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Pozzum's Toolbox: Super String, Memory Table, Custom Titles, Empty Pofo Moveset


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Hey Pozzum thanks alot for all the trainers from 2k16 and 2k17! When it comes to WWE and mods you are my hero!

Guys, I got a question, is it possible to turn off DQ in every match from My Universe? We want to play 2k17 here instead of 2k16, but my annoying wife and daughter won't let me launch it until they get their boring barbie tag team characters in the universe against me, we are already in rivalry and all thanks to Pozzum's 00 00 0F 00 aob, but when it comes to random generated fights and events from the Universe, DQ always comes up! They are ruining my experience :'(

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13 hours ago, hinsterbender said:

To everybody: Are there any news about the gender-glitch problem beside the workaround some posts before?

Well, I did experiment with thata quite a bit and confirm some things.

There is, as I suspected, a place where the information about match participants is copied over. So what I've been doing is setting up a match between caws of different genders, changing it to male there, then restarting the match. After that both the texture glitch and DQs don't happen. And this works with the Universe as well.

However, unfortunately, this structure is not located in any consistent place and all my attempts to track down a pointer to it failed so far. I've noticed a distinct sequence of values at the start of it that can be easily found and tried making a simple tool that would scan for it, then get to the match participants from there. And it did work consistenly for me, but when I had a friend test it, it was just not there. So unfortunately no luck on that front yet.

I am working on and off on it, though.

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Just now, PaperbagLion said:

Well, I did experiment with thata quite a bit and confirm some things.

There is, as I suspected, a place where the information about match participants is copied over. So what I've been doing is setting up a match between caws of different genders, changing it to male there, then restarting the match. After that both the texture glitch and DQs don't happen. And this works with the Universe as well.

However, unfortunately, this structure is not located in any consistent place and all my attempts to track down a pointer to it failed so far. I've noticed a distinct sequence of values at the start of it that can be easily found and tried making a simple tool that would scan for it, then get to the match participants from there. And it did work consistenly for me, but when I had a friend test it, it was just not there. So unfortunately no luck on that front yet.

I am working on and off on it, though.

Cool, nice job! If you happen to find the array of bytes related to the info of the matches can you send it to us? Many thanks bro!

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3 hours ago, PaperbagLion said:

Well, I did experiment with thata quite a bit and confirm some things.

There is, as I suspected, a place where the information about match participants is copied over. So what I've been doing is setting up a match between caws of different genders, changing it to male there, then restarting the match. After that both the texture glitch and DQs don't happen. And this works with the Universe as well.

However, unfortunately, this structure is not located in any consistent place and all my attempts to track down a pointer to it failed so far. I've noticed a distinct sequence of values at the start of it that can be easily found and tried making a simple tool that would scan for it, then get to the match participants from there. And it did work consistenly for me, but when I had a friend test it, it was just not there. So unfortunately no luck on that front yet.

I am working on and off on it, though.

Sounds promising. Thx for the update!

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32 minutes ago, Slambuca said:

Can you only use one cage mod or can you select through them in game?

Can only use one. To use the others you have to swap the files and restart the game.

Edited by LordJustice17
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 @pozzum hello Pozzum, i have 2 question i hope you can help me. i have a italian copy of game. I try to change my italian string with hxd and finally i was able to change....but, when i back on game and try to select the superstar, i saw in game the string name and not the modded name:

for best understand:

- i overwrite undertaker 00 with ch file of hulk hogan (210 slot)

 - i open the italian string with hxd and change........  "World Champion VS. #1 Contender: Confrontations (Beginning)"  and i write inside HULK HOGAN...........

- with x packer i change number of string (CB91)

- i back in game save in "my wwe"

- when i select hulk.......i see the name  " World Champion VS. #1 Contender: Confrontations (Beginning)"  ..........................Why??

i did the same process with your superstar english, same result, i don't see Hulk hogan name, but that long name.....

or..... how i can change lamguage of my game? there is file in some folder that i can change language, because in game is not possible.

SECOND question.....

is ready your cheat table for Titantro??

thank a lot!!! Davide.

Edited by napolenehotel
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17 hours ago, PaperbagLion said:

Well, I did experiment with thata quite a bit and confirm some things.

There is, as I suspected, a place where the information about match participants is copied over. So what I've been doing is setting up a match between caws of different genders, changing it to male there, then restarting the match. After that both the texture glitch and DQs don't happen. And this works with the Universe as well.

However, unfortunately, this structure is not located in any consistent place and all my attempts to track down a pointer to it failed so far. I've noticed a distinct sequence of values at the start of it that can be easily found and tried making a simple tool that would scan for it, then get to the match participants from there. And it did work consistenly for me, but when I had a friend test it, it was just not there. So unfortunately no luck on that front yet.

I am working on and off on it, though.

perhaps it's something I could try to build into WWE 2K17+ feel free to pm me with any findings or more specifics if you wish.


57 minutes ago, napolenehotel said:

 @pozzum hello Pozzum, i have 2 question i hope you can help me. i have a italian copy of game. I try to change my italian string with hxd and finally i was able to change....but, when i back on game and try to select the superstar, i saw in game the string name and not the modded name:

for best understand:

- i overwrite undertaker 00 with ch file of hulk hogan (210 slot)

 - i open the italian string with hxd and change........  "World Champion VS. #1 Contender: Confrontations (Beginning)"  and i write inside HULK HOGAN...........

- with x packer i change number of string (CB91)

- i back in game save in "my wwe"

- when i select hulk.......i see the name  " World Champion VS. #1 Contender: Confrontations (Beginning)"  ..........................Why??

i did the same process with your superstar english, same result, i don't see Hulk hogan name, but that long name.....

or..... how i can change lamguage of my game? there is file in some folder that i can change language, because in game is not possible.

SECOND question.....

is ready your cheat table for Titantro??

thank a lot!!! Davide.

if you are editing it with HxD I would suggest either trying to edit each instance of World Champion VS. #1 Contender: Confrontations (Beginning)" as there will be several. (you may be editing the wrong one)

or you can change the hulk hogan pofo to use  3775  (75 37 inside hxd) which is the super string's hulk hogan.

HP Mod is starting to come together.

Hopefully we get that last DLC soon...


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@pozzum  thank you!!! really appreciate...where i can see the list or your super string? maybe i can change number string with x packer, if hulk hogan is in your super string i can put that number.....i download your super string, but where i can see the name insert?

for the Cheat engine titantron, we need to wait what??

THANK YOU, sorry for disturb.

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9 minutes ago, napolenehotel said:

@pozzum  thank you!!! really appreciate...where i can see the list or your super string? maybe i can change number string with x packer, if hulk hogan is in your super string i can put that number.....i download your super string, but where i can see the name insert?

for the Cheat engine titantron, we need to wait what??

THANK YOU, sorry for disturb.

Click on the string table link in his sig, or on the main post, and go to tab 0001.

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  • pozzum pinned this topic

@pozzum hello Pozzum how are you? sorry i don't understand what's is a dummy pac.....i download your new memory table sheet,  and i saw the dummy slot, but i don't understand what's are and how use? is not Pac plus or something like this?

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2 hours ago, napolenehotel said:

@pozzum hello Pozzum how are you? sorry i don't understand what's is a dummy pac.....i download your new memory table sheet,  and i saw the dummy slot, but i don't understand what's are and how use? is not Pac plus or something like this?

No it's for modders to make new mods.  It does nothing for end users like yourself.


6 hours ago, teylor95 said:

So any updates on the caw gender glitch?

Honestly it's pretty far back on my queue.  I've run into a few issues with Match Editor and I might tackle that again for trying Caw genders.

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Hello @pozzum, thank for your awesome work! I have a question regarding the memory sheet. I downloaded CM Punk from the Community Creations and I want to assign him a titantron and an entrance animation I downloaded from @Curb Stomp City, my question is do I have to look for the CAW Table in order to do this?

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26 minutes ago, Ozom said:

Hello @pozzum, thank for your awesome work! I have a question regarding the memory sheet. I downloaded CM Punk from the Community Creations and I want to assign him a titantron and an entrance animation I downloaded from @Curb Stomp City, my question is do I have to look for the CAW Table in order to do this?



Edit: so I have about 350 Files now hosted on 2K17+ again beta is on the Discord.  I added guys in a basic set like Slaughter, Ryback, Santino, sandow, xpac, shamrock, faarooq, honky tonk.

They come with pofos that have the name and stats from 2K16 Along with a "Generic Moveset" for them 

Edited by pozzum
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All right, I've been able to make a quick tool for testing purposes that worked both for me and my friend and let us get around the genderswapping texture glitch problems for CAWs. It's not much, but I thought I should share. But first, a couple of neccesary disclaimers.

  1. I am a random person on the internet, sharing with you a binary of a tool that intrudes into another process memory and digs around. By all means take all the neccesary precautions (which include, but not limited to, looking into how to back up your saved game) and don't trust me too much. It is possible that any kind of antivirus software would recognize this behavior as suspicious, so expect that as well.
  2. This was only ever tested in a completely unmodified latest version of the game as it is on Steam. Any modifications could potentially shift addresses around and prevent it from working.
  3. It only really works with CAWs. You can make it work with normal Superstars once they are int the match, but you might have problems setting it up.
  4. Even ignoring all that, this tool was made and tested with the whole of two people in mind. I fully expect some assumptions I made in the process to possibly be incorrect leading to the whole process failing for other people.

Here is how to use it. I'll try to include as much detail for every step as possible.

  1. Put the tool into some location where it can create files to store data and launch the game.
  2. After it loads and you are in the main menu, launch the tool.
  3. Select "Scan for CAW gender" by pressing "s".
  4. It would list the CAWs you have along with their current genders. Confirm this information by pressing "y". If you don't see CAWs that you have or the information is completely incorrect, your addresses are not as expected and you should stop now.
  5. You don't need to scan every time as this information is saved, but if you add more CAWs, new ones will not be affected until you do the scan again.
  6. Start setting up a match. It works with simple matches and Universe. Last time I checked, MyCareer just crashes if you try to put a wrong gender CAW into it.
  7. At any point if you need to add someone and you can't because they are greyed out, back out of selection and select an option in the tool corresponding to gender of a person you are trying to add - "m" if you are adding a male, "f" if you are adding female.
  8. After you add someone that way and confirm selection, press "r" in the tool to restore everyone to their normal gender.
  9. Start the match you have set up or save it if it is Universe. In theory steps 6-9 would not be required if at some way of editing matches would appear later. You are just trying to trick the game into putting CAWs of different genders into a match at this point.
  10. If it is a no DQ match, then that's it, you don't really need to do anything. Otherwise, after match has started and entrances have played out (or you skipped them), pause the game and press "x" in the tool. It could take a couple of seconds, especially when you run it first, but is should list match participants and tell you to restart the match or inform you that it has failed.
  11. If it worked, restart the match from the pause menu. Now DQs from participants attacking each other should no longer happen.

And that's it. Here is the link. If it ends up working for other people I might later do something with it, at the very list making it a bit user-friendly.

EDIT 2: It's 8th of March 2017, and the most recent patch broke it. Here is an updated version. If you used the previous one, delete wrestlers.dat and scan for genders again! CAW addresses have changed.
EDIT: It is possible to play MyCareer with it if it works for you. I've provided information about it later in the thread, but also putting it here, just in case.

  1. Use the tool to change everyone to men.
  2. Go to import menu for MyCareer and, before confirming the selection, restore genders.
  3. That's it, you are mostly done. You can play through all the turorials just fine, since there are no DQs.
  4. Once you get to the game proper, you would need to use "x" in the tool during the loading screen for every match. You only have one chance to do this, since there are no match restarts in MyCareer. If you somehow fail, your opponent will get disqualified pretty quick.

So far I've had one person confirm that it works for them and one person claim that it failed then never provide any details, so I wasn't trying to make it any more user-friendly.

Edited by PaperbagLion
Updated version for the most recent patch.
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First of all a big thank for the Tool.

i have tried under your instruction, but it works only partially.

The Scan and the gender switch works fine, and the textures at the CAW Entrance looks normal, till to the Moment when the opponent comes to the Ring.
From this Moment the CAW is glitchy. :D

The x (Ingame) function is not working, also the gender switchback to male so the Match ends in disqualification immediately.

The gender switch is a tricky task this year.

I apologise for my bad english :)


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Once again, @pozzum, I'm bothering with the sring file. This time instead of Savio Vega name I get Howard Finkel... I tried to do give him Howards name - worked as supposed - there's two Howard Finkels in my game :D Faarooq and Haku are fine now, thank You (all of those who worked wiht this string file, don't exactly know how many of you).

Edited by Lyncaz
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