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  1. I don't know if I understand what you're doing since I don't have the same issue to test, but try this. Copy this entire coding. Go into the cheat engine table area (bottom half of CE) and right click -> paste. You'll see a new entry called Testing. Turn it on and see if everything runs how you want now. Let me know if the effect work in the first match you try, or if it takes going all the way into a second match before it kicks on and stays how you want, etc... as much detail as possible plz. Thanks! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <CheatTable CheatEngineTableVersion="45"> <CheatEntries> <CheatEntry> <ID>4920</ID> <Description>"Testing"</Description> <Color>008000</Color> <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType> <AssemblerScript>[ENABLE] aobscanmodule(INJ60fff,WWE2K19_x64.exe,F3 0F 11 0D B1 04 4B 01) // should be unique alloc(newmem,$1000,INJ60fff) label(code) label(return) newmem: code: mov [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8314],#2 jmp return INJ60fff: jmp newmem nop 3 return: registersymbol(INJ60fff) [DISABLE] INJ60fff: db F3 0F 11 0D B1 04 4B 01 unregistersymbol(INJ60fff) dealloc(newmem) { // ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E5B WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E11: 48 8B 05 78 06 4B 01 - mov rax,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8490] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E18: 83 B8 C4 00 00 00 01 - cmp dword ptr [rax+000000C4],01 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E1F: 75 0A - jne WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E2B WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E21: C7 80 C4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - mov [rax+000000C4],00000000 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E2B: F3 0F 10 05 AD 4D 0C 01 - movss xmm0,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FCBE0] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E33: F3 0F 10 0D 1D 4B 0C 01 - movss xmm1,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FC958] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E3B: F3 0F 11 05 B5 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82F8],xmm0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E43: F3 0F 10 05 B5 48 0C 01 - movss xmm0,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FC700] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E4B: F3 0F 11 05 C5 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8318],xmm0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E53: F3 0F 10 05 A5 4D 0C 01 - movss xmm0,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FCC00] // ---------- INJECTING HERE ---------- WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E5B: F3 0F 11 0D B1 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8314],xmm1 // ---------- DONE INJECTING ---------- WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E63: F3 0F 10 0D 15 47 0C 01 - movss xmm1,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FC580] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E6B: F3 0F 11 05 89 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82FC],xmm0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E73: F3 0F 11 0D 71 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82EC],xmm1 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E7B: C7 05 53 04 4B 01 1E 00 00 00 - mov [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82D8],0000001E WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E85: C7 05 8D 04 4B 01 1E 00 00 00 - mov [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E831C],0000001E WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E8F: C7 05 67 04 4B 01 21 00 00 00 - mov [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8300],00000021 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E99: C3 - ret WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E9A: B9 19 00 00 00 - mov ecx,00000019 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E9F: E9 4C 01 00 00 - jmp WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137FF0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137EA4: C3 - ret } </AssemblerScript> </CheatEntry> </CheatEntries> <UserdefinedSymbols/> </CheatTable>
    1 point
  2. I see what you mean. I'll have a look and see if some CE solution that wouldn't in turn require user input on its own in order to do its job can be whipped up. For now I want to make sure my stuff works for everybody. Can somebody test this code with 2k19 and let me know if it's working? This is for 60 FPS entrances and celebrations. Option 1 will show you the game FPS (usually switching between 60 and 30) Option 2 will show you the game speed (usually switching between 1 and 2) Option 3 is a script you can activate that should make it so option 1 and 2 above ALWAYS stay 60 FPS with a speed of 1. You should not need to touch the first two options as they're just for observation and to confirm they remain correct when the script is activated. To activate the script in option 3 just click its box and a red X will appear in the box to confirm it is active. Copy the entire code below and paste into Cheat Engine's cheat table (the big white space that takes up the lower half of CE) and you should get the options described above. Someone please let me know if this works.
    1 point
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