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[Tutorial] Howto edit the WWE2K15 PC Savegame in Memory/RAM

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Posted (edited)

The WWE2K15 Savegame is protected with a custom checksum, we can't edit it atm. But it is possible to edit it directly in RAM. We use the awesome Cheat Engine App to do it.
Create a backup from your Save.
Download, install and start Cheat Engine but make sure you use the 64bit version.
Now start WWE2K15 in window mode and go to the main menu.
Go to cheat engine and click "Open Process" which is top-left computer icon
Open the process named "WWE2K15_x64.exe"
Now press Ctrl + O and open my premade Cheat Engine Table file
This Cheat Engine Table has 3 Values, the first changes AJ Lee's gender to male (this will give us a little selection menu) and the other 2 will activate 2 hidden wrestlers, the movesetman and motion test 01.
Change the first value (AJ's gender) to "0" the other 2 values to "1"
Now switch back to the game and change the roster from a wrestler in my wwe, after the game has saved leave the game and then go back. Now aj should be male if you select her, you can (by pressing up/down) select every other male wrester. This allows you to select the movesetman and motion test 01.
There ID's from Motion Test 01 are 105 (ch105.pac) and MoveSet Man has 192 (ch192.pac). You can replace them with you modded Wrestlers.
Cheat Engine comes with a Memory Editor that allows to do even more. Here is a pic from Motion Test 01 in ram:


The black marked area is the Wrestler info of Motion Test 01. The red marked area is his name, he has 3 name entries. Editing this is basically just like editing Attire names.
The blue marked are is the activation bye, "01" activates and "00" deactivates
The green marked area is the gender byte, if you change this to "01" Motion Test becomes female.
And i forgot to mark the Height changing bytes, "0F 0D" between the blue and green marked area will change the height.
There are many more unused Wrestler spots, we just need to find them and add them to the Cheat Engine Table.
Here are some more memory adresses/offsets found by pozzum
A complete list of all starting Values for all Pac Files

And the CAW Reference Table

Edited by kim666
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So maybe later we could add extra wrestlers to the roster or are them blanks the dlc spots?


So maybe later we could add extra wrestlers to the roster or are them blanks the dlc spots?

the Save has spots for ID 100-499 and you can activate every unused spot.


That is a lot of slots! Hopefully we can figure out how to unlock them sooner rather than later.


Do these addresses work every time? or do they reset each time you start the game? Just i've found some appear to be the same but others change each time you launch the game.

In regards to height, I did change the height of some caws last week using Cheat Engine but I found that if I saved a Superstars height above or below the default parameters it wasn't selectable when going to the character select screen.

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For me the adresses are static, but only if you are in the main menu. If you start a match they change. When you go back to main menu, they become the same again.


If we activate an unused ID. Can we create custom pac files to use for that slot?

Thus adding more to the roster?


If we activate an unused ID. Can we create custom pac files to use for that slot?

Thus adding more to the roster?

That's the general idea.


If we activate an unused ID. Can we create custom pac files to use for that slot?

Thus adding more to the roster?

That's the general idea.

That's amazing! Thank you for this.


I'm not following how to select the Move-Set Man and the other one. They've appeared on the roster list in My WWE, but how do you select them in a match? Don't really get that bit.


I also can't get AJ to compete against other males because you can't select the Superstar option after selecting a Diva. Any help?


How did you manage to find the address of the superstars/divas you found? I'm seeing a bit of a pattern every few offsets, but nothing identifiable on my end. 


I was wondering the same thing, I am not able to identify anything with the values you marked red. Was it just try and error? or is there a way to convert the red marked values into something that lets us clearly identify what lines are for what char?


I was wondering the same thing, I am not able to identify anything with the values you marked red. Was it just try and error? or is there a way to convert the red marked values into something that lets us clearly identify what lines are for what char?

Kind of answered my own question through searching lol I found the address for Kane which is: 1425E32E0. It's a theory but it seems like every superstar begins where there's a letter in the text string.


For example Kane's: k.H.k.S

Posted (edited)

Every Superstar begins with his ID number in HEX. The Motion Test 01 Info starts with "69" converted to Dec it is "105". Here is a online converter http://www.binaryhexconverter.com/hex-to-decimal-converter

The Save is in Big Endian, that means you need to swap the ID in HEX. For example AJ Lee has ID 298 in HEX it would be 01 2A (little endian) and swapped 2A 01 (big endian)

Edited by kim666

Thanks for the tut. Going to try it when I get some time. Hopefully we can use cheatengine to find the memory address for the checksum.

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I have alot time currently, but i have no idea for what i should search. How can i find the checksum?

Cheat Engine is a very great tool, it allows to paste complete files into the ram. You can for example open a pofo file with a Hexeditor and copy/paste the whole file into the ram.

If we have no success with the checksum, we could create a Cheat Engine Table file with the "info" offsets for every possible wrestler ID and simply copy/paste the information to this offsets.


If we could find all the available slots, there could be huge potential for additional superstars. The though of adding extra talent into the game is exciting.


How are you copying entire files into ram? I've tried to do this but the game crashes.

Posted (edited)

Did you save and leave the game to the intro screen?


Here is another cheat engine table file with a bookmark for slot 110 and a booker t's pofo file (108). right click on the bookmark -> open in memory editor -> paste the content of the pofo file -> save in "my wwe" -> go back to the intro screen -> reload the save -> goto my wwe and you see 2 booker t's




i named the slot 109 but it is 110 ^^


Quickly renamed the movesetmam .pac file to ch110.pac and the pach files via hex too, added ch110.pac at the end of the .def file and he gets loaded fine ingame :)


You need to change his name too, only one booker t gets listed in the selection menu

Edited by kim666

Found some stuff. Will post in a short while.


Did you save and leave the game to the intro screen?


Here is another cheat engine table file with a bookmark for slot 110 and a booker t's pofo file (108). right click on the bookmark -> open in memory editor -> paste the content of the pofo file -> save in "my wwe" -> go back to the intro screen -> reload the save -> goto my wwe and you see 2 booker t's




i named the slot 109 but it is 110 ^^


Quickly renamed the movesetmam .pac file to ch110.pac and the pach files via hex too, added ch110.pac at the end of the .def file and he gets loaded fine ingame :)


You need to change his name too, only one booker t gets listed in the selection menu


Does that mean we need the arc.def file? 

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