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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2024 in all areas

  1. Custom Character Tools 2019 This is the place for all questions, bugs, error messages and suggestions regarding the new Custom Character Tools 2019 for WWE 2K19! First I want to say a THANK YOU to @Cave Waverider for another great cooperation this year! And also a BIG THANK YOU to @BamBams Universe! Without your donations and kind words there would be no CCT this year!!! Features Changes Download Tutorials FAQ And before anyone ask .. No, it does not work with pirated versions! And you will need the latest Steam version of the game! At this point 1.0.3. Any newer version needs an update!
    1 point
  2. TRIBUTE is here! TRIBUTE is a free tool for WWE 2K24 that fully automates the process of getting a modded character into the game. It's never been easier. This is an Alpha release for testing, that will be refined and built upon over time. This first release includes the full character wizard and adding alt attire slots to vanilla wrestlers. This tool will enable you to install character mods with ease on new slots, complete with character mapping, renders, and profile data without the need for cheat engine. It uses a simple wizard to guide you through the process. It's never been this easy. DOWNLOAD LINK ( Current Version 1.010) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UHid7fyFF67dCD4XLWZLjE3wMg5Ix0qb/view?usp=sharing Keep up to date with the latest progress on the TRIBUTE twitter page: https://x.com/Tribute2K IMPORTANT: Backup your save. Once you have added new slots to the game using this tool, you will not be able to change their pofo info again, unless you start a fresh save (or revert to a save where you weren't using this tool). So plan the slots you are adding carefully. To start over you must use fresh jsfb files with the tool again and use save files untouched by this tool. ALSO IMPORTANT: When the game has an official update, you will need to readd your slots to the updated game files. If you keep a record of the profile information you've used, you won't need to start a new save, and your save files should keep the profile data you entered last time, so you just need to re-add your slots. (There is also the chance that an official update may break this tool, so if that happens just wait for an update to come out.) VERY IMPORTANT: Do not try to use the tool to add alt attire slot to new slots you've added! The alt attires option is only for vanilla wrestlers! You will break things if you do this and it won't work!! Using this option will generate a fixed number of alt attires (3 total) for a vanilla wrestler, and if a wrestler already has alt attires, the total including those will still be 3. So Jey Uso for example has 2 alt attires already, so using this tool will give you the 3rd. Instructions: 1) Place the following vanilla files in the same folder as the Tribute.exe: charactermapping.jsfb, facetextures.jsfb, charprofiletable.roster.jsfb (these are included for your convenience) 2) Run Tribute.exe and follow the onscreen instructions. 3) Take a note of the character ID you are given at the end of the wizard, as you will need to know this so you can setup your character folders and renders. There is an option to choose your character ID, but it is recommended you tpe "0" here so one can be auto-assigned, as choosing an ID is for advanced users only, as you need to know which IDs are actually unused by the game. 4) Look at the included help images to see how your folders, files and render should look like.) 5) Character folders are named like this-> Placeholder_INSERTID_A0, and INSERTID_Alt_Attire, where your replace "INSERTID" with the numerical character ID that Tribute will give you after you create a character. 6) Make sure all the files inside your attire folder are renamed to include the character ID. 7) Your renders should be named like this: PLACEHOLDER_INSERTID_ATTIRE0, where your replace "INSERTID" with the numerical character ID. 😎 Don't forget to put the files charactermapping.jsfb, facetextures.jsfb, charprofiletable.roster.jsfb in their proper folders to be baked, after Tribute has modified them with your new character data. charactermapping.jsfb goes in your 'Characters' folder, and the other two go in your 'Roster' folder. 9) Check the "HometownIDs.txt" file to find the numerical ID you need when setting your character's hometown during the wizard. Also check the "Announcer And Commentary ID list" file if you want to use those. 10) Adding Alt Attires to vanilla wrestlers is option 2. It works in the same way the attire slots worked in PlaceHolder Tribute mod. (Do not use this to make alt attire for new slots you've added, as it will not work and may break your game!) Refer to the AltAttires help images to see how the files should look. Using this option will generate a fixed number of alt attires (3 total), and if a wrestler already has alt attires, the total including those will still be 3. So Jey Uso for example has 2 alt attires already, so using this tool will give you the 3rd. 11) ADVANCED: Option 3 -Loading from BulkData.txt - Every time you add a slot or an attire, an entry is saved in SaveData.txt, so later on if you have to start over (if there is an update, so you need to), you can reload all your data in at once by pasting your SaveData.txt into BulkData.txt, and choosing option 3 in the main menu. This is an advanced feature and experimental, but it will be improved over time. NOTE: If you run the tool with fresh jsfb files, the SaveData will be cleared, so backup what you want to keep. NOTES: - At present the tool supports up to 139 new slots! - At present this tool is in the Alpha testing phase, so back-up your save-games before using, and use at your own risk! - Make sure you input everything carefully when using the wizard, as I've not setup many checks yet to make sure the input is right, so you could cause unknown issues. - If you need further help with this tool, please join the PWMods discord and asking in Modding Help channel! CHANGELOG: -1.04 - Fixed error that could cause issues when creating alt attires. Added bonus so if you type "brock" into the main menu, it will unlock modern Brock with attires, and unlock Brock '14. See bonus help image for render names. -1.05 - Fixed issues with certain renders not working (for 112, 128, etc). Fixed issue with selecting a custom slot on first entry reverting back to auto-assigned 104. Fixed height issues with selecting 5 ft 11 inches. -1.06 - Added SaveData file and BulkdData files. Every time you add a slot or an attire, an entry is saved in SaveData, so later on if you have to start over (if there is an update, so you need to), you can reload all your data in at once by pasting your SaveData into BulkData, and choosing option 3 in the main menu. This is an advanced feature and experimental, but it will be improved over time. NOTE: If you run the tool with fresh jsfb files, the SaveData will be cleared, so backup what you want to keep. -1.07 - Removed wrestler IDs 120 and 121 from list, as these are the Dudley Boys! Oops! -1.08 - Fixed issues with camera and missing warm-up animations in entrances. Fixed missing entrance and victory entries, so now you don't have to paste them from other characters onto the new slots. Added mod folder structure, so you can just take the BakeMe folder and bake that, after you have put your mods in it. -HOTFIX (v1.08) - Fixed issue with disappearing renders when adding alt attire slots for The Rock and Triple H. -1.09 - Added new feature to setup 4-man entrances and victories for your stables. -1.10 - Updated so it works with latest game updated, and added an additional 90 slots, so now there are 139 slots total! Also added a feature to add superstar+manager entrances and victories, for example "Undertaker with Paul Bearer" entrance. CREDITS: A special thanks to BlindedByTheGrace, for the wealth of knowledge he has shared with myself and many other modders along the way, and for his work on the original PlaceHolder mod Also a special thanks to Fred for partnering with me on the Placeholder Tribute project and all his hard work so far on GFX and Arena support. Another special thanks to PWMods for the awesome tools they release, without which none of this would be possible.
    1 point
  3. ---ESPAÑOL--- Necesito el DLC de The Outsiders de WWE 2K14 para XBOX 360. O mejor, todos los DLC incluyendo Outsiders y que me digan qué hacer para desbloquearlo. ---ENGLISH--- I need the WWE 2K14 The Outsiders DLC for XBOX 360. Or better, all the DLCs including Outsiders and tell me what to do to unlock it. Gracias/Thank You
    1 point
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