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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2022 in all areas

  1. I find it inappropriate to say that here, I like this forum a lot since I've been here, and that's quite a few years. The problem I think comes from new modders or people who don't really respect the work of the older ones who have worked a lot for the community. Never a please, or thank you... which is like doing a lot of work with an intensive output. Some people have given up, and I understand... it's exhausting. I'm still following the active posts (especially Matt's which keeps me living the Golden Era or Attitude Era). It's a shame to use the forum only for advertising as you say. But I think there are still people here.
    1 point
  2. You didnt help establish either audience, so its kind of odd that you of all people have anything to say. But sure, ok. carry on shit posting, that might make people like you more. idk.
    1 point
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