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Sandman (New ECW Attire) Created by AntDaGamer




Announcer Introduction:The Man

Hometown Phila,PA


Weight HW

Match Tactic Fight Dirty












Morphing Continued








Body Skin:8:97,49,50

Body Type -40

Advanced Options:



Chest:H:0 W:-29 D:0



Waist, -7,0




Long Hemline:5,43,0,9,100,85

(all simple designs for tattoos)

Arm Tattoo:72:38,0,45,85 place on the upper arm muscle,(middle horrizontal middle vertical)

29:smallest vertical longest horizontal:38,0,27,42, place on the upper arm above the tat you just placed.

Arm:pattern design:29:38,0,0,29(turn so its sideways long vertical middle horizontal) move to lower forearm of the body.

Shirt Logo:

chest:design:letter 12/18 S 38,0,100,100(2nd vertical ,3rd Horizontal)*same vert/horizontal for all letters just make sure you place them close together so the letters touch. Also same color formula for all letters to you spell Sandman

chestdesign:letter 9/18 A

chestdesign:letter 9/19 N

Keep going till you spell out Sandman

Chest:Design 145 rotate till the line is straight.Longest Horizontal Longest Vertical.

Back Design

Chest Back Design:155 2nd Highest Vertical: make white

Chest Back Design:153:Place so its a white Rectangle 1/3 to make it like a parental advisory sticker

Chest Back Word:133 Place on black section in white color

Chest Back Word:143: Place on white section in black color below the last one

Chest Back Logo:64: Place below this in the black section of design: 2nd smallest horizontal,3rd Vertical So it fits in


Pattern Logo Shirt:28:8,0,57, 78 Largest Horizontal & Vertical Place Below the Line below Sandman so it looks like he\'s holding it.


I posted the other one,cause I didn`t like this 1.


Ya Im looking for a marc mero sable nidia sunny and a good melina it would be greatly appriciated thanks

pm me


anyone got an undertaker caw in the amercian bad ass attire


I have it but it has layer hacks. You still want it?


Hey if any1 could make/post a good dx hbk without hacks becouse i suck in makeing caws :(

plz any1 make 1 :)


  X_Deadman_X said:
I have it but it has layer hacks. You still want it?

post it ill see how it looks

Posted (edited)

Actually I got Three,Credit to WolfgangJT/Zurick/STG for all three.

Undertaker (Black American Badass w/ Bandana)


Name Undertaker

Hud Undertaker

Nickname The Dead Man

Placement None

Announcer Introduction The Superstar

Weight Super Heavyweight 283 lbs.

Match Tactic Clean

Show Smackdown!

Voice 4


Head 0,40,61,0

Eyebrows 83,17,29,31

Eyes -21,20,-14,40,60,55,0

Nose 0,38,16,8,-55,0,-5,0

Cheek -74,0,34,-55

Mouth -62,-19,-14,0,40,0,49

Jaw 94,61,51,0,-3,0

Ear 9,9,-21,-10

Age 10

Morphing Cont.

Hair (83) 95,67,18,100

Eyes (1) 49,0,38

Eyebrows (44) 94,44,50,68

Lips (27) 97,46,41,100

Face Skin (8)

Eyelids Hacked: Make Up (134) 97,46,45,78

Teeth Default

Body Type Ripped/Thick (0)

Advanced Options

Head 6,-14,0

Neck -60,39,-1

Chest 8,29,44

Shoulder 0,3,-66

Abdomen 10,47,35

Waist 13,35

Arms 0,14,-12

Hands -55,0,2

Legs 10,20,59

Feet 0,0,0

Body Skin (2) 95,46,47

Body Hair Hacked: Mustache (1) 96,45,50,88

Body Height 7 Ft. 0 In.


1.Body Skin

2.Face Skin



5.Make Up





10.Costume (15) (1) 43,0,14,100,0

11.Goatee (8) 95,47,42,86

12.Facial Hair Other (19) 95,41,49,76

13.Head Tattoo Design (148) Smallest Hor. Largest Ver. Place on the right cheek, to make the side of the goatee smooth. 95,19,67,80

14.Head Tattoo Design (148) Rotate Once Smallest Hor. Largest Ver. Place on the left cheek, to make the side of the goatee smooth. 95,19,67,80

15.Arm Paint (25) 92,31,46,30

16.Arm Paint (76) 71,30,34,47

17.Arm Paint (37) 63,27,29,12

18.Elbow Pads (Left Arm Only) (2) (1) 43,0,15,100

19.Sideburns (12) 95,44,33,100

20.Facial Hair Other (4) 95,27,56,25

21.Glasses (15) 100,50,17 (Uncheck Match in Display Set-Up)

22.Gloves (8) (1) 43,3,15

23.Make Up (52) 95,42,46,80

24.Torso Tattoo Picture (87) Smallest Ver. Smallest Hor. Place centered on the front of the neck, right at the bottom of the neck. 3,56,22,42

25.Shoes (32) (1) 43,0,15

26.Left Arm Tattoo Design (149) Rotate Once Small Ver. 2nd Hor. Place centered on the back of the elbow pad, right on the back of the elbow. 94,22,56,100

27.Make Up (1) 100,62,45,26

28.Pants (3) (1) 43,2,16,0

29.Make Up (53) 96,40,49,100

30.Left Leg Tattoo Logos (64) 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on the side of the left leg, right above the knee. 98,100,50,85

31.L_Hemeline (93) (1) 43,0,17,100 (Uncheck Match in Display Set-Up)

32.Hats (14) (32) 34,55,44

A1 Fighting Style

Superstar (Guess Who)

Signs are Your Choice.

Moves Agressive, Less for all other choices.


Undertaker (Badass Attire)


Name Undertaker

Hud Undertaker

Nickname The Dead Man

Placement None

Announcer Introduction The Superstar

Weight Super Heavyweight 283 lbs.

Match Tactic Clean

Show Smackdown!

Voice 4


Head 0,40,61,0

Eyebrows 83,17,29,31

Eyes -21,20,-14,40,60,55,0

Nose 0,38,16,8,-55,0,-5,0

Cheek -74,0,34,-55

Mouth -62,-19,-14,0,40,0,49

Jaw 94,61,51,0,-3,0

Ear 9,9,-21,-10

Age 10

Morphing Cont.

Hair (83) 95,67,18,100

Eyes (1) 49,0,38

Eyebrows (44) 94,44,50,68

Lips (27) 97,46,41,100

Face Skin (8)

Eyelids Hacked: Make Up (134) 97,46,45,78

Teeth Default

Body Type Ripped/Thick (0)

Advanced Options

Head 6,-14,0

Neck -60,39,-1

Chest 8,29,44

Shoulder 0,3,-66

Abdomen 10,47,35

Waist 13,35

Arms 0,14,-12

Hands -55,0,2

Legs 10,20,59

Feet 0,0,0

Body Skin (2) 95,46,47

Body Hair Hacked: Mustache (1) 96,45,50,88

Body Height 7 Ft. 0 In.


1.Body Skin

2.Face Skin



5.Make Up





10.Costume (15) (1) 43,0,14,100,0

11.Goatee (8) 95,47,42,86

12.Facial Hair Other (19) 95,41,49,76

13.Head Tattoo Design (148) Smallest Hor. Largest Ver. Place on the right cheek, to make the side of the goatee smooth. 95,19,67,80

14.Head Tattoo Design (148) Rotate Once Smallest Hor. Largest Ver. Place on the left cheek, to make the side of the goatee smooth. 95,19,67,80

15.Arm Paint (25) 92,31,46,30

16.Arm Paint (76) 71,30,34,47

17.Arm Paint (37) 63,27,29,12

18.Elbow Pads (Left Arm Only) (2) (1) 43,0,15,100

19.Sideburns (12) 95,44,33,100

20.Facial Hair Other (4) 95,27,56,25

21.Glasses (15) 100,50,17 (Uncheck Match in Display Set-Up)

22.Gloves (8) (1) 43,3,15

23.Make Up (52) 95,42,46,80

24.Torso Tattoo Picture (87) Smallest Ver. Smallest Hor. Place centered on the front of the neck, right at the bottom of the neck. 3,56,22,42

25.Shoes (32) (1) 43,0,15

26.Left Arm Tattoo Design (149) Rotate Once Small Ver. 2nd Hor. Place centered on the back of the elbow pad, right on the back of the elbow. 94,22,56,100

27.Make Up (1) 100,62,45,26

28.Pants (3) (1) 43,2,16,0

29.Make Up (53) 96,40,49,100

30.Left Leg Tattoo Logos (64) 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on the side of the left leg, right above the knee. 98,100,50,85

31.L_Hemeline (93) (1) 43,0,17,100 (Uncheck Match in Display Set-Up)

32.Hats (14) (32) 34,55,44

A1 Fighting Style

Superstar (Guess Who)

Signs are Your Choice.

Moves Agressive, Less for all other choices.


Undertaker (Biker UT American Badass Attire)


Name Undertaker

Hud Undertaker

Nickname The Dead Man

Placement None

Announcer Introduction The Superstar

Weight Super Heavyweight 283 lbs.

Match Tactic Clean

Show Smackdown!

Voice 4


Head 0,40,61,0

Eyebrows 83,17,29,31

Eyes -21,20,-14,40,60,55,0

Nose 0,38,16,8,-55,0,-5,0

Cheek -74,0,34,-55

Mouth -62,-19,-14,0,40,0,49

Jaw 94,61,51,0,-3,0

Ear 9,9,-21,-10

Age 10

Body Type Ripped/Thick (0)

Advanced Options

Head 6,-14,0

Neck -60,39,-1

Chest 8,29,44

Shoulder 0,3,-66

Abdomen 10,47,35

Waist 13,35

Arms 0,14,12

Hands -55,0,2

Legs 10,20,59

Feet 0,0,0

Body Height 7 Ft. 0 In.


1.Body Skin (2) 95,46,47

2.Face Skin (8)

3.Eyes (1) 49,0,38

4.Eyebrows (44) 94,44,50,68

5.Eyelids Hacked: Make Up (134) 97,46,45,78

6.Lip (27) 97,46,41,100

7.Teeth (1) 98,50,50

8.Hair (83) 95,67,18,100

9.Bodyhair Hacked: Mustache (1) 96,45,50,88

10.Costume (15) (1) 43,0,14,100,0

11.Goatee (8) 95,47,42,86

12.Facial Hair Other (19) 95,41,49,76

13. and 14. are placed on both cheeks just to each side of the goatee, to make the sides of the goatee smoother.

Both are Head Tattoo Design (148) (Rotate Once Left Cheek) Smallest Hor. Largest Ver. 95,20,67,81

15.Arm Paint (25) 92,31,46,30

16.Arm Paint (76) 71,30,34,47

17.Arm Paint (37) 63,27,29,12

18.Elbow Pads (Left Arm Only) (2) (1) 43,0,15,100

19.Sideburns (12) 95,44,33,100

20.Facial Hair Other (4) 95,27,56,25

21.Glasses (15) 100,50,17 (Uncheck Match in Display Set-Up)

22.Gloves (8) (1) 43,3,15

23.Make Up (52) 95,42,46,80

24.Shoes (32) (1) 43,0,15

25.Make Up (1) 100,62,45,26

26.Pants (22) (1) 43,0,17,0

27.Make Up (53) 96,40,49,100

28.L_Hemeline (35) (1) 43,28,50

29.Hats (14) (32) 34,0,35

30.Torso Tattoo Design (136) Rotate Twice 2nd Hor. Largest Ver. Place centered at the top of the shirt, with the top of the design right at the bottom of the neck. 95,35,56,100

31.Torso Tattoo Picture (87) Smallest Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered straight across the bottom of his neck. 3,56,22,42

32.Coat (5) (1) 43,0,11 (Uncheck Match in Display Set-Up)

A1 Fighting Style

Superstar (Guess Who)

Signs are your choice

Moves Clever, Whips Often, Taunts and Dives Less


Stage Bret Hart, None, None, Normal, Off 1,1,1,1

Ramp Bret Hart, None, None, Normal, On 1,1,1,1

Ring In JBL, None, None, Normal, Off 1,1,12,1

Ring Heidenrich, None, None, Normal, Off 1,1,1,1

Movie Logo

Music Batista


*BONUS* Badass Moveset

Take Undertaker`s default moveset and change the Finishers to Undertaker`s Chokeslam and The Last Ride.

EDIT:Whadda ya know? They didn`t have the hacks after all. :o

Edited by X_Deadman_X

cheers the second one was the one is was looking for thxs


YW,Anyone else got requests for wrestler/diva CAWs?

Please,ask for wrestlers or Divas only,I cant help you if you want a jin kazama CAW (Actually I can).


Does anyone have a CAW of Shawn Michaels from his Rocker days with marty jennety?

i am also looking for

the bushwackers

paul bearer



if it is at all possible to make any of these without hacking then that would be great, due to the fact that i only have a PSP and do not have anything to hack with, dont have any money left to get a PS2


X deadman X, is the sandman u like the one by mr monkey as the caw section. I just need a good sandman morphing and morphing continued and body.



X_Deadman_X I Just made The third undertaker badass caw its really good you think you'd be able to do a sable caw or if not a dawn marie


Dude,I didn`t make those. That Badass Taker was By: WolfgangJT/Zurick.

But sure,I guess I could get you the CAWs (Because you asked nicely).


x deadman x can u find a good new sandman morphing, morphing continued and body. PLEASE!



I would like to start off by saying i appreciate the hard work that went into making each and every one of these CAWS. With that, has anyone taken the time yet to make a Mike Knox ECW CAW?


X Deadman X, wher do u find all these caws?


hmm i tried making a "little bastard" caw but the minimum height is 5'3" and i jus' cudn't pull it off, i'm not good w/ caws lol.

soooo ne1 wanna give the lil' bastard a shot? =D


  X_Deadman_X said:
Dude,I didn`t make those. That Badass Taker was By: WolfgangJT/Zurick.

But sure,I guess I could get you the CAWs (Because you asked nicely).


aww you can thanks man that would be really great i havn't been able to find them anywhere


  `S`M`U`B said:
hmm i tried making a "little bastard" caw but the minimum height is 5'3" and i jus' cudn't pull it off, i'm not good w/ caws lol.

soooo ne1 wanna give the lil' bastard a shot? =D


Hey I Made Finlay if you can get me a url of a pic of little bastard i can make him it shouldn't be too hard


  cenas chainganger said:
  `S`M`U`B said:
hmm i tried making a "little bastard" caw but the minimum height is 5'3" and i jus' cudn't pull it off, i'm not good w/ caws lol.

soooo ne1 wanna give the lil' bastard a shot? =D


Hey I Made Finlay if you can get me a url of a pic of little bastard i can make him it shouldn't be too hard


coo man

http://www.wwe.com/superstars/smackdown/littlebastard/ <-- good face pic

http://www.wwe.com/superstars/smackdown/li...bastard/photos/ <--- i think the 4th pic is a good shot of the clothes.

too bad the game doesn't let us add accessories 'n stuff like the apple or hhh's water bottle, etc.


Could Someone make or find me a good ring of honor CM PUNK, with his entrance and moveset. Also if u can, find me a lil wayne caw, entrance and possibly a moveset ( don't have 2 find a moveset)


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