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  1. 2 more Attires added to Project: Sgt Slaughter "Cobra Corps" and "Black 84" Thanks @OldSchoolCool84 and @blackjeeep https://mega.nz/folder/Ev5SEQyC#-TmbbieafxK3klmCuR2oNA
    7 points
  2. 2 points
    1 point
  4. So, as the title states: I"m having an issue where I will install a new arena (NXT 2.0, which I FINALLY got to work) and on the main menu in "Play mode" ( not universe) I go to one on one normal. I select the arena and boom, there is the new arena. Play the match, and it works great. Now, I eventually turn off the game, come back and restart it. I do the same exact thing, and the gfx for the "locator" effects, where it should be like "Anaheim,CA' with the new NXT graphics, are now gone. And replaced with the old Backlash (or whatever arena it was prior.) I've also noticed this in the create a show part. Where, you select the bottom left graphics, "etc.." and sometimes the one that should be there is, the next it's gone. Is my game reading some other file? Not sure what's going on. I've double checked the .pac files and they are all there. I even regen'd the chunk and arc files. They'll work, and then not work. Any suggestions?
    1 point
  5. you need to make sure to install the unpacked gfx mod, if you have it installed... go back to the install instructions. there may be files you didnt delete
    1 point
  6. Hi, This tutorial will cover setting up the correct shirt rips when using alternate attires for any Hulk Hogan mods. I will be refrenciing the work done by @matt2282p for the Hulk Hogan mods be put together and @Tricky McGee for the shirt props objects put together for the various attires. Link to the page here https://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/73960-wwf-legends-macho-king-pack-wip-double-j-released-warrior-paul-roma-money-inc-narcissist-hbk-rr93-orndorff-hardy-debut-macho-king-virgil-bob-orton-mr-wallstreet-godwinns-volkoff/?do=findComment&comment=986576 An issue arises when you have alternate attires for Hulk Hogan installed with the same shirt being ripped for all entrances. To rectify this, it is important to understand how the developers manage the props during entrances. First I will start with the Hulk Hogan retro models . We need to know the ID for the entrance file which is 1109. (This is an entrance file ported over from WWE 2K15 so it isnt in the base game. You will have to download the ported entrances pack or the Hogan mod files from @AznBlusuazn to obtain these files. The ID for the shirt prop ID for the model which is 2870. Tools required . Pac Editor , which you need to decompress the entrance evt and effect files. Hex editor Hxd. * First I will open the entrance file 01109_HulkHogan in the pac \evt folder using pac editor. Highlight the first evt file and select UNCOMPRESS from the menu. * Open the extracted file which should have an extension 0fop in Hxd. The first is a screenshot of the top part of the file. The bytes I highlighted 04 55 is hexadecimal for 1109. This is important as the game reads the ID in this file to match it with the ID's for the media assets. If the ID is set to a different value, theme music and trons will not work with the entrance. The screenshot below is a section of the file when you scroll down a bit. Here I have highlighted the bytes 0B 36. (B36) which is hexadecimal for 2870. This is the ID for the shirt prop which is ripped in the entrance. So how does this work ? The character model entrance attire has a shirt object in the character pac file named ID 001A.yobj. This is the shirt you first see at the start of the entrance. The 2870 object is also loaded but its invisible in the entrance scene. This ID 001A is also in the entrance file but it is part of the character model animation data. No need to change anything here. At the point just after he enters the ring, this object becomes invisible and the 2870 prop object becomes visible in the entrance. If both don't match, you will see a different shirt being ripped in the entrance motion. The problem here is the shirt props for all the attires have the ID 2870 so this one prop will load for all attires. The workaround for this isn't as straightforward and will require a bit of modding experience and a bit of patience. So the question here is , how do we work around it ? The prop ID for the default attire is 2870. AThe ID's for the attire props will need to be changed to new values so they are separate. If you look in the pac\prop folder, you will notice there aren't any prop files with ID 2860 - 2869. So these can be used.. Open the 2870 prop file in Hxd and scroll down to offset row 800 as shown undefined Here I have changed it to 2861, one of the unused prop ID's then save What can be done here is change the ID's for the other 2870 prop files to 2862,2863,2864 etc. The next step is , these prop ID's have to be loaded in separate entrance files. This will mean the evt 1109 entrance file will have to be duplicated with different ID's assigned to each additional entrance file. For instance each copy of the entrance file for the additional attire can be assigned to an unused evt slot, say 1150 -1159 , as these are unused. To avoid duplication, you will need to go through a tutorial I had posted a while back on how to move entrance files to a new slot. The difference in data with each file will be the 0fop file which holds the ID for the prop. This is a screenshot with the prop ID which I ported earlier. If you raname any of the props to say, 2861, the ID for the prop will have to be converted to hexadecimal (B2D and written as 0B 2D). This will replace the original ID 0B 36 As an example , for 10 Hulk Hogan attires, you will end up having prop file with ID's 2861 - 2869, in addition to 2870 for the default attire (attire 1) You will also have entrance evt and effect files with ID's 1151-1159 for attire 2 to 9 with 1109 as the default attire entrance. So in a nutshell, evt 1109 for attire 1 has prop ID 2870 (DEFAULT ATTIRE) evt 1151 for attire 2 will have prop ID 2861 evt 1152 for attire 3 will have prop ID 2862 evt 1153 for attire 4 will have prop ID 2863 etc. So the next question is, How do these work in the game ? This is where the evt_data.pac file comes in. (pac\evt folder) If you have the ported entrances pack installed, you can use that copy, open the file in pac editor and follow this tutorial on extracting the right file to be modified. Now when you open the 0000.1024 file extracted , you will see the following. Here I have added the additional entries for the alternate attire entrance ID 's. You only add the ID's for entrance files , not the ID's for the props. Take note here 1109 is the entrance ID for the default attire (attire 1). This entrance MUST be set as the default entrance in data editor or in the game or it wouldn't work. The way the game will read this data is, IF attire 2 (47512 ) is selected, swap the entrance 1109 with entrance 1151, if 1109 is set as the evt for the default attire. This will mean if you change the default entrance, the game will not swap the motions.. When you are done, save, then reinject back into the evt-data.pac file. Place all the additonal entrance files created in the pac\evt folder, the effect files for the entrances in the pac\evt\effect folder and the prop files with new ID's in the pac\prop folder. Regenerate the chunk0.def file and reinstall your attires. Ensure you are installing each attire in the correct slot to match the prop you have set in the entrance. That's all. This same procedure works for the other Hogan entrances.
    1 point
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