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  1. Here a set of renders i have created for my custom game , (type A, B ,C) https://www21.zippyshare.com/v/arBYpS0F/file.html
    4 points
  2. New Jack ECW(animated by @AznBlusuazn):- The Godfather Black Light It Up Attire:- New Jack:- http://bc.vc/LLIiabw http://bc.vc/7e9ASIl The GodFather:- http://bc.vc/ls4nL3a
    4 points
  3. I've created some PPVs for a Ring of Honor Universe Mode. Search for WarChester_Sauce or use the tags #ROH or #RingofHonor. Enjoy. https://imgur.com/a/uRhvdQo Edit: Final Battle not currently uploaded due to upload limit. If interested in downloading let me know.
    3 points
  4. hey squaredcirclefan, are you planning on bringing back any tag team moves that was either removed or locked away within this game? I'm hoping the Hart Attack is still around or the Steiners finishing move is there as well
    2 points
  5. Custom Character Tools 2018 v1.0.2 To keep my threads clean, I've decided to make a new thread for my tools this year when they're released. So this is the place for all questions, bugs, error messages and suggestions regarding the new Custom Character Tools 2018 for WWE 2K18! First I want to say a big THANK YOU to @Cave Waverider for another great cooperation this year and @Perfectplex for allowing me to use his "PerfectPlextra" mod! Features Changes Download (setup) Tutorials FAQ And before anyone ask .. No, it does not work with pirated versions!
    1 point
  6. NO NEW SAVE REQUIRED!!! Just inject into the new slots! This mod should be fully compatible with all mods/modding tools as is. It expands the base character slot count to 669 allowing for a much wider range of roster slots to inject pofos and movesets. This is a free mod, will always remain free, free for redistribution and free to use in your own mod or tool, consider it a new default base. This mod contains no copyrighted files, no textures, sounds or models, it has been generated from scratch. I provide this mod as is with no guarantee of future compatibility with update patches, I will adjust the mod accordingly given any such problem. I require no credit although I would ask in good faith that you would also not acredit your own name to this method. How to install: First as with all mods you will need to null out your Chunk0.arc file found in the main directory of your WWE 2K18 game. If you have not yet done that then simply create a notepad file call it Chunk0.arc (ensuring you can see file extensions) then use it to replace the default. Go to your WWE 2K18/pac/profile folder and make a secure backup of your profile_dat.pac , profile_mvs.pac and profile_pro.pac files and move the backed up files out of your game folder (simply changing the extension and leaving them in does not prevent the game reading them). You may now download the file (link below), unzip it to the WWE 2K18/pac/profile folder and choose yes to overwrite. DONE! Slots and CH layout can be found here. Q&A: Ok so I don't notice any difference?!?!! That's fine and intentional, I have left the base files set to match those of the vanilla files, this mod merely expands the slot count in which mods can be installed. Isn't this pacplus? No! That uses a method which requires a tool to be run each play to force extra slots to work, this operates differently and requires a one time installation, however the good news is both methods are compatible with each other and I have agreed with Pozzum on a slot order which compliments and matches the slot order he uses for consistency. Does this expand to more CAW's? No, this is for Mod characters oniy. Does this stack on top of PacPlus? No, it occupies the same memory offsets for each slot, see the ch list for the order. Please note I will provide a detailed tutorial for how this was created soon, I want others to learn these things because I believe in a fun open sharing community which allows growth and knowledge sharing. It will also allow for an immediate expanded base to be found for future games so other areas of discoveries can be achieved faster. Click Me! for default pofos for all 669 characters, I do not have the means to create the moveset files, sorry. Update Notes: No need for me to update these files for compatibility with WWE 2K18 1.7 Updated to WWE 2K18 1.4 Updated for assurance of compatibility with DLC "NXT Generation Pack"
    1 point
  7. Hi, I believe the Hart attack is in the game. I'm not sure if the Steiner's tag move was in any of the current gen pc games.
    1 point
  8. These are all kinds of awesome man. Well done.
    1 point
  9. Looks good for a Caw. when coming Sami Callihan?
    1 point
  10. A solid Great Muta moveset representing him around early to mid-90s would be cool. I've got a really good Muta but his moves and attributes were a bit wonky. I've adjusted the attributes but movesets tend to overwhelm me. Thanks for even considering it!
    1 point
  11. You could assign the mod as new attire slots to one of the versions of the Big Show already in the game
    1 point
  12. Excellent work on the giant!!! Here is a pofo and moveset for anyone that wants it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FpFieNztv4o__4EKVQuYiJ-xlxQFzmtW/view?usp=sharing
    1 point
  13. NWO Giant-Harvey Wippleman-The Giant WCW RELEASED Remember to say thanks if you use my mods
    1 point
  14. sort of a character modding debut... Candice LeRae (NXT Debut Attire + GFX) https://goo.gl/MNJNxD
    1 point
  15. NWO Giant final previews
    1 point
  16. Damien Demento pofo/moveset Gangrel pofo/moveset Mordecai pofo/moveset Tito Santana pofo/moveset
    1 point
  17. Will likely make one at the conclusion of the BOSJ tournament
    1 point
  18. Bobby Lashley fixed and now working in game:- Download:- http://bc.vc/MTckebr Ignore the clipping issue on the left leg seen in the picture above, I fixed it
    1 point
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