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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2018 in all areas

  1. With 2K19 just 8 days away I'll be tweaking my unreleased work and releasing them on there here's a few new previews
    2 points
  2. All 46 belts for Wrestling Legends.
    1 point
  3. Amazing work Leon Hope to see Brian Clark Kronik attire as well. You are a great modder and better guy. Hope to see you do 2k19 stuff and hoping that the 2k18 mods will work in the meantime.
    1 point
  4. I appreciate that. I did consider putting my mods behind a paywall. But can you really put a price on these mods? I mean I can recoup the money I commissioned from eri, but what about the mods I didn't commission from him. And then a lot of my mods are large packs. They took at least a hr to do each pach. Soo if I charged by the hourly rate that I make at my job folks would probably cringe at the high prices. So what do you do? I appreciate it. I got some big updates coming in the future.
    1 point
  5. I think Ryee's should not change his mask. He made a very good Pentagon Jr and each person has his different vision to make a caw. I downloaded a Pentagon Jr to a secondary account to see how it was done and I think he did a great job with this Lucha Underground outfit. The look of Pentagon Jr is very difficult to do with the means we have on this game and Ryee's done a good job I wonder how he did to make his tattoos they are better than his best is on lol. Play RYEE'S well as usual.
    1 point
  6. Hey everyone, it's been a while I know lol. So basically I kind of stopped playing WWE 2K18 since the beginning of the summer and doing other things so hence why I was M.I.A. for a while. Most likely, I probably won't be creating more content anymore for WWE 2K18 (as you already may have guessed by now). Most of my slots are all filled anyway. I may finish Tanahashi and Almas, but we'll see. Otherwise, thanks for the support thus far everyone and maybe I'll see you all in WWE 2K19...?
    1 point
  7. 1 point
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