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*Tutorial* Adding Winning Animations

Red Rooster

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The entries in the def are supposed to match the entries in the arc file.

The Arc entries for M3_Patch are MDAT and PRM which I found in your arc file but much further up.

First check to see if the patch is actually working (test if Mr Perfects finisher has audio)

You need to move M3_Patch.pac up in your def to macth the placement of the arc entries.

Edited by Red Rooster
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Ah bollocks - no it isn't. It was last time I checked, don't know how I would have updated the arc and moved it!? I see it's in a different place in the arc.


Just went back to an old saved arc where it was working and it is indeed at the end of that arc in conjuction with the def. The weird thing is, in my old arc with the patch update working the mdat and PRM values are completely different - so the new and older arc both different values for the MDAT and PRM, which I assume shouldn't be the case?

Edited by LordBarker
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Yeah, the MDAT and PRM values should be the same as the ones in my Title Update Tutorial. Im guessing if you fix that then you should be able to get the Winning Animations to work.

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Shit. Haven't gotten around to trying this whole thing out yet, but definitely still do want to. Don't know if it was mentioned--if it was, my mistake--but do we need to have the title update manually installed (or installed at all for that matter) in order to get this winning animation thing going? Saw you talking about it, which made me wonder. Haven't ever had any issues without it, so I never bothered.

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No, it should work fine without it.


Only thing I noticed that the patch fixed was giving Mr Perfects Finishers some audio. That alone made it worthwhile for me.

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No, it should work fine without it.


Only thing I noticed that the patch fixed was giving Mr Perfects Finishers some audio. That alone made it worthwhile for me.


Sounds good. Thanks as always, man! And I hear you--if I had more of a need for those handful of moves, that'd drive me crazy.

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  • 3 years later...
8 hours ago, Impaler said:

Is it possible to add existing winning animation within 2k14 to newly added CDLC wrestlers? if so, how?

Yes, its all in the tutorial in the first post. Inject the EVZ and EVP for the animation you want into an existing slot in one of the Winning##.pac files to replace one you dont need or add my Winning04.pac and inject it in there. Name it with the ID of the wrestler you want.

  • Too Sweet 1
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  • 3 years later...
On 12/19/2014 at 7:55 PM, Red Rooster said:



Ok this isnt going to be easy to explain but I will try to simplify it as much as possible. If Hex editing is not your thing then this isnt going to be for you so give up now and save us both a lot of hassle.


I have almost finished my Winning04.pac file with all animations for characters from WWE13 &  2k15 that have been added as CDLC and it will be released in a few hours which will save you a lot of time. This guide is just for people who want to learn how to do it themselves.


NB: I use Hex Workshop for my hex editor, if you use a different hex editor then yours wont match my pictures but the principles are the same so dont complain to me that mine says "...." and yours says "yyyy" etc coz I wont care. 


The Winning Animations are stored in pac files called Winning00.pac, to extract from these you will need to decompress them using xbdecompress. Once decompressed you will be able to open them in Xpacker 9 or 10 using the "Xbox 360/PS3 Pac Containing Directories (EPK8)" option in the File->Open Menu.
The Winning pac files are similar to the Entrance.pac files. They contain both an EVP and EVZ (EVP first, EVZ second) to add a winning animation you will need both. The file names in Winning00.pac are just the wrestler ID with a 6 in front eg. The Rock is 6100.
I have created a file called Winning04.pac that can be added to your game and will make it easier for you to add your own Winning Animations.
Download Files
To make the game use the Winning04.pac you will need to add entries to the end of both your arc and def file.


1. Editing your Def file

- Open the add to.def file in a Hex Editor
- Copy the entry and paste it at the end of your def file


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2. Editing your Arc file 

- Open the add to.arc file in a Hex Editor and copy the entire thing
- Open your plist.arc file and delete the FF FF at the end. (but leave the other FF FF)
- Paste the arc data at the end of your arc file (The end of your arc file wont look exactly the same as mine but the principal is the same)




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- In your arc file look for the last occurrence of EMD, then look at the 2 bytes to the left of it. (In my case 01 C3)

These 2 bytes are the file order number, when you add files to the arc they must have the correct order number.




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- Change the first 2 bytes of the data you pasted from my add to.arc file to be the next file order number (in my case 01 C4) eg if your last file order number was 01 A9 then the next number should be 01 AA - If you are not sure then just use a hex calculator and add 1.


- Your game should now accept Winning04.pac and load animations from it in the game. 


3. Editing the Winning04.pac


- Open Winning04.pac in Hex Editor and scroll down until you see the section shown below




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- This section of the file is a breakdown of where the individual files are within the pac(from here on I will refer to this section as the index, I dont know what its really called), as you can see there are 2 sections, EVP and EVZ. Both EVP and EVZ have a value that controls how many sub files it contains, these values are highlighted in the picture above. In the pac file values are always written backwards eg EVP value is 28 01 so this value is really 0128 in hex.


4. Extracting EVP & EVZ from Winning00.pac


- Open the Winning00.pac containing the Winning Animation you want to add using Xpacker's "Xbox 360/PS3 Pac Containing Directories (EPK8)" option in the File->Open Menu.


- For this example Im going to use the British Bulldog from WWE13, his ID is 313.


- Press the Extract button next to the first 6313 file and give it a file name eg Billy1.bpe - This is the EZP


- Press the Extract button next to the second 6313 file and give it a name eg Billy2.bpe - This is the EVZ


- Open both files in a Hex Editor


5. Adding EVZ entries


- I have created Winning04.pac to have the maximum number of sub files possible which is 74, I have found that adding anymore causes the game to load forever when trying to load Winning animation 75+.

To get the value 0128 you must perform a simple calculation (number of sub files) x 4 then convert the answer to hex

Eg. 74 x 4 = 296          296 in hex is 128        reverse the bytes and you get 28 01


- In Winning04.pac I have deleted all the EVZ files and removed all the EVZ entries from the index except one - 6212, this is just to start you off and give you an example of how each entry should look.





- The EVZ index entry for 6212 is shown above, each index entry is made up of 4 parts, the file name (Red), then 4 spaces (Blue), the offset (Green) and the filesize (Yellow)

The offset is the location where the file starts, in the case of EVZ- 6212 this value is F8 04, we must reverse this bacuse it is the pac file so the Offset is 04 F8. To calculate the actual start of the file you must perform the following calculation with a Hex Calculator


(Offset x 800) + 4000 = File Location

or if you are going from the file location to work out the Offset just reverse the calculation

(File Location - 4000) / 800 = Offset


So the File Location for EVZ - 6212 is (04F8 x 800) + 4000 = 280000


- Goto 280000 and you will see what is shown in the picture below




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- The text at the bottom EOP5 etc will always be where you will paste your new EVZ file so if you dont want to calculate the File Location from the Offset you can just scroll right to the bottom of Winning04.pac and find EOP5.


- Note the Hex Address (in this case 280000)


- Go to your EVZ file that you opened in Hex Editor (in this case Billy2.bpe)


- Press Ctrl + A to select All


- Press Ctrl + C to copy.


- Go back to your Winning04.pac and press Ctrl + V to paste the data in at 280000.


- Save Winning04.pac (just in case)


6. Adding EVP entries


- With Winning04.pac open in Hex Editor scroll down to the index and find the EVP entry you want to replace, in this case 6212. You can find the file location either by calculating it from the offset or by just scrolling down until you find it. The first EVP file will be the first BPE you come across when you scroll down after the index.




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- Select all the bytes from BPE until the byte before the next BPE (this will always be 800 in size)


- Go to your EVP file that you opened in Hex Editor (in this case Billy1.bpe)


- Press Ctrl + A to select All


- Press Ctrl + C to copy.


- Go back to Winning04.pac and Ctrl+V to paste over the top of the existing EVP file.

- Save Winning04.pac (just in case)
7. Editing the Index entries
- First we need to edit the EVZ entry for this file to set the correct filename, offset and size. (highlighted in the picture below)


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- Change the file name from 6212 to 6313 
- Change the Offset to the new offset (in this case its already correct but for future EVZ files you will have to calculate it)
- Go to your EVZ file that you opened in Hex Editor and scroll to the bottom, click to the right of the last byte and note the location


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- This is the size that needs to be entered in the EVZ entry in the index so in this case change 20 03 to the new size B0 04 (remember its 04 B0 written backwards)
- The EVP index entries will be find as long as you didnt cock anything up so all you need to do is change the file name to match the correct wrestler ID so in this case change the EVP filename from 6212 to 6313.
- Save Winning04.pac it is finished and should look like the pic below


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NB : In this example we did not have to change the value for the the amount of EVZ files in the pac(highlighted in the pic above) , for every other EVZ you add you will have to change this value accordingly eg. 2 EVZ files = 08, 7 EVZ files = 1C
Remember the equation is ((Number of Files) x 4 then convert answer to Hex)
NB 2.0 : With every new added file you will have to add an entry for it in the index, make sure you overwrite existing bytes. DONT insert otherwise you will screw up the offsets of every file in the pac. Best way to check everything is fine is open the pac in Xpacker and check it opens and also check all file Extensions say BPE.
8. Editing your arc file
- Every entry you add or change in the Winning04.pac index has to be reflected in the plist.arc. Entrys in the arc are not reversed like in the index they are the correct way round (just to be fucking annoying)
- In the EVP section all you need to do is change the filename
- In the EVZ section you must change the filename, offset and size, alos if this is a new file added to the EVZ the you must change the value that controls the number of files in the EVZ.


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- The picture above shows how our example arc should look, filename changed to 6313, Offset changed to 00 00 04 F8 and size changed to 00 00 04 B0.
- The highlighted section above shows the value that must be changed if more files are added to the EVZ in this case its 00 40 compared to 04 00 in the Winning04.pac index.  If you had 7 EVZ files then the entry in the arc would be 01 C0 and the entry in the index of Winning04.pac would be 1C 00
- Save Arc file
9. Done
- Copy the .arc, .def and Winning04.pac (goes in pac\evt folder) to your Xbox harddrive and see if it worked.
- If its successful then move on to the next one, rinse and repeat, as I stated at the start you can add up to 74 new animations.
- If it didnt work, check your work and try to find where you fucked up. 
Once you've done a few it becomes very easy, it takes me about 5 minutes to add 2-3 new Winning Animations now.
NB : This tutorial is for adding new Winning animations but the principles are the same for swapping existing ones in the Winning00.pac, the only problem is if the EVZ you replace is smaller than the one you replace it with then all the following Offsets will get screwed up.
NB 2.0 : You can assign any Winning Animation to any Wrestler ID just change the file name.
NB 3.0 : If you get confused with where you are up to, just look at the EVP files in Hex, they have the wrestlers name in them.

I need the pictures of how your arc file looks, the post images are down.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
On 1/17/2022 at 8:42 AM, Red Rooster said:

Sorry mate i posted that in 2014, I no longer have those images

well, even without images i run the Winning04.pac, but i got a problem, i cant find 6346 evp and evz in Winning00.pac, that files are from Undertaker retro winning animation,i need put that animation on Winning04.pac , a bit of help bro?

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1 hour ago, Deadite988 said:

well, even without images i run the Winning04.pac, but i got a problem, i cant find 6346 evp and evz in Winning00.pac, that files are from Undertaker retro winning animation,i need put that animation on Winning04.pac , a bit of help bro?

As far as I know there isnt a Winning anomation for Retro Undertaker, I could be wrong but there isnt one in WL so Im guessing there never was one otherwise we wouldve used it

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27 minutes ago, Red Rooster said:

As far as I know there isnt a Winning anomation for Retro Undertaker, I could be wrong but there isnt one in WL so Im guessing there never was one otherwise we wouldve used it

its so curious because yes, Undertaker retro have a winning animation but its not the same of ch103 Undertaker , he have the same animation of Undertaker Ministry WWE 13 dlc, i dont know if the file have the animation with another number because the retro undertaker have the same win of normal undertaker in wwe 13, take a look: 545408-B220051122084301977.jpg

this is ch103 Undertaker win, and ch346 Undertaker win in wwe 13

this is how Undertaker ministry wwe 13 and Undertaker (retro 2k14) win IMG-20220824-225903929-HDR.jpgIMG-20220824-225920782-HDR.jpgIMG-20220824-225927536-HDR.jpg

well, maybe you dont know where are that animation in winning00.pac, ok, How do I know what animation each file is, some detail, tell me "this animation belongs to such a superstar", please, and thank you for your time.

  • Too Sweet 1
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If theres no 6346 in wrestling legends then you would need to extract it from the original 2k14 files.

Strange that we didnt add it, Im not sure why, its been far too many years since we finished WL so ive forgotten (intentionally) almost everything.

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1 hour ago, Red Rooster said:

If theres no 6346 in wrestling legends then you would need to extract it from the original 2k14 files.

Strange that we didnt add it, Im not sure why, its been far too many years since we finished WL so ive forgotten (intentionally) almost everything.

maybe because you combine all undertakers hatless in one ch.pac and all hat undertakers in another ch.pac, and maybe for space give the 6103 as winning animation.,anyway i will check the original winning00.pac,thank you red, and thank you for the winning04.pac and the menuHD_dlc02.pac files, was so hard make him work because the images are lost, but i try, and try, and try, test and error, thank you, all of you guys.

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On 12/19/2014 at 8:24 PM, Red Rooster said:

Hmm title animations might be a bit tricky but Ill have a look


Edit : I had a look, it should be do-able 

bro, i siccesfully change some animations but the file its more light , that give me fatal crash in game, how i calculate the kb value file to put correctly on arc?

On 8/24/2022 at 11:54 PM, Red Rooster said:

If theres no 6346 in wrestling legends then you would need to extract it from the original 2k14 files.

Strange that we didnt add it, Im not sure why, its been far too many years since we finished WL so ive forgotten (intentionally) almost everything.

and i found that file , its not 6346, its 6502 the winning animation for retro Undertaker.

  • Too Sweet 1
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