As I've rebuilt my saves on unlocked profiles figured I may as well share them. 100 caws and 50 arenas each. 32 glitched arenas on the WWF save, a few glitched Nitros and Thunders on the WCW, plus every ppv arena from 98, 00 and 01. Massive thanks to Iceman for uploading his caws again, replaying this era was never going to be as fun without them. Also to Judders for his amazing aprons, razaback for his WCW arenas, bernielomax and all the other great caw makers, and the oracle Kim. Here are the rosters and links to the files.
WWF Roster
WCW Roster
WWF save file, Kims save game tools folder
WCW Save
Here is how I do it step by step: 1. Create a game save (any that lets you copy to usb - not 2k14, I use minecraft/fifa/skyrim) on the ps3 profile you wish to have my save on. Copy it to usb. 2. Download and extract my Save file and Kims Save Game Tools folder.
3. Copy the "param.sfo" file from your ps3 game save into the saved game tools folder. Rename it to "template.sfo", after deleting the template.sfo that was already there. 4. Copy all the files from my game save (the BLES01937_SAVE folder) into either the BLES..(for PAL) or BLUS (for U.S) file in the saved games tools folder. 5. Click or, a black square should flash up and disappear. Copy the BLES or BLUS folder to usb then ps3, game should load fine without any "this save is from another user, you cannot save progress" message. But remember custom logos will not work, you can download and use them but every time you restart the game they will be gone. What a bastard.
If you just want the arenas and have an unlocked save you can easily copy them over without resigning, just copy all the files begining "caa."
Many thanks again to kim for his help.