No wait, is not easy than only replace and nothing more, NOOOOO, first of all i hope than you have a backup, the otherwise you will have more trouble man, wait, once again you find that text inside HxD change it BUT be carefull don't use the delete button or the only change the letter you will need to respect the space and points of separation, that mean for exaple. : .Rey Mysterio. Shayna Blaszler.Baron Corbin. between names you will find PONTS don't delete than points, in your case if you have more letters to delete only use the backspace button that means the code 20 in your left side, thats all man, the otherwise your game will became in messed, AHHH don't forget than you have to replace ALL name in ALL the file that "error name" you will need to search more than 10 times or 15 you will need to replace ALL !!!! is a HARD work really