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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2018 in all areas

  1. With 2K19 just 8 days away I'll be tweaking my unreleased work and releasing them on there here's a few new previews
    4 points
  2. You right, I made the face a bit more chubby than it needed to be and the eyes closer. Fixed it tho.
    3 points
  3. @matt2282p has done an absolutely wonderful job at recreating one of the greatest and most legendary matches in Wrestlemania history - Ric Flair vs. Macho Man at Wrestlemania 8. This is just a little extra to help celebrate his amazing work and also, I hope, this mod will help boost that kick of nostalgia you get when you replay this match in 2k. Enjoy! Download Ms. Elizabeth: http://zipansion.com/41Rsr Be sure to check out @matt2282p page for Macho Man, Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect from Wrestlemania 8. Oohhhh Yeaah!!
    1 point
  4. I haven't even got round to starting my universe mode on this years game and 2K19 is nearly out lol, I am trying to get things tied up with 2K18 and hopefully 2K19 wont prove to be a problem adapting all current findings to that game, for some reason 2K18 has been nothing but an experimentation when I'm in the mood, 2K should take a leaf out of Fire Pro's book and embrace the modding community, I only buy the games because of modding and I'm sure many follow that logic too so to keep throwing spanners in the works just deflates interest from people who just want to be able to do simple things like change names and add renders to mods. Theres a reason games from years ago retain interest and a continuous stream of people buying old games, mods, even if we manage to mod the game to the absolute current day rosters and arenas, etc we would still buy the new games, I think they fear that with mods it makes a new game redundant, a bit silly really because sports games sell well every single year despite being practically identical to the last, all they need to do is change storylines and update rosters and such things and the most important thing for me is to keep building on the universe mode and adding stories to try and head that mode in a dynamic way which offers unpredictability and keeps players interests. That and offering more and more customisable options throughout will keep people coming back year in and year out and modding will only help them in the long run. Look at games like Skyrim, been out years, still able to repackage and sell the game because of the modding community keeping the game fresh and yet we fans of the Elder Scrolls games still thirst to buy the next game in the series. Sorry to go off on a tangent, its just frustrating how something which should be so simple to do is locked behind these stupid SHDC scrambled ID's. I'll be doing a lot of tests AGAIN focussing solely on renders for the next few hours so if I find anything of interest I will post in this thread. Don't hold your breath though, been through this torture far too many times.
    1 point
  5. Got a new ps4 and Hendry will be up soon and Aussie open been having a hard time finding a good face ref for tk cooper other than that his attire is complete rampage and Ilja dragunov hard time finding a face ref but I’ll try to get these up fast as I can
    1 point
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