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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2018 in all areas

  1. Some of you may know that in recent times they made it very difficult to do certain types of rule modifications for matches, and for some crazy reason if you switch your Battle Royal to pins/submissions you still are just stuck in the ring even with some of the custom match tools floating around. For those who use Cheat Engine, you can now turn ring out ON or OFF at ANY TIME during any match!!! For those NOT using it yet, go grab it because it's FREE and amazing! I'm pretty sure this static address will work for anybody with the most recent game version, but if I'm wrong I can try to guide you how to find it by hand. The address to load up in Cheat Engine is: 142782DDC You'll want to make sure the display type is either Byte or 2 Bytes. The value can be toggled between 0 and 1 on the fly during a match or when the match is loading, where 0 lets you leave the ring and 1 traps you in the ring during ANY match. Be warned if you leave the ring during an "over the top rope" battle royal, you'll eliminate yourself. lol Here's the code for your CE script if you just want to grab it here: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <CheatTable CheatEngineTableVersion="26"> <CheatEntries> <CheatEntry> <ID>7</ID> <Description>"RingOut 1=off 0=on"</Description> <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="142782DDC"/> <VariableType>Byte</VariableType> <Address>142782DDC</Address> </CheatEntry> </CheatEntries> <UserdefinedSymbols/> </CheatTable> If anyone needs more help or has questions, let me know and I'll try to answer. Soon I will also release some other interesting match mods and wrestler team assignments (to make crazy lopsided handicap matches or 2v2v2v2, etc...) once I do more testing on those. I think I also have a big 4v4 Elimination Chamber match in the works for CE which is a lot of fun. I believe my methods will also avoid the "zombie" opponent problem some other match mods suffer from when there are a lot of guys in the match. I've always preferred the freedom of using Cheat Engine as opposed to using programs/trainers other people make because you can learn a lot along the way and come up with things for some games that others may never think of. Hope you guys feel the same, and enjoy!
    1 point
  2. Sorry for double post, I have uploaded tonight my last caw for NXT UK : Ligero. I hope you like it, I've tried to do my best Tag : PROGRESS INDY - NXT UK - EL LIGERO Last show have been also uploaded and updated : NXT Chicago, England and Canada (Toronto) See you later ! And thanks for your support ! Ben
    1 point
  3. Verifying the files on Steam won't fix it, as the .pofo and .moveset data is saved in the save game. However, Data Editor comes with the original .pofo and .moveset files of in-game wrestlers in the Templates folders, you can easily inject them with CCT or other tools to restore them to their originals.
    1 point
  4. Wonderful work! Such great findings. Yes, the workaround tickboxes would set the template to ID 0 (which is likely unspecified so the defaults are used), so they need to be off and the trons set to the default for the wrestler. So basically, these files are the ones containing the templates that are linked to from the .moveset file (via ID). Do you know if assetconv.pac also controls the victory music/tron templates or is there a different file for that? Similar question for victory motions. In any case, this should be the key to create templates for all 10 attires of each wrestler and be able to add different entrances and possibly victories for each of the 10 possible attires for any wrestler, be it available in-game or otherwise (I wonder if there is a limit). This should be great as we could have attires from different eras/gimmicks of a wrestler each have a fitting entrance/victory.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Roman Reigns Current attire with updated side beard
    1 point
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