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  1. Yes buddy it was solved now, update your Sound Editor and the issue was solved, now is possible convert a Mp3 dragging the file don't forget to increase the DBs cuz your WEM will have a very low volumen
    1 point
  2. NEW VERSION IS UP!!! Several improvements for the MvF cheat table have been made and are mentioned at the top of the original post. Also added some extra goodies for specials, finishers, and paybacks. I highly encourage everyone to be as vocal as possible about any issues you find since I do VERY minimal (if any) testing on my own scripts and I don't play the game very much... so I am relying on you guys to help me make sure I've got everything covered. More new goodies are in the works for the future too, such as a cheat table to let player 1 use his/her controller to instantly switch to any other character in the match instead of needing to pause the game and go to the controller settings. It'll probably require XBox controller to be used, but it's amazing how much more fun a big match can be when you can just switch to anybody else INSTANTLY with hotkeys. Be on the lookout for that one within the next few days!
    1 point
  3. Just a heads up, with my MvF script enabled, they'll all temporarily show up in the male column in character select so if someone wants to test and make sure their females are coded as females my script would need to be OFF during their test. But yeah I did more testing on MvF today and I *think* I was able to correct the voice issue and make a couple other minor optimizations. No clue if I fixed the animations though. lol New MvF for 1.08 is going to be live by the time you read this.
    1 point
  4. Yes, I'll have that updated sometime soon. Ran into some delays with part of the improvements. There are also some other surprises in the works, so keep an eye out! As long as people seem interested and willing to help try/test out scripts I make, I will be making A LOT of them over time.
    1 point
  5. I haven't encountered that issue yet but I will keep an eye out. It might be related to the issue the quote below is hypothesizing but I don't actually play the game enough to really know off the top of my head if those other stats will affect pick-up ability. I'm more into coding than actually playing which is why you guys will be such a great help as you hopefully continue to test my script updates and many new additions coming in the next few weeks. Thank you for the compliment. I have a lot more in the works than I've mentioned, so keep an eye out for some crazy surprises soon too! If I end up getting enough people interested in my scripts and helping me test/troubleshoot while I keep uploading them, I will also start taking requests for custom options as well as fixes for things the devs leave broken. And yeah, I'm more into coding than playing. Playing the game itself is somehow less fun than figuring out new cheats and figuring out "fixes" for things the devs leave broken, etc... that stuff is usually my specialty in many games. I think the game I've had the most fun with doing custom scripts is Friday The 13th (btw, I definitely recommend the F13 pc game to anyone that hasn't played it!), but the WWE games are always fun as well.
    1 point
  6. Hello! First of all, @TheVisitorX- I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU for making such an amazing tool that I've used in multiple versions of this game now! I do have what amounts to three questions, and I hope they haven't been answered and I missed it, but I'm getting old. 1. With the new TTS Generator, I have two questions -- is it possible to have the generator read individual letters, for instance in the case of FTR. I am trying to make a generated Greg Hamilton announcement of FTR, but I haven't been able to work out how to have it read F T R instead of gibberish "feter." My other question is will it be possible to get a Justin Roberts voice model? I'm considering doing some wholesale RA changes once I make a note of what each individual RA file is, and it would be pretty cool to have. (But certainly not necessary, I was just curious if it will even be possible to do.) 2. My other question is have I missed a PayPal or Cashapp, etc. link to where I could send you some coffee money for your trouble? I know your work is always provided to the community free, but I'd definitely like to send at least a bit of support. Again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all you've done for the community over the years, and I do apologize if these questions have been asked/answered and I've missed it in my scan of the thread.
    1 point
  7. Corrections for the crowd sign bytes: 134-137 = Crowd Sign 1 138-141 = Crowd Sign 2 142-145 = Crowd Sign 3 146-149 = Crowd Sign 4 150-165 = Attire #2 Crowd Signs 166-181 = Attire #3 Crowd Signs 182-197 = Attire #4 Crowd Signs 198-213 = Attire #5 Crowd Signs 214-229 = Attire #6 Crowd Signs 230-245 = Attire #7 Crowd Signs 246-261 = Attire #8 Crowd Signs 262-277 = Attire #9 Crowd Signs 278-293 = Attire #10 Crowd Signs
    1 point
  8. Here's the link Here is the link http://bc.vc/wjPNI3d
    1 point
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