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  1. Multiple run-ins could be a game-changer, and having multiple objects in the ring without them disappearing would be sick too
    1 point
  2. I'll add these to my growing list of potential ideas to explore as I move forward, but no, I haven't already looked into those things previously. I feel like something already exists that might have cut scene control, or maybe I'm thinking of something that was for a different game? Might have been a story creator. Might be worth looking around just in case it already exists for 2k19, because something of that magnitude would be a long time for me to figure out how to make myself (if I even can). I can't remember if it was an actual trainer or a cheat table for CE that someone else made, but it definitely sounds familiar.
    1 point
  3. WWF Smackdown! (PS1) Expansion patch version 1.0 by yumboy11 *Notice: this patch is freeware and not to be sold in any way or used in any projects requiring donation or payment. Download Make sure to read the included Read Me file for all the information on how to install and use the CAW Injector Things needed to play this mod: A legally acquired unaltered NTSC .BIN file of WWF Smackdown! (SLUS-00927) Xdelta UI: https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/598/ PS1 Emulator (Duckstation recommended) Cheat Engine: (Required for CAW Injector) https://www.cheatengine.org/ Included in this patch: -Full restoration of Jeff Jarrett who was removed from the game -Jarrett added to rankings the selection menu, and all modes -Changed Jarrett's starting weapon to guitar -Custom Jeff Jarrett and Debra titantron -changed prototype portrait of Jeff Jarrett to match style of retail game -Beta/Prototype CAW parts restored of Droz, Meat, Jeff Jarrett, Masked Wrestler (Psychosis) and alternate Chris Jericho Hairstyle. -all CAW parts unlocked from the start -Optional Variation of the mod that add wrestlers from WWF Smackdown! 2 Know Your Role to the CAW mode. (Used 1999 as the Roster cut off point, so not all Smackdown 2 Wrestlers are in the mod) -Plain black ring skirt has been changed to Generic WWF one -Reporter (interviewer) in season/pre-season is changed to Michael Cole if you use the SD2 CAWS Version -CAW injector cheat table to automatically create pre made CAWS for you. -Uses different save ID, so it will not conflict with normal WWF Smackdown! save files -Includes 4 variations of the mod to choose from depending if you want a more tan Jarrett and if you want default of the WWF Smackdown! 2 CAWS Credits: Inspired: Solving issues with Jeff Jarrett Restoration across the modes such as season, create a superstar, Royal Rumble, King of the Ring, Rankings, and the selection menus. And allowing me to use the Blue meanie Attire mod KSD2, Lawzy, NMCM, and SynysterSoftware for general support and ideas Taz1096: General support and ideas and allowing me to use the Owen Hart mod. Sean O Connor: Ideas for Ring Mats and Ring Skirts improvements
    1 point
  4. Ported Referees Pack - Mike Chioda (SvR 2008) - Nick Patrick (SvR 2008) - Mickie Henson (SvR 2008) - Scott Armstrong (SvR 2009) [DOWNLOAD] For more frequent updates on all of my mods including progress updates on Layin' The SmackDown!, feel free to join the LastGenModz discord server. https://discord.gg/kGZuCEfybG
    1 point
  5. Hey man, I still play this game! I invested so much time into modding it that I cannot bring myself to either: a) leave behind all the work I did b) start modding all over again in a new game I personally haven't uised any Cheat Engine stuff on this game, although I believe that someone did a camera angle mod
    1 point
  6. Hi, In this tutorial, I will show a way of unlocking the AJ Styles Gold slot and character without playing through the tower mode which is quite difficult to complete. If you want to play the mode, there are ways around winning easily and one includes setting AJ Styles pofo attributes to max in the profile.dat file. This is the file Towers mode reads the superstars profile data from, not the pofo and moveset files injected . This is the reason why changes made to the pofo and moveset will not reflect in the superstars pofo and moveset data in Towers mode. Now to the main business. We will be making a slight edit to the misc05_save.pac file located in the 2k19\pac\root folder using a Hex editor (HxD) Ensure you have the hex editor Hxd installed on your PC or you wouldn't be able to edit the file. It is freeware . 1 .Open the misc05_save.pac file in the pac\root folder. 2. We need to know the character ID for AJ Styles Gold . It is 717. You can look this up in CCT. Convert 717 to Hex using the windows calculator set to Programmer mode. Alternatively you can use an online Hex converter 717 in hexadecimal is 2 CD. The bytes are flipped and written in the file as CD 02 3. Perform a search using the Hex-Values tab and type in CD02. You will be looking for this data as I have outlined in this screenshot. You will locate the offset (h) row 000A390 which I have highlighted. The bytes CD02 , 01 AND 1E I have highlighted need to be changed to zero. Just type 00 over those values. Do not delete by pressing the backspace key when performing Hex editing. Type over the data values. The screenshot below shows the same data with the values set to 00 Save in Hxd and close the file. Now launch your game Here is the AJ Styles Gold character listed in EDIT SUPERSTARS MODE. You will see some of the data is greyed out . This is a restriction placed by the developers elsewhere but it doesn't prevent the attributes from being edited in other modes. You can edit the moveset, skills and abilities , entrance and victory motions in the CREATE MOVESET, CREATE ENTRANCE AND CREATE VICTORY modes. You can select and load the character in CC but I'm not sure any attires selected will be rendered as gold. You can add attires in Exhibition but you will have to set the default attire when importing the pofo and moveset into universe as you can't toggle attires. These attributes also can't be edited in the Universe mode editor but you can play as the character in Universe . You can either import the character into a new universe mode or export the pofo and moveset files and inject into the Universe mode tabs using CCT. One thing I have observed is, if the AJ Styles Gold character is unlocked by playing beating the tower mode, the character isn't listed in any of the create modes . That's all.
    1 point
  7. Made a Menu Mod paying homage to the WrestleFest Arcade Game from the early 90's. Made some Menu Renders from Hasbro figures to go along with it. Enjoy. Download here - DOWNLOAD LINK Don't try this at home screen Press Start Screen Main Menu Character Select Screen Pause Screen Transition Video (plays after moving from a match back to main menu) Universe Mode Menu
    1 point
  8. Eggman, this is so cool. Thank you for the time you put into this. Guys, in case you are looking for the download link, here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x38ha3tlCcCswdBTq9KHX4fJKbKpsG1C/view?usp=sharing
    1 point
  9. Hi @eplate2 Regarding the names you want to add to the string. You will need to use wrestleminus as its probably the easiest way. You need to open the string_win.pac file in the mods\superstring\pac\string\win folder in wrestleminus. Highlight the first 0000000 as shown in the screenshot then click on the string viewer tab. You can scroll to the ID's listed in this screenshot since they are unused. Scroll down to the HEXREF row 5E90 double click and clear the string value "5E90 EMPTY STRING TO BE FILLED.." AND add the name to the blank string space. You can do the same using 5E91, 5E92 5E93 and 5E94 . After making the changes , click on SAVE CHANGES. Now on to the question about the Repoman string. It seems you are using a downloaded custom string with additional names in @DFM85 's pofo and moveset file thread. The string name Mansoor is not included in the original superstring file but was added in that file. On searching for the name MANSOOR, you will discover 2 entries as shown in the screenshot below. The 2nd ID 5B6D , is the ID assigned to the string name REPO MAN in the original superstring file. It may have been mistakenly renamed to MANSOOR in error. You can just edit the name and replace with REPO MAN. Click on SAVE CHANGES. That's all .
    1 point
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