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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2023 in all areas

  1. Having issues getting Sound Editor to open. I used it just 2 days ago and it was fine, but I tried opening it today and though it acts like it opens, it only stays down in my taskbar. Can't actually open or see the program, just the icon at the bottom of my screen. Tried restarting my PC, tried running it as adminstrator, but no luck. Anyone else having this issue?
    1 point
  2. I haven't been able to check yet due to unexpected problems but I'm hoping to check within the next 24 hours. My guess is it'll probably only partially work, or might crash the game at some points. Edit: It definitely doesn't work for the new 1.12 patch. There's a lot that got broken with the new patch after all, so this one's going to take some time to fix. Nothing that's confusing, but just SUPER time consuming with alllll the BS they changed (including offsets for things that normally were NOT changing in the past with previous patches). Been working on my master cheat table all day today and once that's done I'll have to take bits of that to convert into the smaller individual cheat tables I make public. I am doing my best to try and keep up with the insanity, so hang in there!
    1 point
  3. So I found out that they added some voice acting to the superstars like talking. I found some of them saying I quit So could there be an I quit matching the future of modding
    1 point
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