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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2022 in all areas

  1. Hey man, I just wanted to post that I think you're insanely talented. You're really, really good at this, and have been for quite a while. I'm glad some modders are still producing content for 2K19 (I personally don't think 2K22 is all that), and it's awesome how you produce mods of more obscure characters, yet with such incredible likeness. Tori, Stacy Kiebler, Sunny, Kimberly Page, Debra, Harley Race, and Chyna are among some of my favorite mods of yours I use. Out of curiosity, will Luna have an entrance attire? Not requesting, just wondering (and I suppose, hoping). She looks amazing. I have a slot for Luna and an older mod I'm using, but I definitely intend to upgrade with your model when she's released. Keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing your talents with us so we can continue to customize and create our own versions of the greatest wrestling game roster ever.
    2 points
  2. Nice work here, the first time I thought, but who is this K'ptain Karisma? or Captain IK.A? Jokes aside, nice textures on Mayu Iwatani, beautiful, Doink is terrifyingly beautiful too ! Keep up the good work
    1 point
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