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    • treble
      I'm a sicko who hacks games for fun and just came across hctp. So far, I managed to make all brap and svr diva models to work in season. By adding xxx1 pac files and injecting them. For brap, inject x0 file then inject brap sub files to available slots. When using blender, always uncheck validate meshes. This should get modders started if there's any left.
    • Dirty Cheater
      MvF for 1.24 has been rolled out to existing supporters! If by some chance you are an existing supporter and didn't receive it, please check to see if our Discord conversation has had several messages from me without 1 response from you, as sometimes that can cause your name to be missed, in which case you should message me ASAP.  If you're still waiting for MvF 1.24 and haven't gotten the file, message me ASAP on Discord to receive it.  We've managed to cover several errors and clean up this version of MvF a lot, so thank you everybody for patiently waiting and thank you for all the feedback I was sent! 
    • Dirty Cheater
      We have to keep in mind this script is extremely low priority and at the end of my list due to how few people want it enough to donate toward it.  I work on a lot of games and make a lot of scripts so whenever it's something like this one where very, very, very few people consider it a priority enough to donate toward... I listen.  I fall in line and accept that it's not a big priority.  If I get past all my donors waiting on things and come back to Birds, I have to re-do the older/missing files that got lost and that means actually re-creating them in some cases from the old EXEs.  From there, when it comes to the public free versions, sure I might eventually get caught up to the more recent ones as my free time permits - note the dual usage of free regarding versions and my time.  Also remember this isn't even my thread and I just popped in to help out when I had a lot more free time to do so, whereas now there is a lot less free time. Is the update a big enough priority for you to donate toward it and speed up the service on that particular update/patch?  Remember, you guys decide the priority level.  There is only so much of me to go around and my partner is also very busy these days.  If it's not a big enough deal to contribute toward it, that's fine, but it just means having a wait a long time to see if I or my partner eventually get to it.  Ya know?
    • Alexa Blissed Off
      So are we getting a version 1.23 update to your Birds Of Change cheat engine table? Because it has been over 2 weeks since the update came out. We are already on version 1.24 so I was wondering when version 1.23 will come out.
    • BrandonOmegaXD
      Can someone make a Backport of Trish Stratus and Charlotte Flair from 2k24?
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