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  1. Here are the ID numbers of the wrestlers. Slots with no ID I marked as empty. IDs are listed in the order they appear in memory. Pofo size is 678 672 bytes. Hope this helps.
    2 points
  2. After more than 3 years of match without any wear off on any facepaint of any superstar (ingame or caw), i found something today. In my game the facepaint wear off (even on caw) if you put on the following option: Options / Match / third one (don' have the game in english so i dont know what is the name, the one who make appeared the warning for OMG, escape,etc). Because i turn off always this option when i bought wwe game (for more clear view) i never noticed that. Perhaps most people know it, but because i haven't seen this information anywhere on google, i put it here.
    1 point
  3. Yes but it does not work 100%, the man cannot give more than a few hits, he finds himself blocked.
    1 point
  4. Hi, Very unlikely. Even 2k20 motions arent working in 2k22 from tests so far. They've changed the format for the new game.
    1 point
  5. So there's no chance to port entrance and Victory motion from past games ?
    1 point
  6. Hey old friend. I'd like to have a chat about this. Send me a message please. Its not allowing me to msg you for some reason.
    1 point
  7. google translate My English is bad, I can't speak or write well, but I recorded a video to see if it is understood a little. video link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gc2MlUiuAocV3o35vsGqePvgeI-Hd5bS/view?usp=sharing the address of "array of byte" in cheat engine: 64 00 64 00 58 01
    1 point
  8. Have the same MyRise issue as well with the camera and it happened out of a sudden. No idea on how to fix it as well.
    1 point
  9. A mod or a method to be able to make intergender matches, I admit that it would be very useful for me and for many others I think.
    1 point
  10. I can give my 2 Cents on Crowd Signs- Editing, without the need to work with a HexEditor. I stress out that it's for the process to replace/Edit signs not to add new ones! Tools you need: - PAC Editor - WrestleMinus - rePac - Photoshop and/Or GIMP First you extract the pac inside the audience.pac. (Should be D2ACC42D89D89FFD) and extract the 0000.pac Inside 0000.pac there are other files (like .bpe) select "extract all" and extrat the files in a folder where you would like to edit them. Note: What you can try is to open the 0000.pac with rePac. If rePac shows you .dds files, congrats you might have it easier, do a mass extract with rePac. In this case you have an easier job to preview the pictures to decide which signs you like to edit and which not. But so far I only heard form one person thet rePac was able to who the image files as .dds "out of the box". If rePac only shows you cryptic stuff or also just .bpe, then forget that, of course. Open Wrestle Minus and go to the folder where you extratced those .bpe files with the Pac Editor. Select one and click on the "+"/unfold it till it gives you the option "Picture View" (next to where you see "Text View") If there is a file you like to edit, make a right clik and extract it (with the option you prefer). Now you should get a file by the name no01.dds You can edit it like you know it from every other .dds, just make sure it's 128x128 The re-packing and re-injecting: So let's say you edit the no01.dds in 0BB9.bpe, Open rePac and select "Create Texture Archive" and select the no01.dds The name neepds to be 0BB9. No worries if it is a .pac Inject that as BPE with the Pac Editor, at the right spot in the 0000.pac D2ACC42D89D89FFD, and inject the the 0000.pac. An finaly inject the D2ACC42D89D89FFD in the audience.pac Files names aside, it should workd the same way for the other files that conatin crowd signs. I testet it. Not Crashes, no not correct displayed signs, no glitches.
    1 point
  11. Justin Gabriel mod please! 🤣
    0 points
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