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  1. First of all Credits to some people without this guide would not be possible. @trioxin1331 who was able to locate some of the files and @squaredcirclefan, who once again, helped me by answering some questions I had. Tools you need: - A Hex Editor - PAC Editor - Photoshop and/or GIMP - Oodle tools - Additional tool, I suggest: rePac - Optional: WrestleMinus This guide for epople who aim for somethinh like a total conversion and/or like to add some (maybe) oldschool flavor, not just to their roster, shows and arenas, but also to the games menu. I try to explain everything as good as I can, but I recommand that you should already have some experience with using some of the tools I mention. As you noticed there are a couple of WWE-Logos in the main menu. To change that open the string_win.pac (if you use mods that conatain that stringfile, edit that in your mod directory) with the PAC Editorthe pac file that fits for you games language. Don't know all the languages, but 97E1814036AE7 is englih and A1EF7F4322D03055 is german. The easiest way to find out which pac file fits to you games language is to open the string_win.pac with WrestleMinus, selte the @00000000 under one of those number-character combinations (which are the pac files) and select "StringView" and browse through the file. If you find some lines that fit you language, you found the correct pac file. Now extract the 0000.dat from the pac file and open it with a Hex Editor. Now search for  and replace all of them it with WWF (or AEW or WcW or NwO or whatever you like, but it should be 3 letters). Now do the same with  (It would replace the WWE-Live Logo, that you see in the bottom right of the Main Menu and wherever else that appears) Save the file and inject it back into your "language-pac" and that back into the string_win.pac Note: You could also edit the file with WrestleMinus, but the downside is that in some cases it would only allow you to delete character and not add or overwrite characters. But you decide how you want it. Next thing are some images in the the Universe Mode. One is itag_universe_win.pac in the folder WWE 2K19\pac\menu\win\Assets\wwe19_texture. I suggest to extract such pac files with rePac with "Mass Extract"-Option to get the .dds files as such and not as oodl. To get the .pac within the file (as you need that for the re-injections) use the Pac Editor. If you have more knowledge about using the tools, you know how to converst the oodl to .dds, of course. This file would show a WWE logo in the "news" screen of the Univrse mode. Open the .dds files with Photoshop or GIMP and edit those with the WWE-Logo. I Use Photoshop, and what I do is to save the files first as .PNG and then convert them to .dds with GIMP (I select the BC1/DXT1 compression). As filename choose the same name the original file (0001, 0002) Now compress the .dds files too .oodl files with the oodl tool. Inject the files back. The Next file is itag_rank_win.pac located in pac\menu\win\assets\wwe19_texture\universe. Do the same steps as mentioned with editing the file in itag_universe_win.pac There should be 5 files for the rankings (5 WWE Logos with 1-5 Stars). Another files you might would like to change is itag_common_win.pac located in pac\menu\win\assets\wwe19_texture. The .dds you are looking for in there is 00000009 You might have noticed that there are WWE Logos in the calendar, show and wrestler/roster selection screen and also where you get the rivalries dsiplayed im the calendar-screen. This files is repsonsible for it. Also edit this file in the way you did before (extrac, edit, re-inject, you know the drill ;-)) Other files that could "disturb" you with the current WWE-Logo are: Credit Screen: itag_regal_win.pac located in: pac\menu\win\assets\wwe19_texture (Note: Needs to be addited according to your versions language. You will see it when you have the file extracted) Microphone-Icon (Promo-Screen): ltag_universe_career_win Also located in: pac\menu\win\assets\wwe19_texture Don't try thsi at home-Screen: ltag_dont_try_win located in: pac\menu\win\Assets\wwe19_anime (Note: Needs to be addited according to your versions language. You will see it when you have the file extracted) I already made some mods for some of those files, or wrote a guide. For more information visit:
    1 point
  2. Again, god bless Matt for the Amazing attires.....Thanks Lordbarker for the suggestions for creating the attires. RW Animal attire
    1 point
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