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Adding Wrestlers as DLC in WWE 2K14 - X-PacKer 9

Miztah Raza

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Adding Wrestlers as DLC in WWE 2K14

With X-PacKer 9

A guide by Miztah Raza



The following tutorial divided into 8 total parts further divided in to 2 sections:

 Section 1:

-Editing the SaveData.dat

-Editing the Catalog.dlc

-Rebuilding the DLC package

-Rebuilding the Save file

-Editing the strings.pac


Section 2:

-Editing the arc files

-Editing the def files


To do the above, you will need:


- A WWE 2K14 SaveData file

- A WWE 2K14 DLC Pack 

- LeFluffie

- CONcept/Horizon

-X-PacKer 9


Part One – Editing the SaveData.dat:

1.      You will need to extract your WWE 2K14 Save file. To do so, open LeFluffie and drag and drop the WWE 2K14 SaveData into the LeFluffie window. A window will appear, click on the ‘Contents’ tab. Right click on the file there and select extract. Your window should look like this:




2.      Name and save the file. For simplicity’s sake, I’ve saved it to the desktop.


3.      Open the extracted file using the WWE 2K14 à Extracted Save à Wrestler Info


4.      The following window will appear.



5.      All Slot – 0s are ‘No Model’ slots, they’re free for you to add your wrestlers as DLC. So, click on any one of them:



6.      Here’s a breakdown of all options:

  • Full Name – Leave this for now, this will be edited after we edit the Strings.pac
  • Nick Name – Ditto
  • Short Name – Ditto
  • Gender – Self-explanatory, choose Male or Female depending upon the gender of your added superstar
  • Brand – Choose the brand for your added superstar
  • Cheer/Boo – Choose whether your added superstar is a heel or face
  • Height – Enter a numerical value of your wrestler’s height, in metres.
  • Playable – Set this to yes
  • Menu Sort Order – Add 1000 to your added wrestler’s ID, so if you’re adding a superstar to slot 108, add 1000 to that, so your Menu Sort Order would be 1108
  • Wrestler ID – It is best to note down the ID before the Slot – 0, in the picture above, the slot I chose came after Slot – 107, so this one must be 108
  • DLC Pack – This tells the game which dlc pack unlocks the wrestler. This numbr must correspond to the value you set for you dlc below.  
  • Weight – Select your added wrestler’s weight class.

7.      So fill in all the values in the POFO Editor, and select inject.

That’s it for this part.



Part Two – Editing the Catalog.dlc


1.      Drag and drop your DLC archive into LeFluffie

2.      Go into the Contents tab

3.      Go into the info folder

4.      In the bottom part of the window, you will notice a catalog.dlc file, extract this similar to how you extracted the SaveData file

5.      Open the file in X-PacKer using the WWE2K14 à Open Catalog.DLC file function

6.      The following window appears:16e2.png

Here’s a breakdown of what is what:

·         DLC Pack Number – Self explanatory. Put in a value which your dlc pack will be numbered. If you editing an existing dlc pack to add more wresters, don't change this value. This value must also correspond to the dlc pack number you used in your wrestler info file.

·         DLC Content ID starts from – This is a cumulative total of hom many dlc items have been added to the game so far. e.g if dlc pack has 10 items and dlc dlc pack 2 has 10 items. This value must be 21 as it takes into account all dlc items which came before this pack.

·         No of additional files in DLC – Always set to zero

·         Name of Content – Name your wrestler, this doesn’t show up in game, it’s just to help you keep track of what’s in what DLC pack  ;)

·         Wrestler ID to unlock as, put the ID of the wrestler slot you edited in part 1, I edited 108 so I would put 108 there.

·         Content type – Unless you’re some genius who’s adding other types of files in the game, set all of these boxes as ‘Superstar’

·         Id in DLC – Basically, no 2 IDs in ANY DLC pack can be the same, so make sure that never happens.

Your numbers must be in sequence starting from 0 moving upwards.


Part Three – Rebuilding the DLC package:


1.      Start up LeFluffie

2.      Drag and drop the DLC package to which your edited catalog.dlc belonged to

3.      In the window that pops up, click on the contents tab.

4.      Collapse the info folder

5.      In the bottom pane, you will notice a catalog.dlc file, right click and select inject

6.      Navigate to your edited DLC file and double click it.

7.      Go into the general tab in the window inside LeFluffie (your DLC window) and click rebuld.

8.      Go into the Security tab

9.      Click the “Sign for Dev LIVE” button

10.  Click Fix.

11.  Close LeFluffie.

12.  You can name the newly edited DLC package whatever you like.

13.  Move it back to your USB using Horizon


Part Four – Rebuilding the Save File


1.      Open LeFluffie

2.      Drag and drop any WWE2K14 SaveData.dat file, NOT an extracted one.

3.      Go into the contents tab

4.      In the bottom pane, you will see one file.

5.      Right click it and select inject

6.      Navigate to the edited EXTRACTED SaveData.Dat file that you edited with X-PacKer 9 and double click it

7.      Rehash and resign it with horizon/CONcept. (LeFluffie never worked for me for Rehashing and Resigning).


Part Five – Editing the String.pac


The RedRooster has been kind enough to write a tutorial regarding this topic, you can check it out here:

After you have edited the strings.pac, note down the ID of the string you edited and paste it in all the name textboxes in  the POfO editor in the first part of the tutorial

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so i assume you will explain how to create a dlc pack from scratch correct.


currently we have DLC2 for the community project..

do i :


a) add onto dlc2 or,

b: assume we can not add onto dlc2 any more and create a new dlc archieve dlc5 using the values defined in dlc2 but incremented based on what i add?

Edited by zhigge
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The second part explains how to add the arc entries for the added superstars as well as their entries in the .def files.


You can use the catalog.dlc from Tekken's DLC pack, edit it according to your needs, and change the DLC Pack number, etc. and inject it into the dlc2 that tekken UL'd but rename the actual file(if it's dlc 2, name it dlc 5 or something) and transfer back to your Xbox.


Yes, you can add extra wrestlers even if you have Tekken's DLC pack :)

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raza in the comunnity dlc pack from Tekken , we have injected more wrestler info slots than wrestlers added (step 2) what's the reason?


thanks for the tutorial , with that is more easy , thanks


I know , we have 10 more slots to add wrestlers in the dlc2

Edited by motishow
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raza in the comunnity dlc pack from Tekken , we have injected more wrestler info slots than wrestlers added (step 2) what's the reason?


thanks for the tutorial , with that is more easy , thanks


I know , we have 10 more slots to add wrestlers in the dlc2


That 10 slots are going to be used for the next community DLC, for what I´m seeing.


Great tuto, Miztah. Very understandable.

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I used the nicknames of existing wrestlers for the names of the dlc wrestlers. The extra wrestler info files fixes the string references in the existing wrestlers so that the rock isn't referred to as Shamrock.

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Sorry guys. My entire house is being re-painted, my room was done yesterday, so I've been sort of busy with that. Pile up a shit load of homework and I'm not exactly 'free'. As soon as I get time, I'll post part two. ;)

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    Sorry guys. My entire house is being re-painted, my room was done yesterday, so I've been sort of busy with that. Pile up a shit load of homework and I'm not exactly 'free'. As soon as I get time, I'll post part two. ;)

    don't worry paintman, you are making a very good tutorial and we can wait

  2. thanks

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ugh.. @raza... why are you trying to have a life when we have a game modding session going on.. some people. lmao.... do your thing.. we just have to hurry up and wait.. is there anything i can do to help just let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys, I know Miztah is busy, so let me help with part two. Miztah, you can type this out more detailed if you want.


If you have followed Miztah's tutorial correctly so far, the game will display your new wrestlers as dlc on your menu. However at this stage the game has not loaded the pac files containing the wrestlers. So if you select the wreslter, you will either get a dirty disc error or you will get a fatal crash.


There are three more steps to get the game to load your new dlc wrestlers.


1. Prepare your wrestler pac file

You need to create a pac file containing the wrestler you want. The pac file needs to be named the same as the slot your are enabling e.g If you are enabling slot 499, your pac file needs to be called ch499.pac.


Each of the attires in the pac file also needs to be named correctly e.g. 00049902, 00049912, etc.

If you need more detailed instructions, read the tutorial on creating alt attires, it shows you how to create a new pac from a dummy pac: http://sf4mods.blogspot.com/2010/08/how-to-add-additional-attires-using-x.html



2. Create an entry in the Def file

The def file controls which files are loaded in the game. Scroll right to the end of the file and add an entry for your new pac file. The pac files should be copied into the ch\pac folder in your wwe 2k14 game folder. So for slot 499 your entry will be pac\ch\ch499.pac . Look at the entries in def file for other wrestler pac's if you are not sure about the naming convention for the entries.



3. Add a new entry in your arc file

Now that the game has loaded your file, an entry needs to be made in arc file for the game to use the file. The correct approach to add an entry is to look at the position in the def file. The arc file references this position by assigning a number to the pac file.


To illustrate, the first file in the def file will be referenced as 00 00 in the arc. Second file 00 01, etc. Please note that the numbering starts from zero.


This numbering is not essential as the arc will load the file even if you have the wrong number but I like to stick to the numbering convention so as to avoid wierd errors later on.


- Open your def file and copy all the contents excluding the first line ";PAC_LIST_ARC_EPAC_BIG" .

- Paste the contents into excel

- On column next to where you pasted your contents start creating numbers starting from 0 going down to your last file.





- On row with the new pac file you want to add to the arc, take a note of the number in your excel sheet. e.g. in my def file ch499 is file number 379.

- Open the pac file in x-packer and click the "Add new data to arc file" button"

- You will asked to enter a number for the entry in the def file, in our example enter the number 379.

- If there are no entries already in your arc file for the pac file, new entries will be added for the pac file in the arc.




So now you are done. Copy you arc and def file to the root of your game folder. Copy your wrestler pac file into the pac\ch folder. Start the game and load your new wrestler. If you encounter an error, go through the above steps again.


My recommendation is to do one wrestler at a time. Take backups each time, if the wrestler works, then start adding the next wrestler.

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About the catalog.DLC.

How exactly to add the new entries?

I don´t see any option to add the new ID´s.

I had a play with the catalog_dlc file in Hex and the value at 0x0000000C controls the amount of slots there are

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Use the existing catalog.dlc file from community dlc, it already has 32 slots enabled. Just change the dlc pack number to 1 and inject into the dlc 1 container. The unlock bit is explained by redrooster above. Use the values which are set in community dlc 2 to unlock all the slots.


@gamingsinceatari, haven't had time to write a tut up on renders.


To quickly explain how to inject new renders into the file I've created:


1. The file menuHD_dlc2.pac is the renders file from wwe 13. So if you're creating slots for wrestlers from wwe13, there's nothing that needs to be done. The renders will appear as soon as you unlock the slots.


2. The renders file also contains entries for the other superstars who are also in this years game e.g the rock. The game discards the duplicate renders in the wwe 13 file. So you can use replace these renders with the new renders you want for wwe 12 and custom superstars.


3. Firstly you need to rename the render file in the pac file. Open the pac using the Pac with directories option. There will be three directories contain the render in different sizes i.e. ssfa, ssfb, ssfc. You don't need to worry about ssfd. Double click the name of the render and rename it to the slot you want e.g. 100 can be renamed to 152.


4. Inject your render using the compress and inject function. If it is too big, save the render as dxt1 with alpha. Inject into each of the directories


5. You also need to rename the renders in the arc file manually. Open the arc and look for the entries for the renders which you have renamed. Rename the entries accordingly e.g. change 100 to 152 for each of the directories in the arc file.

Edited by tekken57
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hi tekken , i don't understand the 5 steep in the process of renaming render files, "5. You also need to rename the renders in the arc file manually. Open the arc and look for the entries for the renders which you have renamed. Rename the entries accordingly e.g. change 100 to 152 for each of the directories in the arc file."


have i to update manually my plist360.arc file opening it with hex editor and search in the text-string for SSFA,SSFB and SSFC to change the values?

I have searched and there are at the end of the arc file two ssfa,ssfb and ssfc values, have i to rename six times or only in the last sffa,ssfb and ssfc?




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The entries which are added to your arc, the first set of entries contains your render file entries. You need to rename the entries in that section to correspond to your entries in your pac file.

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The entries which are added to your arc, the first set of entries contains your render file entries. You need to rename the entries in that section to correspond to your entries in your pac file.


That was cause the hunter render didn´t works for me yerterday. I need to see that step.

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Then is that OK? i am changing 0114 (who is JBL) for 0399

Here is the pic of my arc modified





Doing that the new render is in the game :), but i have a new problem in game, I chose one wrestler and all is ok but when i chose the second wrestler the render is transparent and the game don't charge.




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