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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2023 in all areas

  1. Sound Editor [Released: Version] It's time! After several weeks of work, the new version of the Sound Editor is finally live and comes with a lot of new features. But first: A big thank you goes to Mark/Rampage for allowing me to include his data.xml for 2K23. Also, a big thank you to all other authors of the data files from previous releases like Living Human, iTwistedSpartan and others. This was not my work and it wouldn't be possible without you guys! Thank you to everyone who helps and provides their data! And thanks to all the kind words and people who have supported me with donations before! It motivates me a lot! Here's an overview of the new features: Over 90% of the code has been completely reworked and rewritten Many minor and major fixes and improvements (including: search terms and sorting remain when switching as well as selected folders) XML files have been outsourced into databases, making SE compatible with multiple versions (currently 2K19, 2K22, 2K23) Sound-Converter has been completely rewritten and revised (new volume slider, new view of running tasks, download of YouTube music via txt files) New TTS feature for easy creation of RA via Uberduck API New file indexing feature to save storage space -> After opening a PCK file, SE now creates an index of all offsets. If a new file is imported that is larger than the one being overwritten, this table is updated. In the later course, the storage space gained can be reused if it is large enough. New UI (light and dark mode, slim titlebar) Revised export dialog -> mass export as *.ogg is now possible View, export, and import of embedded sound files in soundbanks (import is still UNTESTED and in BETA!!! Use it at your own risk!!!) ... and much more!!! Please note that this is a BETA version that may still have errors. I am not liable for any risks or damages that may arise from use. ALWAYS create a backup before doing anything else. A final word: My tools are, have been, and will always be free. I will not offer earlier access via Patreon or charge anything for them to be used by anyone. But developing them has cost me time and money. For example, my Uberduck access costs me money every month. Therefore, I would be very grateful for any donations. So if my work helps you and you find it useful, I would appreciate your support. Thank you! Notice: Not all data for 2K23 has been collected yet. If you want, you can send me your custom_data.xml file and I will merge your additions with the next update. This is a first test version and may contains bugs!!! ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP BEFORE USING IT!!!!! !!! Please read !!! SE is compatible with WWE 2K23 and should also work with previous titles. It ships with a database for 2K19, 2K22 and 2K23! More can be added manually. Here is a tutorial video on how to use it (Thanks @Waldoocs) Changes Download (installer) FAQ I will expand on this post later.
    3 points
  2. Every mod from this thread is on the front page in alphabet order. Thanks. For a better Modding experience please turn off your shadows. Support My work @ https://www.patreon.com/matt2282p Thanks Ahmed Johnson https://mega.nz/folder/9mpS0CgR#z4__RDpHmhuvZhkxfV0b6A Al Snow https://mega.nz/folder/4m4AUYiD#FrpkENW8b_x9aSpE-8idgg Atlantis https://mega.nz/folder/NnpAgKoY#7zDDV0XsbtdOGiWFvxGyrQ Austin 3 pack https://mega.nz/folder/Ar5UlAxI#ELA7g6XVGzvuyrnrLi2lIg Bad Attitude https://mega.nz/folder/k2pGAKLb#rqAswCqpooHi2X8WUosxcg Bam Bam 1999 https://mega.nz/folder/U7g2jSwZ#54AzkZzV5gjhnn2SU7QNug Baron Von Raschke https://mega.nz/folder/ojpAVb5B#q8UyHKykXM3iJaQFp7Fd4g Bella Twins https://mega.nz/folder/Nixm1IYD#nRBGn0c2CYrhZtKn3qzMLw Billy Gunn https://mega.nz/folder/cuwUkIQA#785o8RrTVEBC0JznUaVQiQ Black Top Bully https://mega.nz/folder/cqYzQbQS#vJFiIL836jnJd6WKYcOUZQ Blue Meanie https://mega.nz/folder/8moSiCpI#cL6w0oN8G75hP-fx2rYOaw Bobby Eaton https://mega.nz/folder/BmgAmazQ#G13bPam89AAdT_FEC0KoGQ Booker T https://mega.nz/folder/xrwm3YYY#XxdrZ4rX_v--KFmpUa-rFA Brian Armstrong 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Barbarian Faces of Fear https://mega.nz/folder/lj4QHa5J#UBaBN4oau7SFTBQJYgn-9A Mick Foley https://mega.nz/folder/c75QkYhC#ZFzWPyVLMcvqeP93HnYqZQ Midnight Express https://mega.nz/folder/Rq52FA7R#wqnVS2Gg-3u9QoHUjudZ6w Mr. Hole in One https://mega.nz/folder/8m4CTAzT#1LF8D5R30UVkMHMLGUJgww Nash https://mega.nz/folder/MnxCBRAQ#JJsdjDXC67_R82EPFyeMjg https://mega.nz/folder/Ev4SlCqS#MhHsoVuJ5eQ5GNY5c_v7uA Nikita Koloff https://mega.nz/folder/cuwiUK7b#LnFNaIAH_Jw-2kBze4msxQ Outsiders WM18 https://mega.nz/folder/0nYC0BSC#kYS2XGo8ygZ3axwk5qv1Tw https://mega.nz/folder/1iIVGTTY#6rPA6XV_WqHCxu01va9Wgg Patriot https://mega.nz/folder/4y5w2QDD#V8rlQ-ZQB7uCxX0MN82-XA Paul Heyman 2002 https://mega.nz/folder/0qgmEYLb#QEiho2Mde5JAozyk9uqOnQ Percy Pringle https://mega.nz/folder/w7Qg3SiT#vFv-n-VzxUKiuOUgdHaEBA Psicosis: https://mega.nz/folder/dugmDAJK#gHeojaqbOWgv6k-aztYHSA Public Enemy https://mega.nz/folder/k2hSwQjb#9GlO6yKO16R_9a1bQmNrRg Regal KOTR 2008 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Refats base https://mega.nz/folder/4yBwTLbY#HwtH_dMGiilMwHVxr7qUMQ Scott Hall https://mega.nz/folder/l3ARnJrJ#Q9vT-N1j2KlPCeQsR0iXnA https://mega.nz/folder/MzwkkIbb#MMPLZfEqCY3Gw7QobV9TIA Scott Steiner https://mega.nz/folder/4nxVVQoA#ocVPd_YVhsdGycDaSFR-IA https://mega.nz/folder/Zmg2CSoC#ZMtkpybnXqHgyewo3Ichcw Sid https://mega.nz/folder/Buh2GK6a#fOIykgm0rCv0L0wkV_OHCQ Steve Blackman https://mega.nz/folder/d7gAGQKZ#_qdAihkU527KcSsW6QX7qA Sting Sunny https://mega.nz/folder/A3oESaKD#xL3nH8m0Xva-61iZ6z0o_A Syxx https://mega.nz/folder/lywUCIyZ#tDRzh6TFrTsGrM_n4qlehQ Tajiri https://mega.nz/folder/BzxUwSbC#GiMHpd4s5aXuw5CyoW51MA Taka Michinoku https://mega.nz/folder/p6hEyQrL#PhTpM6-7-P4SkPqp9CjGcA Terry Funk https://mega.nz/folder/FipwnYTA#E-tcqMavxD3xfgyV_AhbXg TNT (savio vega) Ultimo Dragon https://mega.nz/folder/km5iCQaA#lfF2SVBKsThpTW0D6hPjjA Val Venis https://mega.nz/folder/I2pknSqI#9UJbNGj2-RIf9diU4uWZxw Wahoo McDaniel https://mega.nz/folder/A3wDXSha#mL7gua1_JJr4Qnnd6OXQLg X-Pac https://mega.nz/folder/Aj5GTCaC#NhrYrn6HWucDBaBE6rQ0BQ
    1 point
  3. Awesome, thanks for your work, the WWISE conversion+hex edit days are not good memories 🤠
    1 point
  4. That's the one I couldn't find. We needs something like this for 2k23 and can start by filling those already found, now excuse me I will try to at least play through story first. Oh, yeah, also: Becky Lynch 63 02 2A 01 4C 03 A1 0D 00 00 DB 5B A6 E4 FA 76 93 15 3D 14 04 F1 F3 8E CA 3D 2C E2 55 18 EC CB 14 65 01 00 00 00 01 01 00 04 87 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 Alexa Bliss 6C 02 2E 01 B1 03 0F 0D 00 00 41 70 2A 22 60 5D 1F D3 A7 3F 88 37 69 A5 46 FB B6 C9 D9 DE 76 E0 98 A3 01 00 00 00 01 01 00 07 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Bayley 6E 02 30 01 4E 03 F5 0D 00 00 B6 00 11 C3 97 2D 24 32 50 4F B3 D6 9E D5 7D 1A 41 B9 E2 3F 81 90 A3 42 01 00 00 00 01 01 00 04 77 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
    1 point
  5. Great as always. Thank you for your effort every time.
    1 point
  6. This is great! Very much appreciate the work!
    1 point
  7. Here's the spreadsheet I copied that ID list from. It has more info that may be useful, though of course, some will be out of date. WWE2k22 character ID list - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t2UK5qzkw8qqJhV1ZD7U61VYCJThjswcxw4c4YJH3I4/
    1 point
  8. Really nice! Great work as always!
    1 point
    1 point
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