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Kurt Angle is a possibility now, though. A Lesnar showcase could actually work quite well. I could see them starting with his KOTR win vs RVD, his title win at Summerslam, on to his feud with Taker and the HIAC match. Big Show at Survivor Series, Angle at Mania, Cena at Backlash, the match with Guerrero for the title and of course Goldberg at WM 20. There could be a few suprises, though. Hardcore Holly perhaps? Depends on who 2K decide to get in touch with and who WWE sign off on. Think of the Arenas :D

Edited by Titan83
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Kurt Angle is a possibility now, though. A Lesnar showcase could actually work quite well. I could see them starting with his KOTR win vs RVD, his title win at Summerslam, on to his feud with Taker and the HIAC match. Big Show at Survivor Series, Angle at Mania, Cena at Backlash, the match with Guerrero for the title and of course Goldberg at WM 20. There could be a few suprises, though. Hardcore Holly perhaps? Depends on who 2K decide to get in touch with and who WWE sign off on. Think of the Arenas :D

I agree with Hardcore Holly.....Kurt Angle though, I don't know. I would love for that to happen but I got my hopes up for Owen Hart last year considering all the clues surrounding Austin's showcase & it never happened :/ Not getting my hopes up. IF Angle is in, great but they definitely need another showcase on disc to improve the possibility of a larger legends roster. I heard Tatanka was scanned. So, maybe there will be some other new generation era legends in there? I don't know. I still play 2k14. No 2K wrestling game has really interested me on the same level since.

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But if they do a Lesnar showcase, that's Ruthless Agression era and back, & not only that but solely the Smackdown main event side 👎👎👎👎

As far as legends go the only good addition to a Brock Lesnar showcase is Kurt Angle & WGTT. Lesnar pretty much feuded with the same 3 guys in his first run Angle, Taker & Big Show.

And if they do a Goldberg showcase there arent too many new additions to that that havent already been covered in previous games. You'll get Raven's Flock, Tank Abbot & Steve Mongo McMichaels.

I pray they do something different for showcase 

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i still wouldn't count out a showcase with Undertaker and maybe Kane. The cover art, flames-lightning-purple fog....I just don't think that's a coincidence.

maybe two parallel showcase...one for taker and one for Brock, leading up to their feud with each other. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

either way, hopefully we get a fresh 4-5 legends as a legend pack dlc and a new HOF showcase dlc.

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i still wouldn't count out a showcase with Undertaker and maybe Kane. The cover art, flames-lightning-purple fog....I just don't think that's a coincidence.

maybe two parallel showcase...one for taker and one for Brock, leading up to their feud with each other. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

either way, hopefully we get a fresh 4-5 legends as a legend pack dlc and a new HOF showcase dlc.

A this point I can only see them doing a WM Streak Showcase with Undertaker(with the exemption of Snuka & CM Punk though) since Lesnar is the cover star, especially since 2k17 is still being produced for last gen consoles. There is only so much data the old systems can hold as far as I know. I wouldn't mind another HOF Showcase either but a WCW showcase for DLC would be fresh & exciting too. Long overdue anyways

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I'm so stoked for this game. I just wish I could track down a PS3 with OFW 3.55 or buy a modded PS3 or 360 in general. I'm guessing you people all RGH'd your 360s yourselves? 

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I'm so stoked for this game. I just wish I could track down a PS3 with OFW 3.55 or buy a modded PS3 or 360 in general. I'm guessing you people all RGH'd your 360s yourselves? 

I sure as hell didn't do mine myself.  I found one already made up.  Do some research and you will find one... 

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I'm so stoked for this game. I just wish I could track down a PS3 with OFW 3.55 or buy a modded PS3 or 360 in general. I'm guessing you people all RGH'd your 360s yourselves? 

Search for them on E-bay & Amazon. Do your research & make sure you communicate with the seller to make sure you're making the right purchase.

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I got a bad feeling there won't be too many legends in 2k17

After the announcement of the NXT special edition for $100, it looks like you are more & more right. I don't know about you, but I'm wondering if 2K is following a pattern here. 2K14 had mostly legends. 2K15 had mostly current stars(mid 2000s through current). 2K16 had mostly legends. 2K17 looks like it is definitely gonna be mostly current stars(mid-2000s through current). So, does this mean that 2k18 will be geared more towards legend fans? hmmm... 1 year they focus on more current stars, the following year, legends....seems like a smart move by 2k IF that is what they're actually doing

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  • 1 month later...

The game is almost completed , beta have been sent , testing as begun. We will try our best to have this done by the end of the year 

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Kind of random but I was looking through the files for WrestleMania 21 for the original Xbox & the bik nameplates are all animated.  Arenas like SmackDown, Raw, Sunday Night Heat, Velocity, Armageddon, Bad Blood, Judgement Day, No Mercy, Unforgiven, etc.  I don't know if you guys already discovered them or whatnot but I have them if anybody wants them.  I've been working on getting a bunch of WCW & ECW trons together, too.  I've been gathering a lot of ECW & WCW footage from old VSH tapes & DVDs to try to make high quality trons for specific eras.

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The game is almost completed , beta have been sent , testing as begun. We will try our best to have this done by the end of the year 



Thank You 


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good stuff guys.. i hope the testers test properly and not thq/2k style. lol I'm open if you guys need any other help.. otherwise i'm gonna keep peaking at 2k16.

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good stuff guys.. i hope the testers test properly and not thq/2k style. lol I'm open if you guys need any other help.. otherwise i'm gonna keep peaking at 2k16.

Yeah, I am here if you guys need help too ;) 

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This mod is gonna be dope lol every great legends from pro wrestling history.  I have a few question  will the  wrestler  have the real theme  such  as ddp self high five theme?  Will big poppa pump Scott Steiner have  superman logo on his  tights or a even  attire  pack from 98-01?  My last question will randy savage have the correct WrestleMania V  attire?

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Yeah everything is there but the Macho WM5 , will see what i can do about that. 

Alundra , Zbyszko and all legends from 15-16 are already in. We will also add any legends from 17 if there is any.

We need help on arenas movie animation right now , anyone interested ?  Anyone can do like we did and download Aurora ,  start playing around and learn. 


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Yeah everything is there but the Macho WM5 , will see what i can do about that. 

Alundra , Zbyszko and all legends from 15-16 are already in. We will also add any legends from 17 if there is any.

We need help on arenas movie animation right now , anyone interested ?  Anyone can do like we did and download Aurora ,  start playing around and learn. 


What exactly do you mean by arena movie animation?  The videos that play on the screen for certain arenas?  I'm confused?  I am down to dedicate some time to learn the process, though.


As far as real themes go, I have a lot of the original wrestling CDs ripped to MP3s on my computer at 320 kbps (I prefer the music to be of the highest quality possible) if anybody needs them.  I have the DDP theme from the WCW Mayhem CD but I also have a version where somebody added Nirvana vocals to the instrumental, which was pretty cool.  I still have my cut ofl Rob Van Dam's ECW entrance music "Walk" by Pantera to where I'm going to have the fans chant Rob Van Dam constantly in the background like the fans would chant in ECW.  I'm also working on a couple era specific ECW trons for some tag teams like the Pitbulls, the Gangstas & the Eliminators.  I got the Dudley Boyz tron from the Best of the Dudley Boyz ECW DVD & I'm ripping the footage from the other Pioneer dvds for my trons.  Like I said, I want them to be the highest quality possible to match up w/ the other in-game trons.  I got a couple trons done that are on list but I still need to make them .bik files.  I'm looking to get this done soon because I'm going to have a little time off from school where I finally get things done.

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Yeah that video before certain arenas. 

The thing is that you need to learn fast if you want to help , we need this like now not in 8 months. Me and Rooster didnt know anything about this and we learned in a week so if we can do it everybody can. Get Aurora and start messing around with it.

Im also gonna need some championship animations for championship matches ( belt animation on screen before title fights) for the belts we changed.

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Didn´t even know that there is a beta of it. Too bad that i missed it. Would have loved to test it.

Not even really a Beta yet, more of an Alpha that has been sent out to some of the contributors for testing.

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