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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2023 in all areas

  1. Hi, This tutorial covers setting up a single entrance with manager in the game. I will focus mainly on using the Undertaker with Paul Bearer entrances in the game as singles entrances with a manager which can't be set in the moveset file. The first thing to take note of is, even though the developers listed the entrance in the tag entrances category, its not a tag entrance. The way Ive seen modders use it most times is setting the entrance as Undertaker's entrance in the moveset file using Data Editor or creating a stable with Undertaker and Paul Bearer and setting the entrance as a tag team entrance. Both are not the correct ways of using the entrances. 2k19 already contains single entrances with a manager in the game which work as alternate entrances when a manager is selected. A few examples are Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman Andrade & Zelina Vega The Miz & Maryse The Kanellis (Mike & Maria). The evt_data_p30.pac file located in the pac\evt folder contains the alternate entrances with manager data which the game reads. 1.Open this file in Pac Editor 2. Extract the 19D3B3737E1F9ABB.pac file and save to any location. 3. Open the 19D3B3737E1F9ABB.pac file in Pac Editor highlight the 0001.bpe in the file list and select UNCOMPRESS. The uncompressed file is saved automatically as 0001.1024. 4. Open the 0001.1024 file in notepad. here is a screenshot of a vanilla copy of the data file opened in notepad I will breakdown some of the data in this file The first line 42402 43002 102400 102400 424 424 0 0 is the Data for Rusev and Lana's entrance with manager which was in 2k18 but removed in 2k19 so is unused The second line 34302 37402 102400 102400 343 443 0 0 is Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman's entrance 34302 is Brock Lesnar's ID 37402 is Paul Heyman's ID 102400 is just a blank slot for an ID 343 is the evt ID for Brock Lesnar's solo entrance 443 is the evt ID for the Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman entrance. 31802 76002 76102 102400 441 1813 0 0 is the data for Jinder Mahal's entrance with the Singh brothers. The data is written in the format (superstar CH ID) (Manager CH ID) 102400 102400 (EVT for single entrance) (evt for single entrance with manager) Now lets look at the Undertaker Paul Bearer entrance. If you want to use the entrance with retro Undertaker 91, then you need to look up his ID which you can do in CCT. The Id for the Undertaker 91 is 346. There are two attires in that slot Undertaker 91 is 34602 Undertaker 99 is 34612 There are two entrances for the Undertaker with Paul Bearer. The entrance where Paul Bearer carries the Urn is 1338 The entrance where Paul Bearer doesn't carry the Urn which is the ministry Undertaker /Paul Bearer is 1328. This entrance best fits Undertaker 99. The Undertaker solo entrance is evt 411 If you have a Paul Bearer mod installed, you need to take note of the character ID slot you have used for the mod. In this example, lets say you installed a Paul Bearer manager mod in ch ID slot 795. The ID will be 79502 You will need to add a line for the entrance as shown in this screenshot 34602 79502 102400 102400 411 1338 0 0 You can save the file after adding this entry. Inject the modified file back into the 0001.bpe open in Pac Editor using the INJECT AS BPE function (very important you select the INJECT AS BPE, don't use INJECT) Open the evt-data_p30.pac and inject the modified 19D3B3737E1F9ABB.pac file into it. Ensure the modified file is placed in the pac\evt folder. In addition, lets say you want to use the second Taker \Paul Bearer entrance for Undertaker 99. You can also set this up. Remember the ID is 34612 and that entrance ID is 1328. I have added an additional line as shown in this screenshot. There is also a Kane with Paul Bearer entrance in the game which is evt 1329 If you wanted to use that entrance with Kane 98 (ID 348), you just need to add the following line as shown. Take note the Kane 98 solo entrance is ID 348 . Save and reinject using the steps outlined. Remember you have to set the Paul Bearer mod as Taker or Kane's manager. You don't need to create a stable or place them as a team. This works in both Exhibition and Universe modes. That's all.
    1 point
  2. Does this replace the song in game with the added song? As in, let's say I replace 'generic theme 1' with Cult of Personality for a Punk CAW. fnaf security breach
    1 point
  3. ok i have 4 types in my evt pac folder 750/751 - and 1250 versions, i don't know what to do, i have injected the wems with sound editor, do i have to edit the string file?
    1 point
  4. New Character Selection Screen in neon style:
    1 point
  5. https://mega.nz/folder/IqwQkI4T#v2REnCbrZulYyq9G9Yiphw 1987: Heenans Family 1989: Ultimate Warriors Heenan's Family 1990: The Ultimate Warriors The Perfect Team 1992: Macho Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Ric Flair and Razor Ramon
    1 point
  6. Single Wrestlers: Adam Bomb https://mega.nz/folder/xvhynQhT#UHbeEnmo0TIrsZ0BCECr-w Adrian Adonis: https://mega.nz/folder/dzwU0YIb#Wa8q79RlPHxjfO7xajqbEA Beverly Brothers: https://mega.nz/folder/QzgmEASI#OHw5qSjClBEreauchQrTiw Big Bossman Entrance attire (use with default inring): https://mega.nz/folder/d2g0UKLY#zzlSwzcg8sO1niZdJud71Q Big Bubba Rogers https://mega.nz/folder/tj5GWS5Z#p3LqCABN_k-DejCGXtHkSA Big John Studd. Featuring "Money in the Bag" prop. (place in pac/prop/ folder) https://mega.nz/folder/BmgGiYTD#i7BlqNzM3ewqqkHsvEf6Ig Blue Blazer: https://mega.nz/folder/0z5ylCLK#-mQrQjR10SM8CE79_E0SIA British Bulldog: https://mega.nz/folder/B6pgFZIK#IvMfyQ0a1x8vPA73wdxmuA British Bulldogs tag team: https://mega.nz/folder/c743UbxD#GK5aGMqjgJlVNDLCBU6m-g Brooklyn Brawler: https://mega.nz/folder/Bvw0HQgL#dhyY_0VUB8Nxk6mxBv987w Brutus Beefcake: https://mega.nz/folder/oiAyCI5S#08C41b37mJvpKxiFRG7dtA Butch Reed: https://mega.nz/folder/Z2pQDIxI#o3Nbao4ApoQtmwfnk4eCKg Cowboy Bob Orton: https://mega.nz/folder/wvggCKzS#SiGVQxKzBWfk0ZYDEgjl6g Earthquake: https://mega.nz/folder/E7oQEQpC#xKOH6iEXV_BJpqEZzhsFdg George Steele: https://mega.nz/folder/lv5WRIDb#FNKzMcXmRBEaUy1CEMZoAA Godwinns: https://mega.nz/folder/AmwGSS5D#UGwY5iAP7R-fahK6poklRg Hardy Boys https://mega.nz/folder/ljIz1Bja#81Rkfxo7ugshRh-9U6botw Haku: https://mega.nz/folder/xjYQyRDS#jL5Frp3g9D-mYjnZYArtjg HeadShrinkers https://mega.nz/folder/JixkxarQ#yjs8G2lbS91Hkt6cxLpNAA Hillbilly Jim: https://mega.nz/folder/EmxyUAZY#kvO1Hzwqv85UvCAdiXUTMQ Iron Sheik: https://mega.nz/folder/suoQ2CKA#GPiBkZQx7fwUSBrv7_sfuQ Jake Roberts: https://mega.nz/folder/1zhSSIqY#sTVXcELJheW9KRw-_ogQTA Jerry Brisco: https://mega.nz/folder/0jBQEQ4C#K78kMv17s7VK6aMJu1JYTA Jerry Lawler: https://mega.nz/folder/Z3g2wSBJ#dbEVuUQ6d7xEFHPXTuaAKQ Jim Duggan: https://mega.nz/folder/E2pSCaoQ#cNsqIRDgXTNDd3kn2mPx7Q Lex Luger: https://mega.nz/folder/k7BmURxI#VTXMpC6Tzr0GA0iqW632GQ Ludvig Borga: https://mega.nz/folder/gvoQWKTY#gYX-_-_tqBRczcGTHC3KOg Nikolai Volkoff: https://mega.nz/folder/Nu5ykQpa#N_m-QUJN8Zzy0wTuUNeeFg Paul Orndorff: https://mega.nz/folder/sm5UkQyQ#2IpAQ_TgiuEsPwJ6634U3Q Paul Roma: https://mega.nz/folder/J3AkWBZY#251azMMKRf1DFnUVZWkx4A Power and Glory: https://mega.nz/folder/xzhiyY4T#jakPYuUCW4u1SO5couoojQ Repo Man https://mega.nz/folder/lnp2RAaI#BtWrMkiU1e-YhfBuXsnfuQ Skinner: https://mega.nz/folder/RyoSkQQJ#Ot0tQoE0oM5MF_6BrJ6aWw Smoking Gunns: https://mega.nz/folder/13hSnC7b#ejs54z98y4fhh_S3e8DLBw Tatanka: https://mega.nz/folder/k34iTSzT#OZgNtXrqftdRIqqxMpgGaA Ted Dibiase https://mega.nz/folder/gr5yFIRa#wEsPm7vhg3K_khlc7yKa5w Tito Santana: https://mega.nz/folder/h6xUXC7Y#t2ASmKcvrzIrRUlZtCRCGQ Warrior: https://mega.nz/folder/VqwGyKDQ#fIyPidsJetGm9Yyycnf8FA
    1 point
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