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Breakout /Run-In for 2k19 Ported entrance and Victory Motions (rcts_step file updated 19th June) -Request Thread / Finn BALOR 2K17 Chainsaw Title entrance added


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Hi all,

The reason I am starting this thread is to put up an updated rtcs_step file for additional modded entrances in 2k19. The rtcs_step file located in the pac/evt folder  controls the break_out / Run-In feature for entrances and victory motions. It also controls the timing of the first solo or tag entrants leaving the ring when the second solo or tag team  enter the ring to avoid characters bumping into each other.

If you ported entrances from older games to unused slots, you will notice this feature is not enabled as data for each entrance, tag entrance and victory need to be added to the rtcs_step.pac file. 

@AznBlusuazn had done some immense work by creating a sort of Master rtcs_step file, but it hasn't been updated in a while and I am aware there are quite a few ported entrances used by the community in unused slots.

Now the challenge of creating a sort of master rcts file by adding data for every available slot is each entrance or victory animation has peculiar characteristics and just duplicating the same data doesn't work for all animations from my experience. 

To move ahead, I will need a bit of information regarding each ported entrance in your game. I will need

1. The evt ID and name of the entrance/ victory animation you have ported

2. The evt ID slot number you have ported the entrance/Victory to in 2k19

I will then update the data file , test in-game and upload a link here for the community to use.


UPDATE : Here is the first updated mod of the rtcs_step file. This file includes data for all @AznBlusuazn's ported entrances with the following fixes ;

1. Fixes to the Hulk Hogan retro and modern entrance where the characters bump into each other when Hogan is selected as the second entrant.

2. Fixes to the Break-out for Hogan's victory animation where the theme music doesn't cut out when  Breakout is triggered


This file will enable Break-out and Run-in for :

1. All @AznBlusuazn's ported and modified Hogan 2k15 entrances

2. all @AznBlusuazn's ported and modified Hollywood Hulk Hogan 2k15 entrances

3. Hulk Hogan Victory motions

4 CM Punk Entrances and Victory motion

5. Ken Shamrock's entrance and Victory motion

6. Rey Mysterio 2k15 entrance and Victory motion

7. Cody Rhodes 2k15 entrance and Victory motion

8. AJ lee entrance motion on evt slot 298.

Added on 23rd February

9. @jakeypearce ported Edge 2k16 entrance (evt slot 1170) . Link to the mod on the 2kModz site https://2kmodz.com/file/fcb5c0bb2bde916df25fcd5f48ca1d23

10. New Age outlaws Tag entrance on evt slot 1250.


Here is the download link. Place the file in the pac/evt folder. If there are any issues experienced, kindly leave feedback on this thread. I will update the file as more requests are made.




This is the Finn Balor chainsaw title entrance ported to 2k19. There are a few minor issues with the entrance. This is why there have been difficulties getting the move to work properly .

Finn Balor's demon entrances have two versions. This is the same for other entrances with objects moving on the floor. One entrance for a flat stage arena like the classic Summerslam 88 arena , the other for a ramp/slope arena like the present 2k19 Wrestlemania and previous Raw, Smackdown and most PPV arenas before 2k18.

The other entrances in this category are the Undertaker's Bike entrance and Steve Austin's Buggy entrance.

For the Demon title entrance,  evt 630 was loaded for flat arenas, 629 for slope arenas. This is managed by the evt_data .pac file

In 2k18 and 2k19, the new Raw, Smackdown and PPV arena's have different floor geometries. In 2k18 and 2k19, the developers created additional entrances for Demon Finn Balor, Steve Austin and the Undertaker for these new arenas. What the game does is switch between all three. Unfortunately, they didn't create a new title entrance for Demon Finn Balor for the new geometry. This is why there is there is a minor glitch with the belt on the ramp in the 2017 and 2018 arena's.

I have added the slope data from the 2k17 evt_data file to the 2k19 evt_data file. This will load the entrance for the appropriate arena geometry. I had to use the evt 630 for the new Raw Smackdown and PPV's .

The entrance works fine without the belt glitch in the ramp arenas like the Wrestlemania arenas, all arenas before 2017 and flat entrance arenas.

You will notice the belt glitch in the other modern arenas I listed. 

The chainsaw sound is still in the game but it's volume level has been reduced. You will hear the chainsaw sound if you use earphones. I will try to look for a way around this.

The other issue is the light effects. The 2k19 arena lights are slightly different from the 2k17 arenas .

DOWNLOAD : Here is the download link below. Unzip and copy all the files in the pac folder and subfolders to the appropriate locations.


The pack includes the entrance, gimmick and particle files form 2k17,

A modified 2k19 evt_data file. (If you have previously modified your evt_data file, you just need to extract the 0C.dat and inject into yours)

There are two evt_data files to choose from. 

The evt_data file in the folder named "evt data flat and slope arenas only" will use the normal Demon Balor entrance as a title entrance in the modern Raw smackdown and PPV arenas and use the Chainsaw title entrance in teh classic and slope Wrestlemania and pre 2017 arenas. I have placed the other one in the evt folder by default.

The rtcs_step file is an updated one in this thread which will enable Breakout and Run-in for the title entrance.

You will need to export the Demon Finn Balor moveset file. Open in Data Editor and change the Tile entrance ID to 630. Save and reinject

Here is a clip of the entrance in the Wrestlemania 34 arena




Edited by squaredcirclefan
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  • BlindedByTheGrace changed the title to Breakout /Run-In for 2k19 Ported entrance and Victory Motions -Request Thread

First of all, thanks for doing this. I think you should port the entrances that AznBlusuazn ported first. Like Hogan, Punk, Shamrock etc. As for me, I have ported entrances for AJ Lee which is in slot 298 and Eva Marie (because in-game preset one's don't have robe undress animation) in slot 418. I didn't change any slot ID while porting.

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3 hours ago, andisnameisJOHNCENA said:

awesome job will you do The Miz's 2k14 championship entrance


3 hours ago, Refat said:

First of all, thanks for doing this. I think you should port the entrances that AznBlusuazn ported first. Like Hogan, Punk, Shamrock etc. As for me, I have ported entrances for AJ Lee which is in slot 298 and Eva Marie (because in-game preset one's don't have robe undress animation) in slot 418. I didn't change any slot ID while porting.

Hi , just to be clear, the thread isn't for ported entrances but enabling breakout/ Run-in for ported entrances people use in their game. So if you've ported an entrance to a particular slot in your game, I can update the rtcs_step file with data to enable this feature.

As suggested, I will start with the entrances @AznBlusuazn ported first. Some also have a different version of Hogan on an un unused slot so  I can also add data for these slots.


Regarding the Miz entrance ,2k14 entrances are last gen and will not work in any of the current gen 2k PC games.

Edited by squaredcirclefan
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On 1/29/2019 at 5:42 PM, squaredcirclefan said:


Hi , just to be clear, the thread isn't for ported entrances but enabling breakout/ Run-in for ported entrances people use in their game. So if you've ported an entrance to a particular slot in your game, I can update the rtcs_step file with data to enable this feature.

As suggested, I will start with the entrances @AznBlusuazn ported first. Some also have a different version of Hogan on an un unused slot so  I can also add data for these slots.


Regarding the Miz entrance ,2k14 entrances are last gen and will not work in any of the current gen 2k PC games.

Ok. I forgot about victory animations. Ported AJ Lee's victory animation also. Which was in slot no. 6298. As usual I didn't change it while porting to 2k19.

Edit: I got it the first time what this thread is about. By 'porting AznBlusuazn's ported entrances' I meant enabling breakout / run-in into his ported entrances. Sorry I wasn't clear.

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1 minute ago, Refat said:

Ok. I forgot about victory animations. Ported AJ Lee's victory animation also. Which was in slot no. 6298. As usual I didn't change it while porting to 2k19.


Is breakout/Run-in working for the AJ lee Victory animation on that slot ?

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5 minutes ago, squaredcirclefan said:


Is breakout/Run-in working for the AJ lee Victory animation on that slot ?

Didn't actually try. Will inform you shortly.

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  • Cave Waverider pinned this topic
2 hours ago, squaredcirclefan said:


Is breakout/Run-in working for the AJ lee Victory animation on that slot ?

Ok. After some testing I can confirm AJ Lee's victory animation breakout/run-in works but it doesn't work during her entrance. Breakout/run-in also works with Eva Marie's entrance. So, just AJ Lee's entrance animation needs work.

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54 minutes ago, Refat said:

Ok. After some testing I can confirm AJ Lee's victory animation breakout/run-in works but it doesn't work during her entrance. Breakout/run-in also works with Eva Marie's entrance. So, just AJ Lee's entrance animation needs work.

OK. Ill just add  data for evt slot 298.

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Nice, dude! Because it's laughably noticeable when guys just stay there during Hulk's entrance while he does his schtick and pushes them around.

BTW, now that you're at that, do you know if there's a way to make them stay to the right of the ring instead of going around it? Most of the time they look pretty stupid walking around when the other guy is doing his/her entrance.

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On 2/1/2019 at 10:27 PM, Leingod said:

Nice, dude! Because it's laughably noticeable when guys just stay there during Hulk's entrance while he does his schtick and pushes them around.

BTW, now that you're at that, do you know if there's a way to make them stay to the right of the ring instead of going around it? Most of the time they look pretty stupid walking around when the other guy is doing his/her entrance.


Thats a good thought. . I will look into it. I will have to see if this happens with any entrance. 

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  • BlindedByTheGrace changed the title to Breakout /Run-In for 2k19 Ported entrance and Victory Motions (rcts_step file updated 3rd February) -Request Thread
18 hours ago, squaredcirclefan said:


An updated rcts file has been uploaded. The download link is on the first post.


Many thanks as always 👍

Punk's  Break-out and Run-in  are working fine but unfortunately for me Hogan's entrance fix, as second entrant, doesn't work (his opponent stand still in the ring messing with his body gestures)  nor his Break-out and Run-in.

So that's really strange, maybe it's related to his ch slot I assigned or his entrance. I still have no clue.

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1 hour ago, Thunder72 said:

Many thanks as always 👍

Punk's  Break-out and Run-in  are working fine but unfortunately for me Hogan's entrance fix, as second entrant, doesn't work (his opponent stand still in the ring messing with his body gestures)  nor his Break-out and Run-in.

So that's really strange, maybe it's related to his ch slot I assigned or his entrance. I still have no clue.


Can you let me know evt ID of the Hogan entrance you are using in your game?

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20 hours ago, squaredcirclefan said:


Can you let me know evt ID of the Hogan entrance you are using in your game?

00595 Entrance motion and championship entrance, Character is in slot 475.

Probably the entrance number I assigned is the problem.

Thanks for your assistance ;)

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1 hour ago, Thunder72 said:

00595 Entrance motion and championship entrance, Character is in slot 475.

Probably the entrance number I assigned is the problem.

Thanks for your assistance ;)


rcts data has now been added for the Hulk Hogan entrance on evt slot 595. I have updated the rcts step file in the first post.

Edited by squaredcirclefan
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On 2/5/2019 at 9:56 PM, squaredcirclefan said:


rcts data has now been added for the Hulk Hogan entrance on evt slot 595. I have updated the rcts step file in the first post.

Thanks man but Hogan still doesn't work even if I change the moveset file back to the original one posted by Azn. maybe I am missing something.

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2 hours ago, Thunder72 said:

Thanks man but Hogan still doesn't work even if I change the moveset file back to the original one posted by Azn. maybe I am missing something.


The original entrance for Azx's retro Hogan should be 1109. Can you check you don't have another rtcs_step_p30 file in your game folders so it isn't conflicting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Edge's entrance ported from WWE 2K16 that you can add. the Evt ID is 01170 and name is Edge 2 for default pac name. 36092 for the string ID = EDGE 2 ... this is Jakey's port for the game. you can find the download link on the 2KM website.

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1 hour ago, AaronXander said:

Edge's entrance ported from WWE 2K16 that you can add. the Evt ID is 01170 and name is Edge 2 for default pac name. 36092 for the string ID = EDGE 2 ... this is Jakey's port for the game. you can find the download link on the 2KM website.

OK.  No worries. I will update the rcts file with the Edge Entrance and upload it on Saturday.

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14 hours ago, AaronXander said:

Edge's entrance ported from WWE 2K16 that you can add. the Evt ID is 01170 and name is Edge 2 for default pac name. 36092 for the string ID = EDGE 2 ... this is Jakey's port for the game. you can find the download link on the 2KM website.


I have updated the rtcs_step_p30.pac file with Data  to enable breakout/Run-in  for the 2k16 Edge entrance. Enjoy.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi sorry if this has already been answered, Im fairly new to this, Can i use these entrances, movesets and trons etc be used for caws if placed correctly? 


Cheers Mike

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