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Hi everyone I'm new here but have been playing wrestling games since the WrestleMania on NES so I know the typical B.S. we go through every year and obviously this is a rough year to say the least. To get to the point I'm on Xbox One and since the most recent update 1.09 I think is the number. Anyway since then I have had some extreme loading times when I use some of the creation modes specifically Create a moveset and Create a Superstar/Edit Custom superstars. When I select said modes they began to load as normal the white bar fills then transitions to the next screen to load up the selection of Wrestlers to edit  appearance/Moveset the red circle spins for anywhere from 5-10 minutes before any wrestlers show up on the selection menu. Then after finishing the edits and saving or backing my out without saving the same thing happens another 5-10 minutes of loading before any wrestlers show up to select. I also get the same crazy load times when going to community creations/Downloads. When wrestlers finally show up I can browse just fine but if I download anything or view anything and back out another 10 minutes of loading. I've tried reinstalling the game, clearing the cache, a power drain and deleting the reserved space but nothing works. Also I should mention other accounts on my Xbox load fine with no issues.  I'm on my 3rd save due to the previous 2 being corrupted and don't have the patience to go unlock the few dlc items I care about or reupload my logos. 2k won't help me the support guy just kept going on about the my player character progress is on the cloud. I have no idea why I never mentioned my player and he's only half right yes it's on the  cloud through Xbox/PlayStation cloud saves but it's not stored on their servers so if a save becomes corrupted and then syncs to the cloud before you can delete it off your system you will lose all progress like I did, the curse of fast internet. Any way that's irrelevant because that's not my problem I just wanted to mention how horrible the support is. If any one has any ideas how to fix this I'd greatly appreciate. Sorry my post is so long I just wanted to make sure I added every detail.


I have the same problem, I need like 5-7 minutes to load community creations after the latest patch.

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