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  1. Now updated with version 1.09! Best place to start would be this thread: It shows how to do it in 2k23, but it is almost exactly the same, except the pofo layout has slightly changed, but this will get you started. Just always remember to NEVER launch the game when cheat engine is running, but ALWAYS run cheat engine AFTER the game is running and in the main menu, otherwise the game will detect the cheat engine and you may get an online ban.
    2 points
  2. FYI: I may occasionally lock this thread so the replies don't get out of control. Remember it's always fastest to contact me directly, either by PM on the forums or a message on Discord! Discord username is: Tacogear Updated September 11, for patch 1.17: No NEW notes to add, so we default to the most recent new notes (1.15): A temporary FIX has been added for the black screen/crash that happens at the end of an 8man tag where the winning team has exactly 2 males and 2 females. Scroll to the very bottom of the cheat table and use the option called: "DoubleClick value and select No Victory Scene--->" You will notice there is also a red warning above and below it, reminding you TO NEVER CHECK THE BOX. The way to use this option is to pause the match and then in CE you will double click the value on the right, and select "No Victory Scene" and click OK. Unpause the game and continue playing that match. Note: You will do this DURING the match; not before. Again, I repeat, you will let the match start and you will pause the game and select No Victory Scene in CE. It will be active ONLY for that match. Later on, if you want to disable the victory scene in another match, simply pause the game during that match and select No Victory Scene again. Just remember it's going to reset itself after each match so you'll need to do it again. I DO NOT recommend checking the box on the left to try and "freeze" it permanently for the session. Updated August 1st, for patch 1.14: The Title/MITB selector option for MvF has been fixed, as well as the problem with champions not showing up when you try to edit them in Universe mode. For those wondering if blood effects are good in this patch, the answer is YES. (older patch/update notes are at the bottom of this post) Welcome back, my friends! It's that time of year again! The early version of MvF Intergender for WWE 2k24 is now available to my 2k24 supporters! I'm going to run this the same way I did for 2k23, which means you can decide how much you want to donate but the amount will decide how quickly (or slowly) you get served. Once you donate, you are added to my list for ALL future 2k24 patch updates! Just please don't be that guy that sends 50 cents or a dollar but expects fast service from me, and gets angry when told they have to wait their turn. Rule of thumb: "If the donation is LLLow, the wait will be LLLong." I do it this way to help make it so everybody has a chance to get this. If you can't donate as much as others can, it's only fair that you would wait for service, which is a lot better than being told you can't have it at all, right? How this works: This requires us to set up a special version of Cheat Engine together, which means it can take a while to set up, especially if you run into some of the more time consuming issues people sometimes run into. I'll be willing to get you all set up with a custom version of Cheat Engine and make sure it's compatible with your system, in exchange for whatever you consider to be a GENEROUS donation, please!! That's right... I'm leaving that part up to you: please decide how much your generous donation should be, and remember that I'll offer the same level of priority and care in return. If your donation shows me you take this very seriously and it's a major priority in your life, I'll be sure you're taken care of accordingly. If you need this fast but money is tight, talk to me first about how soon you expect to be served and we'll figure out how much you need to donate in order to receive it by whatever date you need it. If you need it IMMEDIATELY and want to be served NEXT, please let me know and we'll figure out if that's possible! I am looking for people that are eager to show me support. It's very difficult to provide a proper undetected Cheat Engine that is compatible with this game and can apply the enhancement effects without the player controls breaking during a match... *raises fist high* But I did it! Please keep my never ending dedication to MvF in mind as you decide how much you'd like to donate to this noble cause! Dig it? Ooooh yeeeeah! In my tests, here is what I can confirm so far regarding the MvF intergender features: -CAWs shouldn't have those infamous weird visual glitches in Play mode, and might not have as many in Universe mode either! - Females can get busted open! - The CPU targets & attacks everyone equally! I fixed several points where CPU didn't want to attack or would just release carry moves, etc... ALL FIXED! - Royal Rumble pre-populated participants will already be a mix of male and female! Rumble works great! - 10/20/30 Man Gauntlet Match pre-populated participants will already be a mix of male and female! Gauntlet works great! Current minor issues being worked on: - For now, if you set up a Special Ref match, after you select your characters you have to toggle MvF off before the match begins to load and then toggle MvF back on after the loading bar at the bottom of the loading screen has filled up more than half way, or the game could crash. - Just like in previous years, a DQ happens if a male hits a female. FIXED WITH NEW UPDATE! - If you leave MvF turned on while you browse around in the game and adjust various settings, make saves, etc... there is a chance the roster can get "corrupted" as in the MvF change becomes permanent. Try to remember to toggle MvF off if you're making various roster edits, settings changes, etc. This glitch should already be fixed with new update, but it's still a good idea to be careful. Eventually as people bring issues and requests to my attention, I will add to the features just like I did last year. If you report an issue or have a request, please be SUPER detailed in how you explain it to me so I can do my best to try and duplicate whatever you're explaining. I don't play the game much, so I might not be familiar with certain things you would think I should be, so please be detailed. As of patch 1.04 I've added the hotkey to force a breakout attack during the celebration after a multi person match. The hotkey to press is v+b and if you timed it right the breakout option will appear on screen! Also added several match rule modifiers so you can toggle various rules during matches! Let me know if any of them don't work right. Things you should know: 1) You have to be willing to get on Discord (or a similar messenger service) so we can set this up together. Be prepared for this set up process to take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2+ hours. Most people see the quick side of that, but yes, sometimes it takes longer if your computer has issues. If things get really difficult, I can get on TeamViewer to help you remotely, but that shouldn't be necessary. 2) Each time you launch the game, the activation of the MvF script takes a few minutes before it takes effect. If you have a slow computer, it might take a while to turn MvF on. For some people it takes around 5 minutes, but it can take longer because of how much work the script needs to do to protect you from the game's malicious crashes, etc. 3) ALWAYS make back ups of your save folders because you can be sure that in future patches, 2k will try and ruin this the same way they've tried so hard to ruin previous methods of having fun. If you always make back ups of your save, you should probably be able to stay on whichever patch was last working for you (or revert back to it), in the event that a future patch completely breaks this process. I will continue to support my donors for as many patches as possible, just like I did the entire life of 2k23 (and continue to do for people that still play it). I will make every effort to update this and replace it with working alternatives as 2k attacks us... but if there comes a time when 2k release a patch so malicious that I can't get intergender enhancements working, you'll have to stay on the most recent patch that worked. 4) NEW OPTION! Sponsor somebody that can't donate! If you know somebody that absolutely cannot send a donation and you'd like to cover them, send me a message to negotiate those details. How to donate and/or show support? I have multiple options depending on how much you want to donate, so please contact me via private message here on the forums or on Discord! My Discord username: tacogear Known bugs still being worked on: Change log/update notes:
    1 point
  3. I'd love to see it. Personally I'd use it. I don't really play 2k20, 2k22, or 2k23 much anymore, but there's definitely something about the action of 2k19 that has an edge over the newer games.
    1 point
  4. Hey man, I still play this game! I invested so much time into modding it that I cannot bring myself to either: a) leave behind all the work I did b) start modding all over again in a new game I personally haven't uised any Cheat Engine stuff on this game, although I believe that someone did a camera angle mod
    1 point
  5. Never mind. I got the retextures for the sponsor signs, exit signs, monitors, turnbuckle pads, arena logos to work. I think you have to restart the game for it to work. So now everything I tried retexturing works.
    1 point
  6. I forgot to include the sdb file, so I've updated the link
    1 point
  7. Hey just a heads up to everybody. I know if you're in this thread you are playing 2k24, but I want to take a moment to direct your attention to the fact that I am starting a 2k19 Cheat Engine thread now! I went back to playing this game and instantly felt SO at home. The controls take a little getting used to again (like 5 mins max) but once you remember those old, more friendly controls, it's like you never left the game. So much more fun to play with so fewer annoyances (sigs and finishers are ONE button, there's no need to sit there grappling up with a person before every grapple move, etc). If by some chance you're interested in breathing new life into 2k19 with CE, please check out my thread here-->
    1 point
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