After some research it seems there's no list of the 2k19 prop, a big part is the same as 2k18 but there's some new files in the prop folder.
I used the list from previous edition: https://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/68361-wwe-2k18-prop-list-completed/
And i use rePack to see what is the name and the textures of each new files.
Some of the name aren't meaningfull so i try to see with HxD if there are clues in the code.
(If you asking why i haven't used Wrestleminus, it's because i'm unable to make work the dds.exe so i can't have preview of texture...).
link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M_RaoteHE8r8jHpw3A46ToHcZ3tqp1RjPhqG1EYJ1uY/edit?usp=sharing
In yellow the 2k18 prop, in grey the 2k19. I haven't been able to understand what is some of the prop, so i have put "???". If you find i can complete the list.
Hope it could be useful.
Credit to @lovehateresume for the 2k18 list.
Have a nice day