@jeremymatthew1654 Interesting. You're manually doing what the script I had you paste is doing. So, if you're telling me the script causes a crash every time with the script... and SOME of the time it crashes when doing it manually your way... it actually makes perfect sense. The script is instantly applying the value the first moment it can be applied, while your manual way of freezing the value repeatedly re-applies it every X milliseconds. Instant vs Rapid fire. This makes me think the script would need a delay in order to bypass the freeze/crash you described, and that delay might also avoid those other occasional crashes you mentioned experiencing your manual way.
If I get some downtime outside of client requests and custom jobs, I might try and improve on the script version for you (for free) since this seems like a fun "nice to have" solution to offer people in your situation.
Have you also tried CE's built in speedhack feature? Occasionally, depending on computer and game settings, speedhack will make matches play faster and smoother. It's worth trying to see if, for you specifically, you get a smoother experience with CE built in speedhack or with my speed control cheat table.