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  1. WWF VENGEANCE 2001 by @Titavius Y2J by @Joe Mashups WWF ROYAL RUMBLE 2001 by @Titavius STONE COLD by @Joe Mashups
    4 points
  2. @PromoGuru & @PromoGuru.........Absolutely i will. Thanks Ok so I'm sorry for being late on this,.. So this is Andre with his sideburns, but fixed up a bit. I think i got two more coming. I touched up the face a bit, moved the hair around. I tried to catch the look mostly from the Hulk Hogan rivalry. So yeah link is at the top Andre the Giant V.1
    2 points
  3. WWF SURVIVOR SERIES 2001 by @Titavius EDGE by @Joe Mashups WWF ROYAL RUMBLE 2000 by @Titavius HHH by RipzZ
    2 points
  4. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ABL9KLiDzSetmMxMTBdLRLrr3DLmYM8v/view?usp=sharing After seeing what could be done I made a personal menu mod for my favourite time in wrestling, the Monday Night Wars. I like how it turned out so I thought I'd share it. This includes intro video, menu backgrounds and renders. This works with SEEFUSION's Dark Mode mod that brightens the text. Located http://2kmodz.com/file/2ff07b0bcc71aaa96d625faad3ef9b00 Use 1.3 versions asset folder only from the download. I also used the Thanos Remove Mod by JimmyC12322 located here: http://2kmodz.com/file/16b5b3530e8530ed5e9cd06ac813c36d
    1 point
  5. I'm also using the European version of the game. And with Bruteforce or Apollo Save Tool the region of the save could easily be changed anyways.
    1 point
  6. @denbigh7 That's kinda complex the way you do it, to be honest. It's much easier and faster to just update the arena size in the arc. Here's a tutorial video made by @Impaler on how to do the Hex stuff including updating the arc. Originally made for PS3 but most of it applies the same to 360, besides that on PS3 every arena has two bg files than just one. (one for singles and one for multi man matches)
    1 point
  7. So, replacing arenas is definitely one of the simpler mods to tackle, but yeah….if you’ve never done it before it can be overwhelming. First, you need to decide what arenas in WL you want to replace. Go to red roosters Wrestling Legends Install and support thread. Scroll past all the stuff about installation and look for the link he gives for all the arena ID’s, wrestler slots, etc. You’ll see that arenas are “bg” files (bg10, bg26, etc.) Let’s say you decide to replace bg12 (whatever arena that is - I’m not looking at the list at the moment). I’m guessing you know how to access your files on your XBOX360, so do that and find the bg folder. Find bg12 and right click it to see how many mbs it is. Let’s say it 10mbs. If the Backlash 01 arena you want to replace it with is larger in mbs (even just the slightest bit) you can’t replace bg12 with it. You have to find a bg file that’s larger than the one you’re inserting. Ok, so now let’s say you’ve found one. Let’s say it’s bg14 and it’s 8.5mbs. Let’s say your Backlash arena is 7.5 mbs. We need to get your Backlash arena to be the exact size as bg14. So download a Hex program, like HxD. (By the way, before you go any further, always make a backup file of the one you’re going to replace before you edit anything. Just in case.) Drag bg14 into HxD and also your backlash arena. Scroll to the bottom of each file in HxD. You’ll see that the larger bg file goes much farther. On the left hand side, you’ll see numbers and letters. In your backlash file, start adding zeros (and only zeros) at the end of it until it matches bg14 EXACTLY. Not one zero more, not one zero less. Save it. Now, you simply need to rename it to bg14, both inside HxD and the file itself. Inside HxD, scroll your backlash arena to the very top. Look at the right hand column. Start scrolling down a bit until you see whatever bg number it has been assigned by justyn1893. Let’s say it’s bg25. Simply highlight the numbers 25 and change them to 14. Hit save. Close HxD. Now, right click your backlash arena file and rename it to bg14. That’s it. All that’s left to do is to drag it back into the bg folder in the game and you’re good to go. Now, it still won’t have the correct arena screen when you choose it in game….that’s a tutorial for another time. But you can at least use the arena in the game. Hope that helps. I’m writing this after a very long day, but I don’t think I forgot anything.
    1 point
  8. No worries guys. Figured out the save problem and now it'll even include everything unlocked, NPCs unlocked and obviously the DLC characters playable. Just a few things left to do like giving the legend DLC characters their actual titantron and such.
    1 point
  9. ERAS 1-6 updated in first post. Loading vid by @eggman718
    1 point
  10. ERA #5⭐️1996 - 1997 | Full Walkthrough
    1 point
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