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Sound Editor 2017 3.2.0 / Custom Character Tools 2017 1.0.3 / [LAST UPDATE 08/24]


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Sorry, it was my mistake ;) I mean the SE main director, not CCT!


TheVisitorX Thank you for your support! I do have an issue, however. Whenever I add songs that are mp3 and let the converter add them to 2k17, the track itself becomes corrupted in-game, changes to a wave format and will not play. Any suggestions? 

Try to use a wem file instead maybe your Wwise isn't working properly.

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I finally installed SE and it work really well! Thank you

Just a side question is it necessary to add arena effects to the songs? I don't really hear them on the default songs in game. Thanks again.

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12 minutes ago, Ahmed Anter said:

Hey guys here is my custom_data.xml which contains almost 500 line of Ra_m.pck


also @TheVisitorX can you add the ability to search with any word in the file name not just the beginning of the name

Amazing work, thank you very much! I will add your suggestion in the next update.

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On 11/03/2017 at 9:58 AM, TheVisitorX said:

I have the same problem. I don't know why 90s 1 isn't working, maybe it is the wrong id and there is another 90 file. If i find the issue I will let you know. In the meantime try another one. 

@laddanator. Maybe yes. I will give it try today. 

don't have any prob with 90s 1, it's 90s 2 who is wrong for me, in fact it alternatively play 90s 2 then 90s 1 then 90s 2 etc....

btw didn't saw them posted anywhere so I check the generic themes dec id in cct, if that can help people who wants to change music via cct

7100000    80’S 1
7101000    80’S 2
7102000    80’S 3
7103000    90’s 1
7104000    90’s 2
7009000    BIKER
7020000    BILLIONAIRE
7001000    BODYBUILDER
7123000    CANDIES 1
7124000    CANDIES 2
7125000    CANDIES 3
7126000    CLASSICAL 1
7127000    CLASSICAL 2
7128000    CLASSICAL 3
7129000    CLOCKWORK 1
7130000    CLOCKWORK 2
7131000    CLOCKWORK 3
7105000    FABULOUS 1
7106000    FABULOUS 2
7107000    FIGHTING SPIRIT 1
7108000    FIGHTING SPIRIT 2
7028000    FLAMBOYANT
7109000    FUTURISTIC 1
7110000    FUTURISTIC 2
7013000    GOLD MEDALIST
7111000    GOTH 1
7112000    GOTH 2
7113000    HARDCORE 1
7114000    HARDCORE 2
7005000    HELL’S DEMON
7022000    IRISH PATRIOT
7029000    ISLANDER
7018000    LADIES MAN
7132000    LEGEND 1
7133000    LEGEND 2
7134000    LEGEND 3
7135000    MODERN 1
7136000    MODERN 2
7137000    MODERN 3
7006000    MOVIE STAR 1
7032000    MOVIE STAR 2
7115000    NEON 1
7116000    NEON 2
7023000    ROYALTY
7015000    SEXY
7138000    SPARK 1
7139000    SPARK 2
7140000    SPARK 3
7141000    SPORTS 1
7142000    SPORTS 2
7143000    SPORTS 3
7117000    STARS 1
7118000    STARS 2
7119000    STEEL 1
7120000    STEEL 2
7000000    SUPER HERO
7144000    TRADITIONAL 1
7145000    TRADITIONAL 2
7146000    TRADITIONAL 3
7121000    UNDERGROUND 1
7122000    UNDERGROUND 2
7014000    US PRESIDENT
7147000    USA 1
7148000    USA 2
7149000    USA 3
7150000    VOYAGE 1
7151000    VOYAGE 2
7152000    VOYAGE 3
7153000    WESTERN 1
7154000    WESTERN 2
7155000    WESTERN 3


Edited by tich
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1 hour ago, Ahmed Anter said:

Hey guys here is my custom_data.xml which contains almost 500 line of Ra_m.pck


also @TheVisitorX can you add the ability to search with any word in the file name not just the beginning of the name

Awesome!  Thank you so much for doing that!  I finished work on the comm_common1_m.pck too, so I can pack them together for the next update.


1 hour ago, TheVisitorX said:

Amazing work, thank you very much! I will add your suggestion in the next update.

If you're looking for suggestions for the next update :cool: - I was gonna wait until after CCT to bug you about this but I might as well throw it in now - would it be possible to add this, maybe as an optional checkbox setting:

For the replaced sound column, to have it autofill the text with the file name that you are injecting?

So, for example, if I replace ID 7132000 with Kurt Angle's theme by injecting a file called Kurt_Angle.wem - if instead of me having to type the name of the sound I replaced, that the program would automatically fill the replaced sound box with the text "Kurt_Angle.wem".  That would save a ton of time for people doing a lot of injecting, and make it easier to tell which files have been replaced and by what.

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I have a weird bug when I run it, I don't know offhand (it's 24 pages of thread to sift through, you know) who else is experiencing this:


problem: App crash

version: 2.2.3

OS: Win 7, up to date on Service Packs and Windows Updates

how it happens: 1) open program (no problem), 2) open a pck (I used DLC 3 since it's the smallest, still no problem), 3) resize a column (no problem YET), 4) click a file and try to Play it, 5) SE crashes


This problem only happens after I've resized a column (for note: it's the column with the general name of the song, so that I can see the whole song name), but doesn't happen if I don't resize the column. This problem is reproduced every time I try to play a file after resizing a column (10 times out of 10 tries).

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That's odd. I've tested it as you have mentioned but I can't reproduce your issue. But I don't have Windows 7. Are you sure that it doesn't happen without resizing? I don't see any connections between resizing and playing a sound file. But I have two users reporting crashes when playing a sound file. But it's an issue with the sound dll and not with resizing the grid.

Edit: Got multiple crashes, too if I try to click on some column headers to change the sort order. So I can reproduce that issue. I will try to fix that in the next version. Thank you for your feedback!

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I appreciate the quick response (for what it's worth, I didn't have a problem playing multiple sound files in a row when I didn't resize anything)! Thanks :)


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First public beta version of Custom Character Tools 2017 has been released!

Download can be found here:


... or in the first post!

Please don't forget that this is a BETA release and may contain bugs, so always create a backup!

CCT does NOT work with cracked versions or versions prior the "Showcase DLC" content update! All questions/problems regarding that versions will be ignored! Buy the game if you want to use CCT!!

CCT works best with the Data Editor by Cave Waverider, which is also available for beta testing now. We have made a big progress this year, so both tools are working easier and faster together!

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Awesome :D Been fun testing out the earlier versions of the BETA with you folks in the private chat, we've ironed out most of the creases I feel but we didn't manage to 100% test everything, so some problems may remain and hopefully anyone that does find problems reports them!

Gonna post up that renders tutorial that I knocked up in the chat to give people the incentive to test the renders injector ;)



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Thanks a million for this release, I was having problems installing to any empty slots past 511, but if I hex edit the .pofo and then install it with CCT, it works fine!  Great job, this program is SO helpful, now I can install like 15 more guys before I have to worry about pac plus :D 

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On 13/03/2017 at 2:32 PM, EZY said:

Just a side question is it necessary to add arena effects to the songs? I don't really hear them on the default songs in game. Thanks again.

Not at all mate, all the sounds are "raw" with no arena effect. The arena effect is basically applied to the appropriate sounds on the fly when the game is playing - the game deems a sound appropriate via its ID. So if you replaced Kane's theme for example, the slot ID will always have arena effect applied to it during an entrance and victory scene, so no matter what you inject into it, the same will happen with that sound because it's injected into the same slot ;)

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@TheVisitorX Just wanted to let you know about an issue I got.

I injected Curt Hawkins on the PacPlus slot 718 but for some reason, during match selection it would go into infinite loading and during Entrance Creation he would came out invisible.

With @pozzum help, we tried checking with pac number was when Hawkins was highlighted and went for Match Edit and he appeared as 717 and not like 718.

I just tried with Pozzum's Injection tool and worked perfectly so maybe an error on the CCT, on the ID hexes?

Just wanted to let you know.

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Thank you for letting me know. @pozzum told me that all non DLC characters from 630 up to 700 have shift down by one in the latest update, so I have already changed that addresses but left the other PacPlus addresses intact. Unfortunately I couldn't test the PacPlus slots because the tool isn't working for me. I will double check the PacPlus addresses with the help of pozzums memory sheet and then update the wrong addresses ASAP. Sorry for the inconveniences. 

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9 minutes ago, TheVisitorX said:

Thank you for letting me know. @pozzumwas telling me that all non DLC characters from 630 up to 700 have shift down by one in the latest update, so I have already changed that addresses but left the other PacPlus addresses intact. Unfortunately I couldn't test the PacPlus slots because the tool isn't working for me. I will double check the PacPlus addresses with the help of pozzums memory sheet and then update the wrong addresses ASAP. Sorry for the inconveniences. 

No problem man, take your time.

If I find anything else, I'll be sure let you know.

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