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8 minutes ago, Gift Of Jericho said:

You can't tell me shit, you are a zebra!


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1 hour ago, DrJoeyMagnumRyan said:


Thank you, I won't forget I love her <3

28 minutes ago, Gift Of Jericho said:

You can't tell me shit, you are a zebra!

But what about that time I told everyone about your rimming fetishes and then that turned out to be true and changed your life on these forums forever! I'm obviously very good at telling people things!


You're doing a terrible job staying here! I saw you post in the Status updates topic! :angry:

PS: <3 you

PPS: #FuckCodes #NotLiterally


Read my first post again, I'm only boycotting specific sections, Feedback & Suggestions isn't one of them. I'm free to post there.

PS: #fuckcodestodeath

PPS: #jeffshouldbetheonetodoit


We all know people in power have selective reading abilities!

PS: #ItShouldNotEvenBeAGentleDeathFuck

PPS: #WhatAboutMrElectricCity?



Is that why people in power keep fucking shit up?

PS: #TheDeathFuckShallBeBrutalAndExcrutiatinglyPainful

PPS: #mrelectriccityCanFuckTheCorpseWhenJeffIsFinishedWithIt


This is Rose


As you can probably tell Rose is a dog, my dog. She's been a major part of my life for twelve and a half years now. Words cannot express my love for this dog, as long as I've known her she's been one of the most important things in my life. She's been a loyal companion, she always knew when I was sad, and always knew how to cheer me up, she's saved my cat from neighbourhood bullies and rapists countless times, she's so insanely protective of the people and animals she loves, and she had the most loving and caring disposition imagineable.

Well a week and a half ago she got really sick one night, then we found out she had cancer. We were told she should have around two months left to live.. Sadly last night she took a turn for the worst and we woke up this morning to find she couldn't walk and was barely able to breathe. She died around 10.30 this morning, this is the last photo I ever took of her. Never in my life have I been so upset over the loss of a loved one, I know my life quite simply won't be the same without her ;_;

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Damn dude, I can't imagine what you're going through right now. Rose sounds like she was an amazing dog and you gave her a happy life.

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Yea Rose was amazing, and she did have a good life. I knew this was coming but I wasn't in any way ready to lose her yet, I was only just starting to accept the fact she was going to die. It just felt so sudden, she actually seemed to be getting better, yesterday before I left for work she seemed perfectly fine. Worst thing is in times like this she's the one I always turn to for comfort, without her I just feel so alone ;_;

@Jai the following comment is in response to your comment in the thread about WWE talent being shipped down to NXT.

Are you seriously sassing Penguin, for sassing Steenalizer, for sassing the Titus brand which definitely deserved to be sassed?

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Are you sassing Jeff, for sassing Penguin, for sassing me, for sassing the Titus Brand in another thread?

Does that mean I'm now sassing you for sassing in Jeff in another thread, for sassing Penguin, for sassing me, for sassing the Titus Brand?

But wait, now I'm sassing myself, for sassing you, for sassing Jeff in another thread, for sassing Penguin, for sassing me, for sassing the Titus Brand?! 

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This conversation is starting to feel like reading a news story. Only, you see an ad that appeals to you, so you click the link. Then suddenly you're watching ad after, after ad, after slideshow, after ad after ad etc.. Reminds me a lot of the status update topic.

@Penguin just a thought. Would it be possible for two accounts to merge into one? Basically, we create a new shared account and retire the originals. Although always reserving the right to switch back at any time if the fusion doesn't work out. I thought it could be a lot of fun, but unfortunately I get the sense that Codes might frown upon that sort of thing ;_;


Sorry to hear that HiP. Losing a pet is always heartbreaking.

  • Like 1

Sorry to hear that HiP. :/ 

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, HiPcavallo said:


@Penguin just a thought. Would it be possible for two accounts to merge into one? Basically, we create a new shared account and retire the originals. Although always reserving the right to switch back at any time if the fusion doesn't work out. I thought it could be a lot of fun, but unfortunately I get the sense that Codes might frown upon that sort of thing ;_;

Could be possible, not sure if I need to be an admin for it though..Shame DB:Super retconned the potara earings, they woulda been nice. Codesy frowns on everything, I don't think he's ever happy! Though I can't blame him, have you seen that beard?

10 hours ago, LordJustice17 said:

Sorry to hear that HiP. Losing a pet is always heartbreaking.


4 hours ago, GameElite™ said:

Sorry to hear that HiP. :/ 

Thanks guys, really appreciate that <3

@Penguin yes I have seen that monstrosity Codes calls a beard. To be fair though, I imagine being a miserable fuck is a likely side effect of wearing that thing.

Why do I get the feeling that someone hijacked @fufu ÷'s account in the Tomfoolery and Shenanigans topic? Getting fake endorsements from fufu doesn't make your topic good Joey!


I wonder if Codes get happier or depressed without that... Thing. I wouldn't be surprised if he got more miserable tbh.

Wasn't me, I tried the "PenguinXfufu69420" password for fufu's account and it didn't work. :(


Yea, that's a fair point. He is unnaturally dependent on that thing. His relationship with his beard is sort of like people who are still having their mothers breast feed them at 24 years old. I don't think he would cope with losing it.

I posted a status update, I'm not sure how I feel about it.

In response to the topic about talent possibly moving to NXT

Personally I think John Cena should go to Shimmer.


He might kill himself, without it but he could always shave another cat.. Hopefully not one of the furless one's this time.

It does kinda blow, but better than nothing I suppose? Hopefully Pozzum's Club thing is good, should at least be better than WWE's.

I personally think he would do wonders for Shimmer's dev brand Sparkle. I heard Wrestlicious may be starting up again so he has options.


Honestly, I'm surprised he isn't suicidal now. I know if I were Codes, I'd definitely want to kill myself. Of course I would also surrender my account to HiPcavallo first, somehow I doubt the real Codes would do that.

Yea, I'm really not sure how to feel about it, but it's better than nothing at least. Not sure if this means I'm supposed to stop boycotting now, but I've grown quite fond of my new home so I think I'll remain here for the time being. However should this section be deleted can I have some assurances that this topic will be moved to another section so I don't lose it? Personally I think it should replace the Tomfoolery and Shenanigans topic in General Chat and be pinned. This topic is considerably more active and contains far more Tomfoolery and Shenanigans than Joey's thread.

The thing that really concerns me about the clubs shit is it's more closed off. It may work as a substitute for status updates, but it'll mean other members won't be able to get involved. It may just be the same guys most of the time, but it's nice when you get the odd appearances from other members, and helps get others involved..

Personally I think it's Cena's best option at this point. He's already proven he can beat any man you put in front of him, and his accolades are just absurd. But I don't think he's proven he can beat any woman you put in front of him. If he wants to solidify his status as the greatest of all time then he needs to start beating women while he still can.


I personally think Codes should give you his account, further proof of why he'll never do it. He wants everyone to be as miserable as him.

I rather like your place too, it's kinda cozy you even got a rug that ties the room together. Tbh, this is kinda what Joseph wanted for his Tomfoolery topic so I'll probably replace it when we have to bounce to a new neighborhood.

Yeah, that's the part that is concerning too. Sure, it's mostly just us anyways but I want to bully other people too!

I wholeheartedly agree. I think he should beat Nikki Bella to submission and bring back the Diva's title and bring back his open challenge in every company with a Women's division.



I know, it's horribly selfish of him. It seems everyone wants Codes to surrender his account, so naturally it would be the right thing to do. I don't understand why Codes insists on making everyone suffer simply because he has pubes on his face.

I think it's obvious that Joey's thread is just a hollow imitation of this one, it would be best for all involved if my home took its place. My home just has a far more welcoming, and relaxing atmosphere.

Definitely. I fear that if Cena doesn't start beating women soon then he's just going to become stagnant. He should probably start wearing wife beaters as well.


Probably cause he's a jerk? You can't really expect anything else from that guy.

Joey's also a hollow imitation, though I can't blame as the only thing he's known for is his joke of a penis. Your home > all home.

But wouldn't Dean Ambrose file a copyright if Cena starts wearing wife beaters? That seems like the crazy wacky thing he'll do.. Unless Cena gets colourful wife beaters!

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