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Hi, As promised, I am putting up a tutorial about editing the ring announcer data file. I will try to break it down as much as possible. The sound.pac file contains commentary data, ring announcer data and some other bit, some which I;ve not been able to decipher, but I will share what I have already discovered or what I know. With the dlc releases , the sound_p30.pac file in the pac/audio folder will supersede the others, so we want to edit this file rather than the sound.pac file. I will outline the steps and some explanations below. TOOLS REQUIRED : Pac Editor, HxD. CCT - You need to open CCT so you can look up the ch ID's of each character slot which you will need to convert to hexadecimal using the windows calculator set to programmer mode. I will also assume you know how to use pac editor and its decompress\reinject functions. It is also assumed you know how to convert decimal ID's to Hexadecimal and vice versa using the Windows calculator. Here is a copy of an un modified sound_p30.pac file https://mega.nz/file/RQwQ3YwR#fXaUytSvEsySzs6yTOcBt1ehG7QqaaW2JNiZ07UiP9k 1. Open the file using Pac Editor. Click on MASS EXTRACT to decompress all it's contents. 2. browse into the folder and subfolders created. You will need to open the @0BFD09BF523F7140.pac folder 3. You will see a list of folders . The two I have worked with are the C8 and 012C files. The C8 file contains the ring announcer data while the 012C contains the commentary data. This is the file I edit to modify the commentary call name for moves during matches. But what we need is the C8 file. Click on the @C8.pac folder created to view it's contents. 4. You will see a lot of files beginning with ra. This stands for ring announcer. Each of these files control various ring announcer functions in the game. The 15.rass file holds ring announcer data for character name announcements. Open this file in HxD. You will be presented with the following. Please take note this is an unmodified file. The sound file in the ported moves and entrances pack has been modified. I will explain the data entries in this file. Each Superstar in the game has a ring announcer ID. this ID is linked to the announcer names you find when you open the ra_m.pck file in sound editor and search for the superstar's name. These are not the ID's you see listed in sound editor. The first entry 64 00 00 00 04 1C 89 CC is for The Rock . Each entry is 8 bytes long. 64 being the 1st byte, 00 2nd byte, 89 the 7th byte and CC the 8th byte etc. His CH ID is 100, which is 64 when converted to Hex. The bytes are flipped (00 64 written as 64 00) . The last 4 bytes in orange 04 1C 89 CC is the ring announcer ID for The Rock. This value hasn't changed since WWE 2K16. The next 8 bytes 65 00 00 00 BC 7E 4E 98 is the second entry for CH ID 101 (convert 65 to decimal ). This is Steve Austin's ID. The ring announcer ID for steve Austin is BC 7E 4E 98 Lets look for the ID's for 2 other characters. Roman Reigns and Charlotte. First you need to look up their ID's in CCT and convert the value to hexadecimal. Roman Reigns CH ID is 368. Converting this to hex gives 170. Charlotte's CH 1D is 612. Converting this to Hex gives 264. In both cases we need to flip the bytes (01 70 becomes 70 01, 02 64 becomes 64 02) If you look up 70 01 you will find this entry 70 01 00 00 8B 27 5E 3D and for 64 02 (Charlotte) 64 02 00 00 55 8D 25 23 Now If I replaced the bytes 8B 27 5E 3D with 55 8D 25 23 so Roman Reigns entry reads 70 01 00 00 55 8D 25 23, Roman Reigns will get announced as Charlotte. All the ID's in this file are ring announcer ID's for superstars shipped with the game. There are no mod slots listed in this file. It also doesn't include ID's for removed characters. But the good thing is we can insert slots for modded characters and include ID's for other superstars. We can't create custom ID' as we can't add sound without replacing so that's out of the question here. For instance if you look in the Superstar list in CCT you will see slot 460 is marked as Cody Rhodes and 468 is marked as CM Punk. Lets say you have these two mods in your game, we first convert the ID's to hex. 460 is 1CC , 468 is 1D4. We can insert 8 bytes for each. TAKE NOTE THE CH ID'S ARE ARRANGED IN NUMBERICAL ORDER. IF YOU PLACE DATA JUST ANYWHERE, IT WON'T WORK. Going by numerical order, CC 01 (1CC) is the next hex number to 01 CB (CB 01) . You can copy these 8 bytes of zero's and PASTE INSERT after the CB 01 entry as shown. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Now we have ID's but no ring announcer ID's. Luckily the developers left over ring announcer names for removed superstars who were in 2k18. There are about 30 wrestlers removed. The announce names are still linked to their 2K18 ID's so they work in 2k19. I looked up the ring announcer ID's for all the 2k18 removed superstars and compiled them on this sheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/163Y444q_0ODalgKxhG58gDJTz0Ko5ZUwcR7gc0qc6iU/edit#gid=0 We can use any of these for any slot we add. Lets say I wanted to use RVD and Darren Young's ring announcer names for Cody Rhodes and CM Punk, the ID's need to be copied to the blank spaces as shown here. With this, any superstar placed in slot 460 will be announced as RVD while any superstar placed in slot 469 will be announced as Darren Young. Al that needs to be done is serach for those names and inject the announcer name audio over those names with Sound editor. I will have to assume you have been using sound editor. After entries are added , you need to modify two data values. First, you need to scroll to the footer of the file and look up the last offset row. This will change after new entries are added. from this sheet, the last offset row is 00000840. We note down the value 840 ( we will flip the bytes as 40 08 when modifying) .We need to scroll to the top , change the 28 08 to 40 08 You will also need to take note of the value 05 01. This is the default number of entries in Hex. Since we added two entries we add 2 to 01 05 which will give 01 07. This is written as 07 01. These are important steps. If not done correctly, the last rows of ring announcer ID's wouldn't work. if you are working with a modified sound_p30.pac file , these values will be slightly different as ring announcer ID's will have been added to the file. Save the file, Open the 00C8.pac file in the folder with pac editor, locate the 0015.rass, select the INJECT FILE function and select the modified 0015.rass file. Open the 0BFD09BF523F7140.pac file in pac editor, select the INJECT AS ZLIB function and inject the 00C8.pac file. Open the sound_p30.pac file in pac editor and inject the 0BFD09BF523F7140.pac using the INJECT FILE function. Place the file in the pac\audio folder.1 point
https://mega.nz/file/sQBXGS7Z#2G4VbXYY-yANVP8GoGNelLSbc1bF57nDxXd-_J8iskM 1.19unlocker CEM data file (For WWE2K23 version 1.19 /1.20) 1. First , with the game running, launch cheatengine and ensure the settings are as shown in the first screenshot. Search for the array of bytes C0 69 11 00 00 00. 3 memory addresses should be listed after searching as shown in the 2nd screenshot. 2. Right click on the memory address with green text and select BROWSE THIS MEMORY REGION. This will open the memory region with the lock/hide bytes. 3. Open the 1.18 unlocker CEM file in a hex editor (Hxd), place the cursor right before C06911, go to the top menu EDIT - SELECT ALL , then EDI T – COPY. Or press Ctrl + A then CTRL+ C on your keyboard. 4. Go back to cheatengine, place your cursor right before C0 69 11 00, right click and select PASTE FROM CLIPBOARD. This will overwrite the unlocked data with the modified one. 5. Cheatengine will seem to freeze as its overwriting the data as its quite a large block so be patient and wait for about 2-3 mins. 6. When completed , go back to the game and navigate to EDIT SUPERSTARS in the ROSTER menu, then perform a save in your game. (You don’t perform a save in the cheatengine application)1 point
Animal new face paint test....wip1 point
Still updating....i wanted to capture those cuts on forehead as best as i can.1 point
1 point
USA Macho Man Commentator edition Thanks @Cliquer https://mega.nz/file/MzQAhaaB#ii8EICiG42S1z_mm4_fBC5kxtf6HqmHzVwbqt3BKd0c1 point
Tried a new attire for Goldberg. Still experimenting with different textures. Clean shaved chest1 point
Hi, here is a port of the Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon's 2k18 models) with Jimmy Hart (2k16 model) . This is a full port which includes : 1. all three Characters (I only adjusted the textures for the Jimmy Hart characters since the other two looked ok in game) 2. pofo , moveset and team_info files 3. the alternate entrance and victory animation with Jimmy Hart selected as manager (wwe 2k16). -Their original entrance and victory animations are in the game, but the alternate entrance will only work when Jimmy is selected as their manager. This is controlled by the evt_data file which I modified). 4. Their theme music which you can inject over steel 1 using Sound editor 5. Titantron If there any issues, please do let me know. Enjoy. NEW UPDATED DOWNLOAD LINK. : ports, pofo and moveset files with alternate entrance , theme music and trons https://mega.nz/#!wFpkhIwR!qfbkEfRH0G2WMR7Lox5rvktMv2a0RNU4E3Rh3xg30jM Instructions. Unzip and copy all files to their respective locations as outlined in the folder structure.1 point
I just want to let you know that you're still a godsend in 2022. My loading times were unbearable for 2k22 for any CAWs, and it was the first game I'd bought in like a decade. I was advised to get 2k19, and was told about the freedom it offered -- I'm going to go big adding a real AEW, and these tutorials are huge. Just want you great people to know that there are definitely some of us out here that will be holding strong with 2K19 for some time. THANK YOU. You guys can never hear that enough.1 point