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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2023 in all areas

  1. I noticed this post and wanted to share an idea that may help. I can't test this myself right now as my main computer with all my gaming stuff is broken (plus my version of SE never has had a problem opening), but if I'm understanding your post correctly it sounds like forcing a maximized or fullscreen window may be solving the error some people are having? If so, may I recommend checking out a program I've found to be very handy in similar situations in the past with other problematic programs and how they failed to display on launch. It's called Borderless Gaming, and you can set it up to force a program to fullscreen and/or bordeless, which in some cases has triggered programs to work when they previously did not work. You can also toggle it back out of those settings too, which may trigger the screen to show up correctly. It's a free program which I believe is still available on SourceForge. Ignore any search results that link to a paid version as that's not necessary. If I'm misunderstanding and/or BG doesn't end up helping the issue some are having, my apologies... but I figured I'd throw the idea out there as it may be a simpler fix to just set Borderless Gaming up to always automatically take control of Sound Editor's window every time a person launches Sound Editor. I'm a big fan of your work with SE so hopefully this can help some people out!
    1 point
  2. For anyone trying to find the Albert link here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/file/h561f7496suea2v/ch83902.pac/file
    1 point
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