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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2018 in all areas

  1. This is so cruel. I hope you stay strong and you will soon be lucky again in your life. My sincere condolences.
    2 points
  2. All the turtles released on first page
    2 points
  3. Adding Wrestlers as DLC in WWE 2K14 With X-PacKer 9 A guide by Miztah Raza The following tutorial divided into 8 total parts further divided in to 2 sections: Section 1: -Editing the SaveData.dat -Editing the Catalog.dlc -Rebuilding the DLC package -Rebuilding the Save file -Editing the strings.pac Section 2: -Editing the arc files -Editing the def files To do the above, you will need: - A WWE 2K14 SaveData file - A WWE 2K14 DLC Pack - LeFluffie - CONcept/Horizon -X-PacKer 9 Part One – Editing the SaveData.dat: 1. You will need to extract your WWE 2K14 Save file. To do so, open LeFluffie and drag and drop the WWE 2K14 SaveData into the LeFluffie window. A window will appear, click on the ‘Contents’ tab. Right click on the file there and select extract. Your window should look like this: 2. Name and save the file. For simplicity’s sake, I’ve saved it to the desktop. 3. Open the extracted file using the WWE 2K14 à Extracted Save à Wrestler Info 4. The following window will appear. 5. All Slot – 0s are ‘No Model’ slots, they’re free for you to add your wrestlers as DLC. So, click on any one of them: 6. Here’s a breakdown of all options: Full Name – Leave this for now, this will be edited after we edit the Strings.pac Nick Name – Ditto Short Name – Ditto Gender – Self-explanatory, choose Male or Female depending upon the gender of your added superstar Brand – Choose the brand for your added superstar Cheer/Boo – Choose whether your added superstar is a heel or face Height – Enter a numerical value of your wrestler’s height, in metres. Playable – Set this to yes Menu Sort Order – Add 1000 to your added wrestler’s ID, so if you’re adding a superstar to slot 108, add 1000 to that, so your Menu Sort Order would be 1108 Wrestler ID – It is best to note down the ID before the Slot – 0, in the picture above, the slot I chose came after Slot – 107, so this one must be 108 DLC Pack – This tells the game which dlc pack unlocks the wrestler. This numbr must correspond to the value you set for you dlc below. Weight – Select your added wrestler’s weight class. 7. So fill in all the values in the POFO Editor, and select inject. That’s it for this part. Part Two – Editing the Catalog.dlc 1. Drag and drop your DLC archive into LeFluffie 2. Go into the Contents tab 3. Go into the info folder 4. In the bottom part of the window, you will notice a catalog.dlc file, extract this similar to how you extracted the SaveData file 5. Open the file in X-PacKer using the WWE2K14 à Open Catalog.DLC file function 6. The following window appears: Here’s a breakdown of what is what: · DLC Pack Number – Self explanatory. Put in a value which your dlc pack will be numbered. If you editing an existing dlc pack to add more wresters, don't change this value. This value must also correspond to the dlc pack number you used in your wrestler info file. · DLC Content ID starts from – This is a cumulative total of hom many dlc items have been added to the game so far. e.g if dlc pack has 10 items and dlc dlc pack 2 has 10 items. This value must be 21 as it takes into account all dlc items which came before this pack. · No of additional files in DLC – Always set to zero · Name of Content – Name your wrestler, this doesn’t show up in game, it’s just to help you keep track of what’s in what DLC pack · Wrestler ID to unlock as, put the ID of the wrestler slot you edited in part 1, I edited 108 so I would put 108 there. · Content type – Unless you’re some genius who’s adding other types of files in the game, set all of these boxes as ‘Superstar’ · Id in DLC – Basically, no 2 IDs in ANY DLC pack can be the same, so make sure that never happens. Your numbers must be in sequence starting from 0 moving upwards. Part Three – Rebuilding the DLC package: 1. Start up LeFluffie 2. Drag and drop the DLC package to which your edited catalog.dlc belonged to 3. In the window that pops up, click on the contents tab. 4. Collapse the info folder 5. In the bottom pane, you will notice a catalog.dlc file, right click and select inject 6. Navigate to your edited DLC file and double click it. 7. Go into the general tab in the window inside LeFluffie (your DLC window) and click rebuld. 8. Go into the Security tab 9. Click the “Sign for Dev LIVE” button 10. Click Fix. 11. Close LeFluffie. 12. You can name the newly edited DLC package whatever you like. 13. Move it back to your USB using Horizon Part Four – Rebuilding the Save File 1. Open LeFluffie 2. Drag and drop any WWE2K14 SaveData.dat file, NOT an extracted one. 3. Go into the contents tab 4. In the bottom pane, you will see one file. 5. Right click it and select inject 6. Navigate to the edited EXTRACTED SaveData.Dat file that you edited with X-PacKer 9 and double click it 7. Rehash and resign it with horizon/CONcept. (LeFluffie never worked for me for Rehashing and Resigning). Part Five – Editing the String.pac The RedRooster has been kind enough to write a tutorial regarding this topic, you can check it out here: After you have edited the strings.pac, note down the ID of the string you edited and paste it in all the name textboxes in the POfO editor in the first part of the tutorial
    1 point
  4. KAMALA Download: https://mega.nz/#!x9UkFIyR Key ONLY via PM. SCOTT STEINER [Retro] Download: https://mega.nz/#!Q4cDyagA Key ONLY via PM. HARDCORE HOLLY (fixed) Download: https://mega.nz/#!I8sV3YIB Key ONLY via PM. JEFF JARRETT (DOUBLE J) Download: https://mega.nz/#!t8lFzS4Z Key ONLY via PM. JEFF JARRETT (THE CHOSEN ONE) Download: https://mega.nz/#!lsFnVKyQ Key ONLY via PM. YOKOZUNA [RE-RELEASE] 09/08/18 Fix: 09/08/18 - fixed entrance coat - animated entrance belt Download: Public requests in the thread will be ignored https://mega.nz/#!8lUDQKqJ Key ONLY via PM. REPO MAN [RELEASED] Download: Public requests in the thread will be ignored https://mega.nz/#!1k1D0KIJ Key ONLY via PM. DOINK THE CLOWN [RELEASED] - Thanks to @AznBlusuaznfor fixing the hair animations & creating the damaged facepaint. Download: Public requests in the thread will be ignored https://mega.nz/#!RpsHBKCb Key ONLY via PM. HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN with Two by Four [RELEASED] Download: Public requests in the thread will be ignored https://mega.nz/#!Iw8hwZiC Key ONLY via PM. ECW DLC - TOMMY DREAMER, TAZ(Z), THE SANDMAN [RELEASED] Download: Public requests in the thread will be ignored https://mega.nz/#!A8cTSZZR Key ONLY via PM.
    1 point
  5. Long time modder from other games as well. I thought there was some challenges modding Fifa 18 but nothing compares to the file structure in this game. Stuff is all over the place. I’d like to do a complete WCW conversion but have encountered some road blocks with match screen locations as well as nameplates. I’ve asked questions but am feeling generally pretty late to the party. Lol I’m hoping things ramp up when 19 drops and I can get more figured out.
    1 point
  6. thanks for all turtles ❤️ will you make splinter as well ?
    1 point
  7. Thank you for your great Turtles
    1 point
  8. Yes. 184 is the maximum number of dlc slots that can be used including the original slots in the dlcs.
    1 point
  9. LeonRick Great Boogeyman Attire 1 , keep it up man ! ur are the only one, still leading this Mods Here is Boogeyman attire1 render.....
    1 point
  10. oh fuck, I'm so sorry man! I hope you'll be fine. I know the feeling all too well. Keep your head up.
    1 point
  11. You are a Godsend, sir. No PC modding or community creations on PS4/XB1 will ever come close to matching Wrestling Legends for all-encompassing nostalgia.
    1 point
  12. Nice work man! These look great. Actually kind of upset I don't have an Xbox One now that I've seen this. lol. Nonetheless, excellent job, and keep up the good work. Is there any chance of you possibly re-doing this on the PS4 for PS4 users like myself? Still though, great work. I look forward to seeing your other work.
    1 point
  13. i don't play on the pc for a reason. not cause i can't but if i'm going to waste all that time modding i might as well go back to 2k14. cause that pretty much took all my time and i never got into actually playing the game itself. why do you hate him so much? i mean well i kinda hated him in the beginning but he grew on me. i guess it's the fact that i felt he should have been a face and not a heel aw come on paul not even mania tickets? LOL i kidd i kidd
    1 point
  14. Boogeyman 1st attire & Kaitlyn Released at first post Remember to say thanks if you use my mods
    1 point
  15. Thank you. Benoit v2 released in the first post, remember to say thank you if you are using the mod.
    1 point
  16. Ok... here is my plan when I get motivated again lol. First I'm gonna knock out WM 11-20 and then I'm done with them. Then I'll concentrate on some more WCW retro arenas. Then I'll do more WWF arenas. I want to get the WMs done first that way every era in the game will have a WM to represent. From golden era to Ruthless Agression. Then because WCW don't have as many arenas in the game, I'm gonna do 10 various WCW arenas. Then after that, I'll take a look at 10 more WWF alternates. A few Summerslams, Royal Rumbles, Survivor Series, and King of the Ring. I will release them in packs of 10 in that order. How long it will take me is anyone's guess. But just know, after these 30 or so, I'm done. And also note I'm making the arenas as alts for Wrestling Legends. So ramps, no ramps, multi colored ropes or single color ropes will all play a factor in the selection. I will try and get started on them this week or next.
    1 point
  17. Thank you! i think i got it to blend ok should be up soon. Also did Black Panther and Deadpool lol Donatello link in first post
    1 point
  18. This will be out soon, I just lost a/my only parent so I'm dealing with running out of money and the likely hood of being homeless. So bare with me.
    0 points
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