely new entries for the new IDs to these .pck files (and ideally create a file that already has entries for all possible IDs and adjust all the offsets accordingly). I assume Xpacker can't do this yet, can it?

I think it should be possible to figure that out for those that are good with file analysis by analyzing the Game_Sound_M.pck file.

Edited by Cave Waverider
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I would like to warn everybody to stay on topic, if you want to talk about something else just create a new topic, there's no need to do all this mess on the topics. Thank you.

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You guys think for the music you could just upload the individual wem files for people can replace whomever?

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The entrance info is dependent on the id of the music file. If people replace the files themselves, the entrance music will be off for the new wrestlers. I personally don't mind replacing the generic themes.

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The entrance info is dependent on the id of the music file. If people replace the files themselves, the entrance music will be off for the new wrestlers. I personally don't mind replacing the generic themes.


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@juliabtw, that would be great. Please create the sound file with the wrestler themes for the roster oulined. Post the sound file here and indicate which theme's were replaced.


Guys who are creating trons, please create the trons without music.

Goldberg - Ballad of a Champion
Steiner - Ballad of a Samurai
Scott Hall - Big Muscle 
Jeff Hardy - Born a Hero 
Eddie Guerrero - Brimstone
Finn Balor - Britannia          
Hideo Itami - Bubblegum Pop
Kurt Angle - Extreme Brutality 
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- The wrestler pac files will be released individually as they are completed. The pac files need to be named as per the slots assigned i.e.

1. Goldberg - 361

2. Steiner - 382

3. Scott Hall - 396

4. Jeff Hardy - 111

5. Eddie Guerrero - 156

6. Finn Balor - 499

7. Hideo Itami - 498

8. Kurt Angle- 129


So for example Goldberg will be ch361.pac. The wrestler should also have the corresponding wrestler info file (name, height, weight, attributes, etc) which can be injected with X-Packer.


I have already created a strings file with the following names assigned to the corresponding ID's:


6A53    Scott Hall

6A52    Goldberg

6A51    Scott Steiner

6A50    Rick Steiner

6A4F    Jeff Hardy

6a4E    Chris Benoit

6A4D    Kurt Angle

6A4C    Sabu


6A48    Eddie Guerrero


6A46    Hideo Itami


Taking off from your list, and with so many new (not edited) wrestlers starting to be worked on, perhaps a master list/table with all the slots with pac IDs and string IDs could be made. That way to whole community could allocate certain slots to certain characters (with more popular characters taking priority).


This way, for example, everyone working on Samoa Joe would know to use pac number X and ID number Y. Characters that have had significantly different iterations could of course hold multiple slots (for example ABA Undertaker could have a separate slot, Stunning Steve Austin could have a separate slot).


This would avoid the problem of those without the technical know-how overwriting one mod with another (ex: I downloaded Samoa Joe, what happened to my Kurt Angle?).

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I compiled a spreadsheet for the previous comm dlc's on the xbox. The link is in the comm dlc thread for the 360. I'll have to update this spreadsheet.

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Guys, correct me here if I'm wrong, but we will need a copy of X-Packer in order to use the Community DLC, right? 

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If you only want to replace existing wrestlers then no. If you want to add wrestlers to your game, then you will need X-Packer to edit your save.

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Ahh, cool. I think I'm going to splurge and buy a copy. Just let me get through the Steam Summer Sale first, Tekk. ;)



You do legendary work. Thanks so much for your time and effort. 

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If you only want to replace existing wrestlers then no. If you want to add wrestlers to your game, then you will need X-Packer to edit your save.

Of course, Gotta make sure that you make as much money as you can off the community.


Oh wait, If i say anything bad about Tekken/Xpacker i'll get told to go kill myself again......

Edited by PepsiWithCoke
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You can still use the DLC - just have to replace existing wrestlers. If you don't want to do that, then you can pay for a tool which Tekken made.

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He deserves every penny.

He deserves every penny for extorting the modding community and stunting it's growth?



Where are the original wrestler mods that you have created, which can be added to the game? How about the tools that you have coded you enable modding of the game? Tutorials you have written which help the community?


You use the term community, however a community is about give and take, not just people who leech.


If you are not happy with my tools, then code your own or find another method. Nobody is forcing you or extorting money from you. Everyone who is contributing to this forum is doing so because they want the community to grow. Nobody owes you anything.


You have already been warned by the moderators to stay on topic. Either do so or don't post in my threads, this thread is for productive people who want to contribute to this project.

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I compiled a spreadsheet for the previous comm dlc's on the xbox. The link is in the comm dlc thread for the 360. I'll have to update this spreadsheet.


I would be willing to compile a list if I could get some idea of the string ID numbers and pac numbers that are open for use.

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He deserves every penny.

He deserves every penny for extorting the modding community and stunting it's growth?


Learn what the definition of extortion means before you try using it publicly in a sentence. 


And to say that HE is the one 'stunting the growth of the community' is equally as ludicrous. His offerings, be it his mods or the X-Packer itself, are all positive contributions.  In fact, his program actually helps to further facilitate a sense of community among modders and members due to its usefulness in terms of further content creation and other capabilities. In short, Tekken (and other modders) has done nothing but enhhance everyone's experience with the game.  What have you done?


Consider this a reality check - it's people like you who destroy communities. Not a guy who spends countless hours of his personal free time trying to make a decent product great for what essentially boils down to a faceless, and at times, absolutely thankless group of strangers with a crippled ability to comprehend what's being said and a warped sense of entitlement. 

Edited by Ticaliano
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I compiled a spreadsheet for the previous comm dlc's on the xbox. The link is in the comm dlc thread for the 360. I'll have to update this spreadsheet.


I would be willing to compile a list if I could get some idea of the string ID numbers and pac numbers that are open for use.



I feel like I'm obligated to mention my Superstar Memory Table  Anyone could comment on any pac number they'd want to claim and I could input the info. (color coded with link ect.)  This would also be helpful because it might enable a secondary (more dangerous) way to add additional superstars with the Loading of Memory Sectors. (Not 100% sure I'd need to experiment more)

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