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I know you need a jtag or rgh system to play  wresting legends  what programs do I need to install the mod?

Can there be a tutorial video how install  the mod it would be helpful for newbie like me I figured would ask.


it put in quote somehow my bad. 


Edited by dbz1989
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You will need a jtag/rgh 360 and an ftp connection setup so you can send files from your PC to your 360. 

You will also need a program like Horizon to resign the savefile and cas files to your console.

As long as you have those 3 things then installation will be easy, just following a bunch of simple instructions.

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You will need a jtag/rgh 360 and an ftp connection setup so you can send files from your PC to your 360. 

You will also need a program like Horizon to resign the savefile and cas files to your console.

As long as you have those 3 things then installation will be easy, just following a bunch of simple instructions.

so I would not need xpacker or anything like that. it would be like a pc replace the original files? 

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just brought rgh Xbox 360 just for this. it totally worth it.  I glad you guys are sharing this project with us it nice know there still people that care for the old school fans.   Bugsboy and Red Rooster are legends in my book.

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You guys will be blown away when this game is released. The previews that have been shared are just a small taste, there is so much more that you haven't seen....and still more to add!

i look at the PC section and see several modders asking for $$ donations because of all the work they've put into their mods. It's their perogative....but I would bet my life savings that their time hasn't amounted to half the time Bugsy and Rooster have put into this game, and it's not even finished yet. All these guys have asked for is help from those who can give the time....not one mention of $. Myself and a few others have contributed, but not nearly as much as those two. Keep in mind, the main guys working on this project, including myself, have full time jobs and kids so everyone's time is valuable. That all being said, we are working on a list of things needing to be completed...and hopefully those of you who want this so bad can help. I didn't know shit about modding a year and a half ago but with a little brain power, and trial and error....I've figured it out, well some of it anyway...lol.

Just be patient, and appreciative when the release comes. It will be worth the wait.



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You guys will be blown away when this game is released. The previews that have been shared are just a small taste, there is so much more that you haven't seen....and still more to add!

i look at the PC section and see several modders asking for $$ donations because of all the work they've put into their mods. It's their perogative....but I would bet my life savings that their time hasn't amounted to half the time Bugsy and Rooster have put into this game, and it's not even finished yet. All these guys have asked for is help from those who can give the time....not one mention of $. Myself and a few others have contributed, but not nearly as much as those two. Keep in mind, the main guys working on this project, including myself, have full time jobs and kids so everyone's time is valuable. That all being said, we are working on a list of things needing to be completed...and hopefully those of you who want this so bad can help. I didn't know shit about modding a year and a half ago but with a little brain power, and trial and error....I've figured it out, well some of it anyway...lol.

Just be patient, and appreciative when the release comes. It will be worth the wait.



I agree with you .. its hard to imagine all the time and efforts that you guys have been putting in, specially Bugsy and Rooster .. This game is a dream come true for many of us, something which perhaps will never be matched by any future or past wrestling games .. I tried to learn how the moding worked but couldnt go very far .. I could only learn how to inject bg / ch pacs and thats it .. I could never install any Community packs, couldn't save more than 3 caws ever, was unable to add more attires to any character and ended up annoying everyone on the board by asking noob questions over and over again and so I stopped .. now I play my 2K14, which I really enjoy as I managed to make it almost perfect as far as roster and arenas are concerned (thnx to Dbo, Moti, Red, Bugsy, and other helpful guys) . I didnt play 2k15, 2k16 and I am not even bothered about 2k17 as it does not any new legends to play with .. I am excited about this legend project with the hope that I am able to install and play it, thought little worried now since reading that we will have to resign the files with Horizon which did not work well for me while saving caws .. but keeping the fingers crossed .. Thank you guys



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on the wrestle mania slots what Wrestle mania  arenas are those? 

The game will come with a full set of Wrestlemania arenas (many modified to be WWF instead of WWE).

The two slots are one with a ramp and one without so you will be able to swap in which ever WM arena you want. Swapping arenas is simple and there will be a guide provide on how to do it.


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on the wrestle mania slots what Wrestle mania  arenas are those? 

The game will come with a full set of Wrestlemania arenas (many modified to be WWF instead of WWE).

The two slots are one with a ramp and one without so you will be able to swap in which ever WM arena you want. Swapping arenas is simple and there will be a guide provide on how to do it.





That awesome  I didn't think there was wrestle mania pack that freaking sweat. which ones have been modified to WWF?

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Its not finished yet but all of the early ones at least

maybe after  wrestling legends come out I could learn how do the ones you don't do let say  wrestlemania 18 or wrestlemania 11 I'm a type of person willing to learn someone could teach me

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FYI - Wresting Legends Blog Update. Thanks to Bugsy & Red, I'm now able to add previews & make new posts on the blog as an Admin. I'll be in charge of adding official content from now on. New additions have been added to the WWF, WCW & Arena sections of the blog. I've created a new design for the blog as well. Please go check it out & let me know you think: http://wrestlinglegendsgame.blogspot.com/


Edited by jbl328
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FYI - Wresting Legends Blog Update. Thanks to Bugsy & Red, I'm now able to add previews & make new posts on the blog as an Admin. I'll be in charge of adding official content from now on. New additions have been added to the WWF, WCW & Arena sections of the blog. I've created a new design for the blog as well. Please go check it out & let me know you think: http://wrestlinglegendsgame.blogspot.com/


Looks good, bro... I will have some new pic updates tomorrow hopefully. They will be in my thread. I even thought about updating all of my old pics with the Wrestling Legends icon for the blog... In my spare time that is... But, blog looks great.. Thanks

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