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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2022 in all areas

  1. This is a short tutorial I will put up on setting up the MSK tag team in the game using cheatengine. First there are a few things to take note of : As Nash Carter isn't in the game, a CC downloaded model will need to be used. I have downloaded one for this tutorial. Nash Carter's entrance ,Victory motions and moveset were not added with the DLC pack so the model will probably come with Wes Lee's motions and moveset assigned. However the developers added the MSK tag team victory and champion victory motions , and these are selectable in the CREATE VICTORY menu. The Team entrance ID 1377 is not listed in the game, so we will be adding this with cheatengine. Set up the MSK team in your game. Give the team a slightly unique name temporarily so its easy to search in cheatengine with newer results. In this case I'll use MSKTEAM1 Set the ENTRANCE MOTION as D-GENERATION X. This will be changed in cheatengine, The ID for the D-X entrance is 1300 which is 514 in hexadecimal Set all the GFX and theme to Wes Lee . There isn't separate Team GFX for MSK. You can set up the MSK victory motions as those are listed in the game. Save. Launch cheatengine and open process, select the 2k22 game. Perform a string search for the name of the team. The name should be in capitals as shown. Browse the memory region for each result. You will be looking for a region with the data as shown below. When looking through data , its important to be able to examine the pattern of data carefully and its arrangement, so you know the right region to select. What you are looking for here is the 1405 I have highlighted. This is reverse for 514 which is the ID for the D-X entrance selected for the team. The ID for the MSK team entrance is 1377 . Converting 1377 to hexadecimal is 561 . flip as 61 05 Check the others also. You will find a few with the 14 05 which will be changed to 61 05 When you are done, go back to team entrance edit to preview. You will notice the TEAM ENTRANCE SETTING is blank This is because of the unlisted entrance. You can change the name of the team back to MSK. You will notice the name of the entrance is ALEXA BLISS AND NIKKI CROSS as shown This happens as there is no listing for the entrance. If you make any changes here, the entrance will reset so ensure you have set up everything else before the cheatengine modification. Exit without saving. You can now save the team data The Tag title entrance in the game has always been managed by a separate file. This file links the tag entrance ID 1377 with the title entrance ID 1213. When the team is assigned tag titles, the game will swap the entrance with the title entrance. This is implemented for 3 tag entrances in 2k22. The MSK tag entrance The Imperium Tag entrance The Ascension Tag entrance The New Day had separate tag title entrances ion previous games, but these have been removed in 2k22. That's about it.
    3 points
  2. Road warrior Animal WIP ....im trying to go for a younger version of the road warriors. AWA time period
    1 point
  3. @Leingod thanks so much. Yeah, I'm still going to revisit this model again sometime down the line, I'm sure. There's always something to fix lol, I'm noticing with myself. So yeah, be on the lookout for updates from time to time. Thanks again So, here's a Goldberg update with his elbow pads. Link at the top... Goldberg elbow pads V.1
    1 point
  4. Try to run the MenuMusic Patcher in Sound Editor under Tools and see if that helps.
    1 point
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