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  1. The LSD Editor is a tool that allows users to quickly and easily delete or add listings to files located in the ENEX/LSD folder. This eliminates the need for a Hex editor, making it much easier and faster to make changes. With this beta version of the tool, you can bulk delete listings as well as add String ID's, Main ID's and Unlock IDs with ease. All your changes will be saved directly into your desktop folder inside of the LSD Folder so you don't have worry about losing any data during editing sessions. As of now there are no known bugs present in this current version but future updates may include features like Bulk Adding. CHANGENOTES: 1.0.1 - Implemented dumping listings, these will be saved as dump_lsd.txt Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cQPYVqIIa0gZSgpPCUJWDfUYyw71zdYT/view?usp=sharing
    1 point
  2. Updated August 18th, 2024: Hi, I have locked this thread so my most recent replies don't get lost among other posts from people, but YES I am still supporting this project! If you have a question for me, contact me directly. Looking for the intergender (MvF) enhancement? You came to the right place! I have it for the new 1.22 patch and for most of the older patches too! Please click this link: How to get MvF Out-dated, previous MvF cheat tables I created include the following patches... If you're a donor and you need any of these for testing purposes or anything, contact me privately and let me know what you're looking for. The same rule applies with these as with the main updated script: the amount you've chosen to donate directly affects the speed you will be served by my automated tracker. For more info on how that works, scroll back up a little bit and click on the "How to get MvF" link where it gives a longer explanation of the process. WWE 2k23 1.19 WWE 2k23 1.18 WWE 2k23 1.17 WWE 2k23 1.16 WWE 2k23 1.15 WWE 2k23 1.14 WWE 2k23 1.12 WWE 2k23 1.11 WWE 2k23 1.10 WWE 2k23 1.09 WWE 2k23 1.08 Male v Female 12th UPDATE - Due to the new method I'm using, the cheat table might still partially function when 2K releases another patch but as you probably know there's always some risk involved if you use an old cheat table on a new game patch. When 2K releases the next patch, it's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to decide if you want to take the risk of trying the out-dated cheat table on it or wait for me to release the newest confirmed update. If you do try using an out-dated cheat table, I'd suggest backing up your save file first just in case. Previous change log for reference: TENTH UPDATE - Improved and minimized multiple MvF scripts into 1 checkbox instead of 3. Also re-wrote how the cheat table works so it will be much faster to update when 2K releases future patches. EIGHTH UPDATE - DQ can be left on now, and an improved Payback saver was implemented so changing Paybacks @ character select can be saved/remembered SIXTH UPDATE - Men weren't being aggressive toward women and breaking pins up in multi person matches. Newest update aims to fix that in all matches! FIFTH UPDATE - Improved likelihood of getting the correct MvF selection screen in Rumble set up FOURTH UPDATE - Fixed problem where women wouldn't hit men THIRD UPDATE - Improved M+F in more areas, and added selection box to choose M or F championship to challenge for Note: The fast specials, fast finishers, and duplicate Paybacks are all included in the new M v F script! Anyone looking for Male vs Female without the need to change their gender each time? The goal of this script will be to fix that. It's very early work in progress but ready to try if anyone wants to give it a go! This Cheat Table works on WWE 2k23 patch 1.15, and should currently address the following... Allow males and females to be freely selected in offline exhibition matches without making permanent edits to their "gender" id Allow CPU males/females to attack opposite genders during the match Allow the male player to "target" (look at) females, and should include the ability to target the female ref Allow the player to perform all the attacks/grapples/etc to everyone in the match regardless of gender Allow females to get busted open and BLEED! The voices for females should no longer be broken like they were in 1.05. Females should sound like females, and males like males without any confusion now. UNIVERSE MODE should fully work with automated MvF booking done by the computer at random, and MvF rivalries should play out correctly too. If you check the "Table Extras" you can now see which version of this script you have, just in case you're not sure if I've updated this post. I'll always mention in this post which version I'm on and you can go check in the Table Extras to see if you're up to date. Title matches (and briefcase matches) weren't loading right so I added a fix. Now you'll see an item listed that allows you to select in advance which gender championships or briefcases you want loaded when you're setting up a title match. More info in the "Table Extras" if needed. Obviously you'll want to select your option BEFORE entering the title/briefcase screen. Anybody can win any title now in normal play and Universe Mode. Anybody can be assigned to any briefcase, and any briefcase can be assigned to chase any championship. Improved the likelihood that the Royal Rumble M+F selection screen will work right. Men weren't being aggressive toward women and breaking pins up in multi person matches. Newest update aims to fix that in all matches! I added a script that makes the game remember when you select new paybacks during a match set up (works in Play mode, but is untested in Universe). Normally when you change a Payback when selecting a character, the game forgets them later on as it's just considered a temporary change for 1 match. With that new script option activated (turn it on BEFORE entering a match setup) it will assign the paybacks you select to the main permanent memory as well. This means it'll remember those choices next time, and if you save your game, they'll still be remembered next time too even without my script being needed next time. You can leave DQ turned on now as it won't cause male DQ against females, and won't end breakout attacks after 1 hit anymore. Also added fix to make sure ref still DQs a person for using a weapon or breaking a rule, because originally the ref was ignoring some rule breaks with this update. Known issues so far... In the character select screen, all the females will often show up in the males column. This is not really a big issue but just something to be aware of. This game is INSANELY crazy about trying to screw up any male vs female situations, so remember to always activate the script before doing anything in the game OR THE GAME MIGHT VACATE TITLES, CHANGE MATCHES, AND END RIVALRIES that involve any cross gender situation. This is 2k's fault and is to be expected with these games. It is not an error or problem with the script; it just means you didn't turn the script on. If you leave DQ turned on, there are some rare situations where a DQ is still happening when a male is attacking a female, which seems to be during environmental situations like slamming a head into the announce table or Irish whipping 2 ppl into a corner to try and do a double finisher to them, etc... This is under investigation and as I gain a full understanding of what is triggering these occasional DQs it will be fixed in future updates. HOW TO USE: It's a Cheat Engine script so you'll need to have Cheat Engine. If you're not already familiar with Cheat Engine, I suggest checking out some online intro tutorials if you like "cheating" in games because it can be very, very handy to be familiar with! Anyway, here's my work in progress. Just download the cheat table using the download link. When you open this file with Cheat Engine you should see some scripts appear in the big white box. Check the box to the left of the scripts that says "Enable Males vs Females". It will have a red "X" in the box when successfully activated. Leave it activated the entire time you play. Next, go set up an exhibition match and it SHOULD let you put males vs females in the same match without any problems. (Note: After choosing the 1st wrestler, you might need to switch the character select list sorting option back to "all" using the right or left bumper in order to access males+females) Please test as much as possible and let me know what issues you find! Male v Female has been updated for 1.15 (Note: The fast specials, fast finishers, and duplicate Paybacks are all included in the new M v F script!) Make sure you read the extra notes I have included in the script, by clicking "Table Extras" in the lower right corner of Cheat Engine. LOTS of important info in those notes! DOWNLOAD LINK: Hey yo! The cheat table is supposed to be for everyone, and is free with the understanding that you will donate what you can, and that even small donations are appreciated (and needed please). I'd love it if at least 1 out of every 5 or 10 people that download this script could donate something. Right now we're nowhere near that number (currently it's around 1 donation out of every 120+ downloads, which is pretty bad tbh) and I think I'm being very fair in what I'm asking because as I mentioned in another post most people honestly do have a way to move money around if they own this game... so please move some in the direction of the person supplying the scripts you are enjoying. YEEEAH! Why am I doing it this way? Because I'd like to avoid using a paywall, so if someone legitimately can't donate they can still enjoy these scripts. At the same time though, the few people that legitimately can't donate anything (like, literally have no way to physically move even a couple dollars around...), while I want them to be able to enjoy the script too, they are actually not that high in number. The people that NEED this to remain 100% free are few in number, yet we currently have an illusion being created where they appear to be the VAST MAJORITY, based on their lack of supplying a donation. If I end up doing a paywall, already existing donors will always continue to get free upgrades forever; you will never need to go thru the paywall if I am forced to do it, and the reason for that is I will always support those who willingly chose to support me while it was optional. In other words, if you wait until I am forced to put this behind a paywall, it's going to cost you a lot to access it (trust me I will not let it be cheap if I'm forced to do a paywall and have to deal with all those extra fees, extra BS, etc... lol!)... while the people that supported me with any donation of their choosing before that point, will continue to always get everything free from me forever! 100% loyalty to those who make me feel clean! Show me that love, everyone! Bathe this Dirty Cheater in it!! Soak me in your support! Yeeeee hawwwww!!! Click here to donate using various options ...or if you would prefer to use Zelle (or Quickpay) please send me a private message for that info. Thanks for understanding! Cheat table for WWE 2k23 1.15 -> please read and confirm the following by clicking it -> By clicking this download link, I promise to love and support Mr. Dirty Cheater Note to donors: You will NOT be left behind if public support for this project ends. I will always continue to support anyone who has donated to this project. If I stop updating the public version of this cheat table, contact me privately because I will continue to support you and supply you with private/custom cheat tables since you've shown me support. Out-dated, previous MvF cheat tables I created include the following patches... If you need them for testing purposes or anything, contact me privately and let me know what you're looking for: WWE 2k23 1.19 WWE 2k23 1.18 WWE 2k23 1.17 WWE 2k23 1.16 WWE 2k23 1.15 WWE 2k23 1.14 WWE 2k23 1.12 WWE 2k23 1.11 WWE 2k23 1.10 WWE 2k23 1.09 WWE 2k23 1.08 Bonus Cheat Table: Easy Weight Class Changer (updated to 1.15) Edit: Next, I just whipped up a quick weight class changer and thought I'd include it here since I see a lot of people talking about wanting to change weight class... How to use: Just go into a normal exhibition and highlight any character in the character select screen (but DO NOT select him/her). In cheat engine, check the box that says "Activate WeightClass Reader" and then a couple seconds later right under that will be the Weight Class of the character you're currently highlighting. Back in the game you can scroll up and down to look at different characters, and the value will update in real-time to show you the current weight class of whoever you look at. When you want to change somebody's weight class, simply double click their weight class VALUE (shown on the right side of that "weight class" line) and a dropdown menu will pop up. Select the new weight class from the dropdown and click OK, and you should instantly see their weight class update IN THE GAME right by their name! (If you don't see their weight class change in the game instantly after clicking OK, something went wrong and you should close the game without saving it) You can continue through the whole list if you want, and change each person one by one like this. To guarantee it saves, after you're done changing values for everybody, go into the roster options and just choose any wrestler to make any small change on and save it (save ALL SETTINGS). (note: If you want to change weight class for somebody in Universe Mode, it's just as easy as going to the match creation character select screen in Universe Mode and you can do the same exact process outlined above.) Weight Class Changer for 2k23 older patches: Send me a private message and let me know what you're looking for.
    1 point
  3. I love this cheat table, it did everything I wanted, I am willing to shell out some money for a donation, just pm your paypal or email and ill send you some money.
    1 point
  4. Wow, you're like an expert at this game haha. That is actually some pretty useful info and a good chunk of that I didn't already know. Gives me some new ideas to toy with. Regarding the timer, now that I know you just mean the normal match timer, there's already a script I released that has a value in the table called "timer?" because I was unsure of what it did. Turns out, it sets the BASE time limit. So, for example if you start a 60 min match you will see that "timer?" value show a 60. You can't necessarily "Freeze" the timer, but what you can do is change that number 60 to a 90, and the time that's counting down WILL adjust (add time). I haven't tested to see how high the value can be set, but basically you can set it a lot higher anytime during the match and the existing timer will "add" the extra time to its already descending countdown. The cheat table I'm referring to is mentioned in my signature below. It also has a lot of other fun things to do with toggling rules, etc... so check it out! Regarding 3 out of 5, etc... request. Yes, this also already can be done using that same cheat table I'm referencing above that mods the rules. One of the entries is called "2 out of 3" and the value will show as a "2" when it's a normal 2 out of 3. If you change that value to something higher, it becomes the NEW pin requirement to win! So, yes, setting that value to a 3 would turn it into a 3 out of 5. You can set the value to pretty high numbers if you really want a crazy long match. As far as replacing items... unfortunately, no, replacing pre-existing tables/ladders around the ring with other items isn't something I would be able to do as it's outside of the realm of my talent. But something fun that I did in 2k18 and 2k19 was I created a script that lets you "place" the steel steps base (not the normal steps, the actual base) in the ring and do moves onto them, and they'd stay locked in place for some brutal looking finishers on them. Now, with 2k23 having HORRIBLE hitboxes around the steps that make people "slide" away from them instead of landing on them, I don't know if there would be any success with my "steps bases teleported into ring" script because I have a feeling the victims would "slide" off to the side and not hit them. Anyway, I'll take a peek at that DQ stuff since those differences in run-in situations sound interesting. Maybe I'll get lucky and just be able to force the preferred situation regardless of DQ being on or off. Might also try and fix the DQs on guys hitting women so you can leave DQ on there too. Do you use Discord and are you interested in helping me 1 on 1 with some of this stuff privately? If so send me your username and I'll send you some stuff to check out and help me test. Thanks for being so thorough and descriptive. PS: HEY EVERYBODY! New version of this cheat table has been updated at 5pm EST today, and attempts to further improve the likelihood of the M vs F character selection screens showing up right when setting up Royal Rumbles. Please continue to let me know what issues you run into so I can continue improvements! Thanks all!
    1 point
  5. About timer. When you set up match rules: 2 out of 3 falls, DQ, KO, first blood etc., you can also turn on the time limit. You know, in the menu that appears when you press triangle/Y during character select in exhibition. Setting timer to 45 or 60 minutes is a good way to keep track of time spent in the match without feeling limited by it... Timer itself appears in upper right corner during the match and counts down to zero. The timer is also automatically forced in Iron Man matches, with the difference that it has to run out before match ends. And yeah, I am describing this specifically to see if there's somehow we can manipulate it with CheatEngine script, I know freezing or changing it should be doable. I don't know if it's worth it. Finding a flag to remove DQ from male character hitting female would be nice regardless, it will stop so many mixed matches or even manager matches from having random forced DQs. I know this stuff takes time and effort so am not specifically asking you to do anything, this is more of me giving feedback on testing how the game works. *** *** *** *** *** *** Speaking of that, I make tons of custom matches since I hate default weapon spread (NO TABLES) and often give people a starting finisher even for long matches. A few things I found with a mix of trial and error and browsing forums and comments on internet: 1. As described above, match can be called off as long as bell hasn't been rang. Fall counts anywhere doesn't seem to affect that, only the DQ setting. In a nutshell: with DQ off, a run-in during entrance triggers the bell immediately. With DQ on, match only starts after both wrestlers and the ref get in the ring. 2. KO matches are weird since 2k22, you can be knocked out by any random move, but tap outs don't count. At all. So it's easier to tap out and keep fighting than to take damage resisting; sometimes a KO counts at the start of submission. It makes it anticlimactic. I was testing those to make MMA style matches for likes of Ronda, Riddle, Brock etc. 3. The 2 out of 3 falls setting works for KO matches, but it doesn't separate rounds, just gives someone a point and it continues. A decent way to make MMA style fight last longer. I wish we could have real rounds, but for now, my template for UFC is a cage match with pin/submission off, KO and 2 out of 3 falls on. Custom matches are interesting, you don't have to save them, but it's faster than setting up rules manually every time. 4. A bug in 2k22 made that submission tap outs do not count outside the ring in Iron Man matches, even with fall counts anywhere set to on. But work in 2 out of 3 falls matches. A very random thing I haven't tested in 2k23 yet... Probably useless information, just putting it out. 5. TLC match has a table and ladder already setup on ringside, turning on pin/submission will remove the briefcase/title hanging on top, and let you have a normal match with no DQ, BUT with extra furniture on outside. Works in custom/hacked arenas too! Table in the locker room? Please! Lana got no break time. 6. Similarly, a ladder match has more ladders around. You can use it as a base and change it to pin/submission/ko/finisher/whatever match and get bonus props that come bundled with ladder, table, or TLC match type. Can it be coded to have other items replace the extra ladders? Like a trash can or chairs. 7. A table match does the same, along with a second extra table instead of the ladder in the background. Problem is that Table match type, even if you change the rules, still forces a bunch of moves that throw people outside onto tables replaced with placeholders, to make it harder to break the table. I wonder if we can replace the extra ladder in TLC matches with a table instead? 8. But if you turn Iron Man on during a table match, it becomes what someone called a Splinterman match. Where points are tallied for each table broken. It's super fun even if Lana gets stitches after! xD It ends when timer runs out and then whoever broke more tables with their opponent is the winner. 9. I have no idea what is the condition for allowing wrestlers to go outside the arena to backstage, Fall Counts Anywhere lets you, and I THINK that Extreme Rules too. I know you don't have to have Fall Counts Anywhere turned on to do it since I spent like half an hour breaking someone backstage without ability to pin, then got back to the ring. What's important is no count out and probably no DQ too? Also, there's no way to go back to arena via a second entrance like in 2k17-20? 10. Finally, 2k22 and 2k23 forces some flying moves when opponent is set up on the table (whip or drag them to side, then right analog stick up to make them lie on top). Worst offender is the body splash EVERYONE does from top rope. You know, including Liv who regularly does sentons. For her, Shotzi etc., the dive from middle rope OR apron (when opponent is on top of the table) forces a senton. A rope-grabbing move (L1/LB + Square/X) forces a moonsault. ALWAYS. So for Iyo Sky, she needs springboard moves to EVER be able to moonsault someone through a table. *** *** *** *** *** *** I numbered the points of my foundings lol for convenience, I don't know if any of this info is useful but since you asked me about turning on the timer, I figured might as well describe everything I found relevant to match types as it's all related to the character select screen and match options. I mean I spent some time making custom match types and trying them, attempting squash matches, various run-ins with weapons and not, immediate roll-ups, and even managed to lose a match in less than 5 seconds. P.S. In case someone doesn't know, Extreme Rules and No Holds Barred match type lets you pick a weapon or title belt during entrance run-in, just make sure your character doesn't enter the arena first, so pick wrestler in right slot for yourself and CPU opponent on the left. Edit: is it possible to make 3 out of 5 matches instead of 2 out of 3? Would need just one number changed and will make for how actual combat sports work... more or less. It does, at least did when I tried older version.
    1 point
  6. I literally just experienced the same issue 10 minutes ago and was like WTF!!! LOL! I fixed it. First post has been updated with fixed new (Fourth) version of this cheat table.
    1 point
  7. First, thank you very much for your effort and time ❤️ I have a problem that females can't hit male now and i don't know why even if I'm the one with the control
    1 point
  8. Hi everyone I give you my file custom_data.xml I made the file ra_1.pck but the problem it is not finished but well forward I used the identify function suddenly there are names not written correctly and there is name that have nothing there is not everything that was done because I am French and I understand not everything in English and the identify function does not find everything and It's difficult for me to understand everything, I give you my file I give you the right to modify 😊 it I specify that the file was made from ps4 file so I do not know if its corresponds to the pc try you would 😊 see you https://www.mediafire.com/file/mgzqr6fv6e2i1a0/custom_data.xml/file it's for wwe 2k23
    1 point
  9. All of the packages are available at the following URL: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 Yes, you absolutely need both redistributable packages. Once you have all the files required, you shouldn't have any further issues with conversions. Best of luck to you!
    1 point
  10. Released! Enjoy this Iron Sheik wearing an attire based on his iconic match from 1/23/84 vs Hulk Hogan. Link in the first post. Features: Overhaul of 2k16 Colonel Mustafa/Iron Sheik model including slight adjustments to reflect peak Sheik Custom muscle normals to give him that slight belly/slight rip look he had going on in the early/mid-80's Custom yobjs for minimal impact to file size (your game will thank you not loading up excess bloat) Custom CEs for tighter fits
    1 point
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