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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2018 in all areas

  1. sorry guys its taking long to release my pending mods will release them all today or tomorrow here is another ecw tag team done The Eliminators Requested by @emerikan
    4 points
  2. No need to say sorry man, you have a life too. Looking forward to the releases.
    2 points
  3. I'm back from my 14 day vacation and now i am sad to read that you're leaving the community for a while. Thanks for the last weeks/months and also thanks for your tutorials which have helped me a lot. Wish you and your family all the best
    2 points
  4. I did two versions of each turtle one with the color pads and one with matching brown and green pads. Im not a fan of the Gran Metttalic mask i used it looks shiny? If anyone knows a fix for this let me know please! Almost where i want them to release Also Spidey preview!! same mask issue
    2 points
  5. As I've rebuilt my saves on unlocked profiles figured I may as well share them. 100 caws and 50 arenas each. 32 glitched arenas on the WWF save, a few glitched Nitros and Thunders on the WCW, plus every ppv arena from 98, 00 and 01. Massive thanks to Iceman for uploading his caws again, replaying this era was never going to be as fun without them. Also to Judders for his amazing aprons, razaback for his WCW arenas, bernielomax and all the other great caw makers, and the oracle Kim. Here are the rosters and links to the files. WWF Roster WCW Roster WWF save file, https://www.sendspace.com/file/23v6ay Kims save game tools folder http://www.sendspace.com/file/dvghv4 WCW Save **** Here is how I do it step by step: 1. Create a game save (any that lets you copy to usb - not 2k14, I use minecraft/fifa/skyrim) on the ps3 profile you wish to have my save on. Copy it to usb. 2. Download and extract my Save file and Kims Save Game Tools folder. 3. Copy the "param.sfo" file from your ps3 game save into the saved game tools folder. Rename it to "template.sfo", after deleting the template.sfo that was already there. 4. Copy all the files from my game save (the BLES01937_SAVE folder) into either the BLES..(for PAL) or BLUS (for U.S) file in the saved games tools folder. 5. Click resign.eu or resign.us, a black square should flash up and disappear. Copy the BLES or BLUS folder to usb then ps3, game should load fine without any "this save is from another user, you cannot save progress" message. But remember custom logos will not work, you can download and use them but every time you restart the game they will be gone. What a bastard. http://thewrestlinglegendsforum.com/forum/thread-13513.html If you just want the arenas and have an unlocked save you can easily copy them over without resigning, just copy all the files begining "caa." Many thanks again to kim for his help.
    1 point
  6. 30+ glitched arenas by me, most of the rest by menegenesimmons and most of the 100 caws by bernielomax, thanks to them, rdk, kim, judders and Undertaker for his apron resource thread. If anyone knows of any other good ppv apron textures I could add please let me know Arenas roster Save file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/fkwpwd Kims save game tools folder http://www.sendspace.com/file/dvghv4 If you just want the arenas and have an unlocked save you can easily copy them over, just copying the CAA.00 - CAA.49, CAA.HED, & CAA.LST onto an existing save will work fine without any resigning with the tool. Many thanks again to Kim for his help Step by step guide:
    1 point
  7. Here's the pics of yesterday's upload. Face pics can be found in the OP. Vampire Warrior (aka ECW era Gangrel) Vamp got a brand new face this year and different hair for attire 1 as I didn't like how boxy/flat the hair I used on him last year looks in 2K18. Attire 1 is from 1995, specifically from the Barbed Wire, Hoodies, & Chokeslams arena show where he faced Hack Meyers and Tommy Dreamer And attire 2 is from a fancam match in Orlando, FL in September 1997 where he teamed up with Marty Jannetty to take on Al Snow & Roadkill If the tights logos are too dark for you, feel free to change the tights to the generic Sting tights that were also used on Ron Simmons and 2 Cold Scorpio (basically the only high-cut tights that aren't glitchy ) As always, credit and huge thanks to Keith Majors for his moveset! DLC moves are included for him, and I may do a WWF version down the line once I set up a 3rd profile. And the last 2 CAWs of the main part of this project are on pace for a Sunday upload, so I'll post pics of them as soon as they go up.
    1 point
  8. This guys actually Wrestled in Mexico using the Turtles gimmick.
    1 point
  9. @jimmyveez Change the shader
    1 point
  10. Not specified but reuploaded https://mega.nz/#F!OEVBhCZQ!AEHy52pCKv4egEXHvLWNsQ
    1 point
  11. Not specified but reuploaded https://mega.nz/#F!OEVBhCZQ!AEHy52pCKv4egEXHvLWNsQ
    1 point
  12. http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/55399-tutorial-howto-edit-the-wwe2k1415-savegame-on-ps3/
    1 point
  13. So you gotta keep the game(wwe 2k14) running the entire time So you ftp'd into the ps3(while the gane was running) and grabbed the uncompressed save file. Edited that save file Then put that edited unencrypted save file fia ftp back into the exact same folder you got it(overwriting the current save file there) Then in the game went to the options menu and saved the game in that menu. Then you should be good. But I'm pretty sure you dont need the decompressed save file to inject caws. That method is for injecting cdlc.
    1 point
  14. Lex Luger American Hero Berlyn WCW & Alex Wright wcw Kharma Mr. Hughes & petey williams all these mods RELEASED at first post remember to say thanks if you use my mods
    1 point
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