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WWEADDICT4LIFE - WWE2K25 Creations Now On Community Creations (NXT Women's & Men's Championships)1 point
Use the website, save as eve the drag it to the program and convert to wem. z Mike Rome AI TTS Model | FakeYou1 point
Yes, there is no sound database so you will probably see some missing names for songs. However, I was able to use the 2K24 database and it picked up most the generic songs and some wrestlers like The Miz and Boogeyman and such are filled in. It's just a matter of a database being released so that you can edit them easier.1 point
I replied to your PM. I have some ideas you can possibly try if you message me on Discord but I don't know what will work with 2k25 yet. The most likely solution to this will be executed differently than the old trick. You'll probably have to use Cheat Engine and activate a script that will allow you to go add each entrance item to your character's in-ring attire by hand (rather than copying the full attire at once).1 point
Since earlier today this morning there is now a new card pack called Sole Providers 2 which has a set reward that's Seth Rollins 2014 Persona card. also the cards from that new card pack you get these if you get them by luck randomly -masked Dirty Dom -Randy Orton '09 -Booker T '01 -Trick Williams Sole Providers 2 version. I managed to get this card earlier which I'm fine with since that card is needed to unlock Seth '14 later on if you get the other cards randomly1 point
Thanks for replying and updating the old information. I'll need to try out this Sound Editor.1 point
EDIT: Unfortunately after struggling for weeks to get this game to stop crashing when I'd click out of focus into my second monitor, and wasting many valuable hours that I could have spent doing something productive, I have been forced to make the decision to permanently delete this game, all of its files, all of its mods, and all of its cheat tables from all of my computers so that I am never again in my life tempted to try and turn this game on. I am too busy in life to be able to risk ever wasting one more minute on this. I will leave this thread up in hopes that others who are still lucky enough to be able to get this game running might get some added enjoyment out of it, but please know that I will not be able to offer any support whatsoever on this game. Goodbye 2k19 - you were my favorite game of the 2k series back when you actually worked! RIP ------------------------------------------------------ My original post introducing/explaining this thread... Here is the link for version 3 (if your copy says v2 in its name, replace it with this v3), which includes an alternate option for unlimited finishers since the one for humans only can be buggy and crash the game. Now you can just use the one to give everybody unlimited finishers and it won't crash in multi mans, etc... Download 2k19 Fun v3 (released Aug 23) If you want the new instructions for the new v3 options, scroll down a little until you see the big bold letters for NEW OPTIONS. This cheat table has some of the items I use all the time all set to a keyboard hotkey for your convenience so you can enable them all at once when you start the game. You can right click on any one of the items and go to the hotkey settings if you want to disable that item or change its hotkey. Please feel free to ask if you need help with hotkey stuff. The most popular items that are all set to this hotkey are in green. This includes all the Breakout extension options too now, which are also in green. This hotkey combination to activate all my most commonly used items at once is 3 keys, which are: [ ] \ ^Pushing those three keys together will enable all the green/common items, and remember you can change any one of them if you want. These commonly used items are: Breakout Stuff Infinite Weapon Hits (no more dropping a weapon after 4 hits) Infinite Carry Infinite Ground Drag Infinite OMG moves Get Hit Once = Paybacks are FULL (works for everybody) Keep Most Paybacks after using them (works for everybody) Starting Finishers=3, with Max Finishers=7 (and can be completely customized on both values!) 60FPS Entrances/Celebrations (if you have advanced entrances with fireworks you may need to re-time the fireworks with 60FPS turned on and save them so they're synced correctly, or they'll blast prematurely, and nobody wants that) Next we also have some extra options such as... NO KICKOUT by cpu: I suggest NOT clicking the checkbox on this, because the hotkeys will toggle it on for you. This one is great for if you've just hit a big finish and REALLY don't want the cpu to be kicking out and basically spoiling what could have been an awesome end to this match. Just toggle this on by pushing the N + K keys (haha, N and K for No Kickout... get it? GET IT???) and you will hear it say No Kickout. From then on, the cpu shouldn't be able to kick out (unless they're using their resilience payback to kickout, so pay attention to if they have that payback!). When you're done just push N+K again to disable the effect, and you will hear a beep to confirm it's disabled (meaning the CPU can kickout again). HumanPlayer= Unlimited Finisher: Very buggy and crashes a lot of multi man matches. I might remove this if I can't get it working better. Check the checkbox and just leave it running while you play, but first let me explain how this works. This is for the HUMAN PLAYER only, and it tracks who you are at ALL TIMES. When you activate this, your # of finishers won't decrease when you (the human) are using one. Keep in mind this means if you switch over to control somebody that has zero finishers at the moment, you'd still need to earn a finisher with that person, but then when you (the human player) execute a finisher, it won't decrease. This ONLY applies to whoever is being controlled by a HUMAN PLAYER!!! Switch around to anybody you want, all match long, and you'll be able to hit finishers without actually using them up... but if the CPU uses a finisher, it still decreases their finisher count normally. This script can be modified upon request to work a little differently if you have some tweaks you'd like me to make, so feel free to ask. Note: I added "Everybody= Unlimited Finishers" as an alternate option to the one above, because the one above can crash the game. Unlimited Finishers for everybody will NOT crash it. GameSpeed: Don't check the checkbox. All you have to do is double click the value on the right (it should initially say 0:Normal) and choose a faster or slower speed for the game. You can also freeze the action completely. NEW OPTIONS as of August 23 You can also find this in the cheat table if you go in the lower right corner and click Table Extras:1 point
GREG "THE HAMMER" VALENTINE 2K24 ported from WWE 2K17.1 point
Hi, In this tutorial, I will show a way of unlocking the AJ Styles Gold slot and character without playing through the tower mode which is quite difficult to complete. If you want to play the mode, there are ways around winning easily and one includes setting AJ Styles pofo attributes to max in the profile.dat file. This is the file Towers mode reads the superstars profile data from, not the pofo and moveset files injected . This is the reason why changes made to the pofo and moveset will not reflect in the superstars pofo and moveset data in Towers mode. Now to the main business. We will be making a slight edit to the misc05_save.pac file located in the 2k19\pac\root folder using a Hex editor (HxD) Ensure you have the hex editor Hxd installed on your PC or you wouldn't be able to edit the file. It is freeware . 1 .Open the misc05_save.pac file in the pac\root folder. 2. We need to know the character ID for AJ Styles Gold . It is 717. You can look this up in CCT. Convert 717 to Hex using the windows calculator set to Programmer mode. Alternatively you can use an online Hex converter 717 in hexadecimal is 2 CD. The bytes are flipped and written in the file as CD 02 3. Perform a search using the Hex-Values tab and type in CD02. You will be looking for this data as I have outlined in this screenshot. You will locate the offset (h) row 000A390 which I have highlighted. The bytes CD02 , 01 AND 1E I have highlighted need to be changed to zero. Just type 00 over those values. Do not delete by pressing the backspace key when performing Hex editing. Type over the data values. The screenshot below shows the same data with the values set to 00 Save in Hxd and close the file. Now launch your game Here is the AJ Styles Gold character listed in EDIT SUPERSTARS MODE. You will see some of the data is greyed out . This is a restriction placed by the developers elsewhere but it doesn't prevent the attributes from being edited in other modes. You can edit the moveset, skills and abilities , entrance and victory motions in the CREATE MOVESET, CREATE ENTRANCE AND CREATE VICTORY modes. You can select and load the character in CC but I'm not sure any attires selected will be rendered as gold. You can add attires in Exhibition but you will have to set the default attire when importing the pofo and moveset into universe as you can't toggle attires. These attributes also can't be edited in the Universe mode editor but you can play as the character in Universe . You can either import the character into a new universe mode or export the pofo and moveset files and inject into the Universe mode tabs using CCT. One thing I have observed is, if the AJ Styles Gold character is unlocked by playing beating the tower mode, the character isn't listed in any of the create modes . That's all.1 point
Hey folks, im still playing wwe 2k14 and WWE 13 on my ps3 again as well. I'm currently using the wwf attitude era and wcw 97'-2001 save datas in my wwe 2k14, and the caws in this saves , if I'm not mistaken are converted caws from Xbox 360 to PS3. I've been also looking for a long time for aRuthless agression era save, but I've only found a wwe 13' ruthless aggression era save for Xbox 360, so can anyone convert this savedata for PS3 please? This is the save I've found ( for Xbox360 only) https://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/41289-wwe-ruthless-aggression-0304-save-finished/ Or does anyone have a Ruthless Agression era save for PS3? It can be both for wwe 2k14 or 13' , since I have both games. I would be so much grateful if anyone can help me out whit this since it's my favorite wrestling era.1 point
1 point
Today marks the 20th Anniversary of the original Smacktalks forum which opened on May 8th 2001! When I opened the forum I had no idea it would be around for as long as it has been, or the path that my life would take as a result of it, yet 20 years later here we are! The original goal of the forum was to create an environment for people to create and share cheat codes for the original PS1 Smackdown games, with the forum personally providing me with a means of escaping school life and bullying. Compilation of Smackdown 2: Know You Role Codes by MasterOfTheSwanton Over the last 20 years many members have come and gone, code hackers, creators, modders, etc. some of which I've recently reconnected with to find they've gone on to work in the games industry, taken on graphic design roles or even started wrestling careers after finding a passion that all started with WWE Games. Other members have shared how they've gone on to form long time friendships with friends they met on the forum. Hearing things like this and how the forum has played a small role in peoples lives really makes me happy, as I could never have imagined the impact it would have. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the forum I'll be making various changes to the board in the lead up to WWE 2K22 as I want to try and bring more focus to the forum and bring in new members. In closing, I want to take a moment to thank all members past and present for being a part of Smacktalks, and the incredible staff, moderators and admins for all of the hard work they've put in over the years, it truly means a lot. Here's to the next 20 years! 🥂1 point
Good News. I talked to @tekken57 and he said it's cool to use his mods as long as you credit him. I compiled all his mods I could download from that archive and put it in a neat folder for you guys. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wfF6P-sbbo1ZnNhtIONhQa-Fv-46C4-k?usp=sharing1 point
Not sure if this is the correct forum, But was wondering if anyone had any luck editing either WWF Attitude or ECW Anarchy Rulz. After trying myself the most I've been able to do is swap out models and textures from one wrestler to another. So far I've injected Undertaker and Austins Models/Textures over ECW wrestlers using CDmage. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's a pic of what I have so far for anyone interested.1 point