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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2018 in all areas

  1. @matt2282p has done an absolutely wonderful job at recreating one of the greatest and most legendary matches in Wrestlemania history - Ric Flair vs. Macho Man at Wrestlemania 8. This is just a little extra to help celebrate his amazing work and also, I hope, this mod will help boost that kick of nostalgia you get when you replay this match in 2k. Enjoy! Download Ms. Elizabeth: http://zipansion.com/41Rsr Be sure to check out @matt2282p page for Macho Man, Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect from Wrestlemania 8. Oohhhh Yeaah!!
    7 points
  2. Great news! Thank you for all you do in the modding community
    2 points
  3. Due to requests of other people to post PAC Editor here, I will do it,this tool supports browsing,extracting,rebuilding PAC file.Originally designed for PS2 but can be used for 2k17 as well. Supported format: - PS2 SVR PAC(PAC,DPAC) - PS3,XBOX SVR PAC (PACH,EPAC) - DPK8,EPK8 PAC - SHDC PAC - HSPC PAC - YAF format - Wrestle Kingdom DIP/PAC format (change mode to DIP) Easy to use GUI.This has 10+ buttons : - Open: Open a file. - Extract: Will extract a file you highlight in the filename box - Extract All: Extract all the file into '@filename' folder - Rebuild: Make a new file from '@filename' folder.(you must extract all first) - Update arc: Will update the arc entry for the currently opened file.Note that PAC and PACH don't need to update arc.Generate new arc - Inject file: Will inject a file into the pac.Generate old pac as backup - Uncompress: Will extract the file and uncompress it (zlib or bpe algorithm only) - Search: Will select the file which contains the string you want to search,ignore case.Press Enter or the button to search from the beginning of the filelist,press F3 to do a next search - Mass Extract: Will extract all of the PAC and BPE and ZLIB * Attention: How to use the mode selector You can set the PAC/PACH file name id in 'config.ini' in section 'pac_name_id': + 0 : File will be named according to their index Example: file000000.dat file000001.dat + 1 : File will be named according to their id Example: 0A.pac 0B.pac 1AC3.pac + 2 : Same as 1 except the mimimum digits is 4 (for 2k users) Example: 000A.pac 000B.pac 1AC3.pac Credit to Nikethebike for some of the source CrocoX111 for info about DPK8 format TheKingofKings for reporting about other PAC Tool's problem ERI619, aluigi - For giving me suggestions Philip Gage - For the original BPE script which I alerted asmodean - For unrrbpe Hardx36 - For the first to find out Philips' source dadydodo - For BPE research Version 6.7.1 Download here Version 6.4.1 beta Download here From version 6.4 onward there is an updated GUI: Misc Tool: PAC File Adder unpack_temp_files option: 0 - The file will be unpacked on HDD (default) 1 - The file will be unpacked on RAM
    1 point
  4. Thanks to @BamBams Universe for his kind words and the donation. As a result, I have now decided to pre-order the game. So I'm ready for 2K19.
    1 point
  5. Nigel McGiunnis might be a cool mod. I still think adding a brian adams to the crush mods would be great. Kronik could have been good if given the chance and given a better name than Kronik lol
    1 point
  6. Crush 3 version updated face with facial animations
    1 point
  7. Austin, Love your videos!! GFW host their 47th episode of Chaos. Check out our Sim eFed partners – True 1 Pro Wrestling. Follow them on twitter @True1Pro #caw #gfw #ps4 #wwe #wwe2k18 #FranchiseNation #pvp #efed #league Give us a like and subscribe!
    1 point
  8. PAC Editor updated to version 6.7.1 - For some odd reason drag and drop will fail with the file path that has space in them so this little update fixes that bug
    1 point
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