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Cave Waverider

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Hello there, fellow modders!

As I'll finally have time to begin to work on my Wrestler Information and Moveset Creator tool for WWE 2k16 soon, I'd like to request some help from you, my esteemed colleagues with it, especially the experts, but anyone may help.

I'll require help with figuring out all the offsets and valid values for this year's.pofo and .moveset files, as well as the byte sizes for each.

I know some of you have already started your research, so it would be wonderful if you could share it here, especially since I'm not the best in figuring these things out myself (although I'll certainly add all my finding here, too).

Please post your findings in this thread so we can consolidate them. It'll help me greatly to get my tool done and having all the information in one place will also allow others that want to use it to find it easily.

Thank you very much!

Update: I could still need a bunch of help figuring out what various bytes do in the .moveset files, especially the WWE 2k16-specific move types!

Edited by Cave Waverider
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I've broken down a good chunk of the bytes of this year's .pofo files as well as a little bit of the .moveset files that are needed to add wrestlers plus .team_info files that allow do add and edit teams.
If you have any additions, corrections or comments (especially about the unknowns and anything I may have gotten wrong), please do let me know and I'll add the information to this post!

Bytes are listed in decimal values, starting at 0.

WWE 2k16 pofo file analysis:


Wrestler Information (.pofo) Analysis for WWE 2k16

Pofo size: 416 Bytes

00 - 01     Wrestler ID
02 - 03     Menu Order List Bytes? (assigned dynamically by game, use ID for tool)
04 - 07     Empty?
08 - 09     Wrestler ID

10 - 11     Long Name String
12 - 13     Short Name String
14 - 15     Entrance Nameplate String
16 - 17     Social Account Name String

18 - 19     EMPTY

20            Unlock Flag (00 = Locked, 01 = Unlocked, 03 = Unlocked as Manager only)
21              DLC Flag (00 = Not DLC, 01 = DLC)

22 - 25     Height
26              Weight Class (Values: 0 - 4)
27              Gender (00 = Male, 01 = Female)

28          EMPTY
29             UNKNOWN (most seem to have a 01 here)

30              UNKNOWN (0F)
31 - 35     UNKNOWN (00 00 00 00 00)?

36        Arm Power
37        Leg Power    
38        Grapple Offense
39        Chain Wrestling
40        Running Offense
41        Power Submission Offense
42        Technical Submission Offense
43        Aerial Offense
44        Head Durability
45        Body Durability
46        Arm Durability
47        Leg Durability
48        Power Submission Defense
49        Technical Submission Defense
50        Movement Speed
51        Strike Speed
52        Grapple Speed
53        Aerial Reversals
54        Agility
55        Strength
56        Stamina
57        Stamina Recovery
58        Damage Recovery
59        Momentum
60        Strike Reversal
61        Grapple Reversal
62        Aerial Range
63        Enviromental Offense
64        Foreign Object Offense
65        UNKNOWN ATTRIBUTE (Value 58)
66        Reversal Offense
67        Pin Escape
68        Springboard Offense
69        Chain Wrestling Speed
70        Reversal

71 - 85    Unknown (Value: 50 for each)
86 - 87    Unknown (00 00)

88        Total Hit Points Percentage (64)
89        Hit Point percentage Head
90        Hit Point percentage Body
91        Hit Point percentage Arms
92        Hit Point percentage Legs

93 - 96    EMPTY?

97        Move Thief Level (Values: 00 - 03)
98        Ring Escape Level (Values: 00 - 03)
99        Pin Combo Level (Values: 00 - 03)
100        Diving Pin Combo Level (Values: 00 - 03)
101        Teamwork Level (Values: 00 - 03)
102        Fan Favorite Level (Values: 00 - 03)
103        Mouthpiece Level (Values: 00 - 03)
104        Technician Level (Values: 00 - 03)
105        Ruthless Aggression Level (Values: 00 - 03)
106        Immovable Object Level (Values: 00 - 03)
107        Resiliency Level (Values: 00 - 03)
108        Dirty Pin Level (Values: 00 - 03)
109        Rope Break Level (Values: 00 - 03)

129        Move Thief Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
130        Ring Escape Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
131        Pin Combo Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
132        Diving Pin Combo Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
133        Teamwork Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
134        Fan Favorite Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
135        Mouthpiece Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
136        Technician Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
137        Ruthless Aggression Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
138        Immovable Object Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
139        Resiliency Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
140        Dirty Pin Slot (Values: 00 - 08)
141        Rope Break Slot (Values: 00 - 08)

142 - 208 UNKNOWN

209 Crowd Reaction My WWE (0 = cheer, 1 = boo)


211 Crowd Reaction Universe (0 = cheer, 1 = boo)

212 - 215 UNKNOWN

216 - 217 Crowd Sign #1
218 - 219 Crowd Sign #2
220 - 221 Crowd Sign #3
222 - 223 Crowd Sign #4

224 - 299 UNKNOWN

300 - 301 Wrestler ID


SKILLS (00 = off, 01 = on)
305        Combo Striker
306        Second Finisher
307        Show Off
308        Top Rope Diver
309        UNKNOWN (formerly outside diver?)
310        Springboard Diver
311        Leverage Pin
312        Comeback
313        Hammer Throw
314        Remove Turnbuckle
315        Elimination Chamber Daredevil
316        Ladder Daredevil
317        Steel Cage Superplex
318        Steel Cage Daredevil
319        Royal Rumble Finisher
320        Fired Up
321        Barricade Breaker
322        Through the Table
323        Skull Crushing Big Boot
324        Apron DDT
325        Ladder Finisher
326        Escape Artist
327        Pod People
328        Outside Superplex
329        Ring Breaker
330        Double Finisher
331        Catching Finisher
332        Suicide Dive
333        King of Swing
334        Apron Superplex
335        Super Dropkick
336        Corkscrew Legdrop
337        Torpedo DDT

338 - 367 EMPTY SKILLS?

368        UNKNOWN (01)
369        UNKNOWN (00)
370        UNKNOWN (00)

371     Brand (Values: 01 - 3F)

372 - 375 EMPTY

PERSONALITY TRAITS Positive/Negative (Values: Positive: 01 - 64, Negative: 9C - FF)
376            Prideful/Egoistical
377            Respectful/Disrespectful
378            Preservant/Desperate
379            Loyal/Treacherous
380            Bold/Cowardly
381            Disciplined/Aggressive

382 - 389     EMPTY

390 - 395    UNKNOWN (01 01 01 01 01 01  -  maybe Pers. Trait active/inactive?)

396 - 415    EMPTY

Note: Universe Affiliated Show settings for each wrestler do not appear to be saved in the .pofo file this year.

.pofo Brand Values:


Brand values for byte 371 in the WWE 2k16 .pofo file:

00 None
01 RAW
02 Smackdown
03 RAW, Smackdown
04 NXT
06 Smackdown, NXT
07 RAW, Smackdown, NXT
08 Legends
09 RAW, Legends
0A Smackdown. Legends
0B RAW, Smackdwon Legends
0C NXT, Legends
0D RAW, NXT, Legends
0E Smackdown, NXT, Legends
0F RAW, Smackdown, NXT, Legends
10 Alumni
11 RAW, Alumni
12 Smackdown, Alumni
13 RAW, Smackdown, Alumni
14 NXT, Alumni
15 RAW, NXT, Alumni
16 Smackdown, NXT, Alumni
17 RAW, Smackdown, NXT, Alumni
18 Legends, Alumni
19 RAW, Legends, Alumni
1A Smackdown, Legends, Alumni
1B RAW, Smackdown, Legends, Alumni
1C NXT, Legends, Alumni
1D RAW, NXT, Legends, Alumni
1E Smackdown, NXT, Legends, Alumni
1F RAW, Smackdown, NXT, Legends, Alumni
20 Free Agent
21 RAW, Free Agent
22 Smackdown, Free Agent
23 RAW, Smackdown, Free Agent
24 NXT, Free Agent
25 RAW, NXT, Free Agent
26 Smackdown, NXT, Free Agent
27 RAW, Smackdown, NXT, Free Agent
28 Legends, Free Agent
29 RAW, Legends, Free Agent
2A Smackdown, Legends, Free Agent
2B RAW, Smackdown, Legends, Free Agent
2C NXT, Legends, Free Agent
2D RAW, NXT, Legends, Free Agent
2E Smackdown, NXT, Legends, Free Agent
2F RAW, Smackdown, NXT, Legends, Free Agent
30 Alumni, Free Agent
31 RAW, Alumni, Free Agent
32 Smackdown, Alumni, Free Agent
33 RAW, Smackdown, Alumni, Free Agent
34 NXT, Alumni, Free Agent
35 RAW, NXT, Alumni, Free Agent
36 Smackdown, NXT, Alumni, Free Agent
37 RAW, Smackdown, NXT, Alumni, Free Agent
38 Legends, Alumni, Free Agent
39 RAW, Legends, Alumni, Free Agent
3A Smackdown, Legends, Alumni, Free Agent
3B RAW, Smackdown, Legends, Alumni, Free Agent
3C NXT, Legends, Alumni, Free Agent
3D RAW, NXT, Legends, Alumni, Free Agent
3E Smackdown, NXT, Legends, Alumni, Free Agent
3F RAW, Smackdown, NXT, Legends, Alumni, Free Agent

.pofo Crowd Sign Values (decimal):


101 This Is Awesome!  
201 What?  
301 I Submit To Divas  
401 No! No! No!  
501 You're Crazy  
601 Put Your Sign Down!  
701 This Is Excitement!  
801 I Came From Parts Unknown To Be Here!  
901 WrestleMania!  
1001 "1-2-3"  
1101 My Entrance Was Better  
1201 This Is A Happening  
1301 Hello My Name Is That Guy  
1401 It's My Birthday  
1501 We Are The WWE Universe!  
1601 Oooooooh, Feisty!!  
1701 You Still Got It  
1801 This Is My Sign  
1901 You're So Money  
2001 Just Married  
2101 Who Are You?  
2201 Marry Me, I'm Single!  
2301 WWE Rocks  
2401 I Made A Sign  
2501 In WWE We Trust  
2601 I Love WWE!  
2701 Happy To Be Here!  
2801 This Is Awesome (2)  
2901 It's My Birthday (2)  
3001 Maybe? Maybe? Maybe?  
3101 Vintage!  
3201 Make Him Tap!  
3301 Tag Me In  
3401 Best Seats In The House!  
3501 I Can't See!  
3601 Too Many Signs  
3701 Throw Me A Shirt!  
3801 Hi Mom  
3901 Hi Dad  
4001 I Feel The Power!  
4101 I'm Down With That!  
4201 My Hero  
4301 The People's Sign  
4401 Greatest Event of All Time  
4501 Best PPV Ever!  
4601 Oh Hell Yeah, Front Row!  
4701 Just Bring It!  
4801 That's Just Ruthless!  
4901 Get Ready For Some Pain!  
5001 Would U Look At That  
5101 Thank You!  
5201 Two Words…  
5301 The New Generation Has Arrived  
5401 If You're Not Down With That  
5501 Greatest Of All Time!  
5601 I'm Live On PPV!  
5701 He's Not "Down That That"  
5801 Pure Aggression!  
5901 Viva The WWE!  
6001 Where The Big Boys Play!  
6101 WCW #1  
6201 Champions Clash  
6301 Pier 6 Brawl!  
6401 Bald Is Beautiful  
6501 The Best Are Here  
6601 Off The Top Rope!  
6701 The Greatest Of All Time  
6801 The Human Game of Chess!  
6901 What Great Action  
7001 Now It's A Party!  
7101 I Traveled 2500 miles To Be Here!  
7201 Hi Mom!  
7301 It's Our Anniversary!  
7401 My First WCW Event!  
7501 A Rich History!  
7601 Tradition Rules!  
7701 Best Date Ever!  
7801 WCW Rules!  
7901 WCW = Prestige  
8001 A New Breed  
8101 ECW  
8201 Hardcore Heaven  
8301 I Brought My Own Chair!  
8401 Autograph My Sign!  
8501 Bald Is Beautiful (2)  
8601 The Guy Behind Me Can't See!  
8701 Hardcore Lives Here!  
8801 I Love Chaos!  
8901 Take It To The Extreme  
9001 I'm A Heyman Guy!  
9101 Action Unleashed!  
9201 Hi Mom! (2)  
9301 It's Our Anniversary! (2)  
9401 My First ECW Event!  
9501 Big Time Action!  
9601 No Headlocks Allowed!  
9701 I Came To See Extreme!  
9801 Toughest Fans Are Here!  
9901 In ECW We Trust!  
10001 Brahma Bull  
10002 Do You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking?  
10003 Finally  
10004 Team Bring It  
10101 Austin Is A True Master In The Ring  
10102 No Nonsense!  
10103 He Is Stone Cold!  
10104 Stone Cold Sign 4  
10105 Austin Is A True Master In The Ring (2)  
10106 The Million Dollar Champion!  
10107 No Nonsense! (2)  
10108 He Is Stone Cold! (2)  
10201 The Authority Logo  
10202 Time To Play The Game  
10203 Best For Business  
10204 King of Kings  
10301 Demon Of Death Valley  
10302 Rest In Peace  
10303 Undertaker Logo  
10304 The Phenom!  
10401 Y2J  
10402 Code Breaker!  
10403 Break The Walls Down!  
10404 Best In The World At What You Do!  
10701 The Authority Logo (2)  
10702 The Corporate Sell Out  
10703 Respect The Director Of Operations  
10704 It's Best For Business!  
10801 5X  
10802 Can You Dig It, Sucka?  
10803 Tell Me You Did Not Just Say That  
10804 Spin-A-Roonie  
11501 Don't Cross The Boss  
11502 No Chance (In Hell)  
11503 Mr. McMahon  
11504 You're Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiired!  
11701 Devious  
11702 Villain  
11703 Power of the Punch  
11704 Regal Stretch  
11901 8th Wonder of the World  
11902 You Will Fall To The One True Giant!  
11903 Andre Hand  
11904 Andre The Giant  
12401 Lita  
12402 Lita Will Fly!  
12403 Lita Is Extreme!  
12404 I Love Lita!  
12501 World's Largest Athlete!  
12502 Big Show Taunt  
12503 It's The Big Shoooow!  
12504 He's Big  
12601 100% Stratusfaction!  
12602 Greatest Diva, Ever.  
12603 Chick Kick!  
12604 We Love Trish!  
13001 Nature Boy  
13002 Stylin' Profilin'  
13003 Wooo!  
13004 Figure 4 Evens The Score!  
13201 DDT Means The End!  
13202 Never Trust A Snake  
13203 Jake DDT  
13204 The 'Snake' Is Here  
13801 Ten Hut!  
13802 Listen Maggot!  
13803 And That's An Order!  
13804 Slaughtered!  
13901 The Person Behind Me Can't C You!  
13902 Hustle. Loyalty. Respect.  
13903 Never Give Up  
13904 The Champ Is Here!  
14501 HBK  
14502 Sweet Chin Music  
14503 The Icon  
14504 Shawn Michaels Top Turnbuckle  
14505 D-Generation X!  
14601 What A Real Man Looks Like!  
14602 Simply Ravishing!  
14603 You're In For A Rude Awakening!  
14604 Rick Rude Flexing  
14701 Long Live The Authority!  
14702 Steph For Business  
14703 Steph! Steph! Steph! Shirt  
14704 Family Tradition!  
15201 Shane #1  
15202 Shane O'Mac  
15203 Let's GO Shane!  
15204 Shane Is Money  
15901 Hot Rod!  
15902 Roddy Piper Pose  
15903 Real Men Wear Kilts!  
15904 Go Rowdy Go!  
16001 Batista Bomb  
16002 Batista  
16003 Evolution  
16004 The Animal  
16101 Viper  
16102 RKO  
16103 Outta Nowhere  
16104 Randy Orton Pose  
17601 Do It for the Day!  
17602 New Day Rocks  
17603 I Clap for the New Day!  
17604 Kofi Kingston!  
17701 The Best There Is  
17702 The Best There Was  
17703 The Best There Ever Will Be  
17704 Excellence of Execution  
17705 Canada's Hero  
17901 World's Strongest Man.  
17902 World's Strongest Slam  
17903 Beat 'Em Up  
17904 That's What I Do  
18001 Jim Neidhart Pose  
18002 The Anvil Will Flatten Ya!  
18003 Neidhart is Nasty  
18004 Don't Mess with Jim  
19301 Now That's What I Call Perfect!  
19302 The Perfect Plex!  
19303 Mr. Perfect Pose  
19304 Absolutely Perfect!  
19701 The Man is Still the King!  
19702 Macho Man Drawing  
19703 The Madness is Outta Control!  
19704 Oooooh Yeeeeah!  
20101 Celebrate!  
20102 Cobra Drawing  
20103 Santino  
20104 You Son a Magun!  
20801 Arn Anderson!  
20802 Arn Anderson Pose  
20803 Double A Is My Hero!  
20804 The Enforcer!  
20901 The American Dream  
20902 The Common Man  
20903 Dusty!  
20904 Let's Go Dream!  
21001 This Is My Yard!  
21002 ABA Taker Image  
21003 Keep Rollin'!  
21004 It Tolls for Thee!  
21005 The Brothers of Destruction  
21201 Bulldog Strong  
21202 You're Barking Up the Wrong Tree!  
21203 Bulldog  
21204 Powerslam!  
21205 Bulldog Strong!  
21206 You're Barking Up the Wrong Tree! (2)  
21207 Powerslam! (2)  
21801 Skull Crushing Finale  
21802 Miz Came to Play!  
21803 Don't Touch the Money Maker!  
21804 The Miz  
21901 Woo Woo Woo!  
21902 You Know It!  
21903 Long Island Iced Z!  
21904 Zack is on the Attack!  
22601 He's Cool...He's Cocky...He's Bad!  
22602 Shake Rattle and Roll!  
22603 Greatest Intercontinental Champion in History!  
22604 Play a Tune!  
22801 She's Insatiable!  
22802 Layla is Perfect!  
22803 WWE's #1 Bombshell!  
22804 Layla Can't Be Stopped!  
23201 Randy Savage Elbow Drop Drawing  
23202 The Cream of the Crop!  
23203 Ooooh Yeeeah!  
23204 Macho Madness!  
23801 You'll Serve Hard Time  
23802 Big Boss Man is the Law!  
23803 Big Bossman Pose  
23804 Don't Mess with the Boss Man!  
24501 Bang! Bang!  
24502 Wanted Dead or Alive Poster  
24503 Hardcore Legend  
24504 Hit the Double Arm DDT!  
24601 Have a Nice Day!  
24602 Say Hi to Mr. Socko  
24603 Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy!  
24604 Win This for All Mankind  
24701 Owwww! Have Mercy!  
24702 Play a Little Sweet Shin Music!  
24703 Dude Love  
24704 Corporate Sell Out!  
25401 Ultimate Warrior Pose  
25402 Load the Spaceship with the Rocket Fuel  
25403 Ultimate Warrior Logo  
25404 Speak to Me Warriors!  
26701 We the People!!  
26702 He's Got Swag!  
26703 Swagger is a Real American  
26704 Hand Pledging Drawing  
26901 Down with the Triangle of Terror  
26902 He's Made of Iron  
26903 USA! USA!  
26904 Beware the Camel Clutch!  
27001 Triangle of Terror  
27002 Ad-Noid is the Worst  
27003 USA  
27004 You Are Generally Horrible!  
27201 No Passing the Lie Detector  
27202 RT Logo  
27203 Tell the Truth  
27204 What's Up??!!  
27501 Here to Show the World!  
27502 It's Not Showing Off  
27503 Show Off  
27504 It's Too Bad He's Too Good  
27701 Gooool-Dust!  
27702 Time for the Curtain Call  
27703 Will You Make the Final Cut?!  
27704 Golddust Pose  
27901 White Noise  
27902 Celtic Warrior  
27903 You Look Stupid!  
27904 Sheamus Pose  
28201 No Kidding Around  
28202 This Kidd Can Fly  
28203 Fact Dropper Tyson Calgary Alberta  
28204 Tyson Kidd is a Cool (Cat)  
29001 Put Her in the Sharpshooter  
29002 Natalya  
29003 Natalya Pose  
29004 Natalya is the #1 Diva!  
29701 Party!  
29702 Alicia is a Fox!  
29703 Alicia Fox Pose  
29704 More Than Just Beauty!  
29901 Tamina is the Baddest Diva  
29903 Super Kick  
29904 Don't Mess with Tamina Snuka  
30501 Faarooq Pose  
30502 We Are the Nation!  
30503 Faarooq Will Dominate You!  
30504 Ron Simmons Pose  
31101 The World's Most Dangerous Man  
31102 Time to Knuckle Up!  
31103 Ankle Lock  
31104 Ken Shamrock Rules!  
31301 The 1 and Only!  
31302 Billy Gunn Rules!  
31303 He's Got it All  
31305 Billy Gunn Pose  
31401 X-Pac Pose  
31402 X-Pac Pose (2)  
31403 X-Pac is Going to the Top!  
31404 Bronco Busted!  
32401 Daniel Bryan Mid-Air Silhouette  
32402 Daniel Bryan Yes Shirt Pose  
32403 Yes! Yes! Yes!  
32404 Daniel Bryan Pose  
32501 #BNB  
32502 Bull Hammer!  
32503 I'm Afraid I've Got Some Bad News  
32504 Bad News Barrett Pose  
33201 Jimmy is My Favorite  
33202 Making a Splash  
33203 Uso Crazy  
33204 When I Say "UCE" You Say "O"  
33301 Jey is My Favorite  
33501 Big Daddy Cool  
33502 Jackknife Powerbomb!  
33503 Nash!  
33504 Sidewalk Slam!  
33601 This Dragon Breathes Fire  
33602 Ricky Rules!  
33603 Best Crossbody in the Business!  
33604 Steamboat is #1!  
33701 It's Vader Time!  
33702 Vader Pose  
33703 Vader Pose (2)  
33704 The Mastodon is Here!!  
33901 Don't Be a Slater Hater  
33902 President of the Heath Slater Fan Club  
33903 One Man Band  
33904 Heath Slater  
34201 Lucha Lucha Lucha  
34202 Sin Cara Will Fly  
34203 Sin Cara Will Fly  
34204 Long Live the Lucha Dragons  
34301 Suplex City Road Sign  
34302 F-5  
34303 The Beast Incarnate  
34304 Eat. Sleep. Conquer. Repeat.  
34401 We Are the Nation  
34402 Rocky  
34403 Rock Bottom  
34404 The Rock Bottom  
34405 The Corporate Champion  
34406 Know Your Role...  
34407 Check Him Into SmackDown Hotel  
34408 Shut Your Mouth  
34409 Do You Smell What The Rock is Cooking?  
34410 The People's Champion!  
34411 The Rock Pose  
34501 The Greenwich Blueblood  
34502 H H H  
34503 Bow to the Pedigree  
34504 Beware the Hunter  
34601 Rest in Peace  
34602 The Phenom  
34603 Undertaker Logo  
34604 Undertaker Rules  
34605 Undertaker Kneeling Pose  
34606 The Ministry of Darkness  
34607 No Stopping the Undertaker!  
34701 Y2J!  
34702 Break the Walls Down!  
34703 Walls of Jericho Drawing  
34704 Ask Him!  
34801 That's Gotta Be Kane!  
34802 Big Red Machine!  
34803 Kane  
34804 Kane Pose  
34805 Big Red Machine! (2)  
34806 Kane Pose (2)  
34807 Kane!  
34808 Kane Pose (3)  
35101 He's Got the Wight Stuff!  
35102 The Corporate Solution  
35103 Paul Wight  
35104 Big and Nasty  
35301 Meat Hook  
35302 Ryback Rules  
35303 Shell Shocked  
35304 The Big Guy  
35401 Girl...Bye!  
35402 Cameron is the Best  
35403 Cameron Pose  
35404 Class is in Session!  
35501 Check the Rear View  
35502 Naomi is the Best  
35503 She's Amazing  
35504 Go Naomi!  
35801 Degeneration X  
35802 H3  
35803 The Pedigree Awaits!  
35804 Break It Down!  
35805 Time to Play the Game!  
35806 The Cerebral Assassin!  
35807 Triple H Pedigree Drawing  
35808 HHH is King!  
35809 The Two Man Power Trip!  
35901 Sound the Horns!  
35902 Neutralized  
35903 Cesaro Pose  
35904 The Uppercut Awaits You!  
36001 Better Than the Original!  
36002 Best Stunt Double in the Business!  
36003 Mizdow  
36004 Mizdow Forever!  
36401 To Be the Man, You Gotta Beat the Man!  
36402 Wooooo!  
36403 Ric Flair Pose  
36404 The Dirtiest Player in the Game!  
36701 Dirty Deeds  
36702 Crazy Eyes  
36703 Dean Ambrose Logo  
36704 Dean Unstable Ambrose  
36801 Reigns  
36802 Spear!  
36803 Roman Reigns Logo  
36804 Believe in Roman  
36901 The Architect  
36902 Rollins Rolls!!  
36903 The Authority  
36904 Seth Rollins Logo  
37001 Mr. No Days Off!  
37002 Prime Time Player  
37003 Darren Young  
37004 Making Moves Making Moves  
37101 Titus O'Neil Pose  
37102 Make it a Win!  
37103 P. T. P  
37104 Making Moves Making Moves (2)  
38401 Do It for the Day!  
38402 The New Day Rocks!  
38403 I Clap for the New Day!  
38404 The Big Ending  
38501 Best Leg Drop in the Business  
38502 Faaaaaand Aaaangooooooooo!!!  
38503 Fandango  
38504 Share Your Gift of Dance  
38601 Brie Mode  
38602 We (Heart) Brie!  
38603 Bella Busted!  
38604 Brie is #1  
38701 Rack Attack!  
38702 I Can't Tell Them Apart  
38703 Twin Magic  
38704 Fearless  
38901 Call to Me, Summer!  
38902 It's Summer Time!  
38903 Total Divas  
38904 Beware the Summer Crush!  
39201 Trust Me  
39202 Jake the Snake  
39203 Jake's a Snake!  
39204 Jake Roberts Pose  
39501 We Are Taking Over!  
39502 Too Sweet!  
39503 Outsiders  
39504 nWo Black & White Logo  
39601 Hey Yo  
39602 nWo Red & Black Logo  
39603 Just Too Sweeeeeet!  
39604 Scott Hall Pose  
39701 He's Still in the Rumble!  
39702 Better Than Perfect  
39703 Curtis Axel  
39704 Royal Rumble :01  
39801 Follow the Buzzards  
39802 I Don't Want to Meet Sister Abigail  
39803 Eater of Worlds  
39804 Bray Wyatt Pose  
40001 Sheep Drawing  
40002 Rowan  
40003 Erick Rowan Pose  
40004 Lamb in Wolf's Clothing  
40101 Harper  
40102 It's In His Eyes  
40103 Luke Harper  
40104 Clothesline From Smell!  
40201 Torture Rack!  
40202 Flexy Lexy  
40203 Lex Express  
40204 The Total Package  
40301 Bam Bam  
40302 Beast from the East  
40303 Bam Bam Silhouette  
40304 Greetings from... Asbury Park  
40401 Feel the Bang!  
40402 It's Me, It's Me, It's DDP!  
40403 Self High Five  
40404 Diamond Cutter!  
40501 Belfast Bruiser  
40502 I Love to Fight!  
40503 My Name's Finlay  
40504 Fit Finlay Pose  
40601 Above the Commoners  
40602 Get Regally Stretched!  
40603 Down with the Blue Bloods!  
40604 Lord Steven Regal Pose  
40901 Sting Facepaint Drawing  
40902 Scorpion Deathdrop!  
40903 The Franchise  
40904 Sting with Bat Pose  
41001 I'm a Little Stinger!  
41002 Stinger Splash  
41003 This is Sting!  
41004 The Franchise  
41301 The Ascension!  
41302 Fall of Man!  
41303 Welcome to the Wasteland!  
41304 Viktor Ascension Pose  
41401 Ascension Logo  
41402 Fall of Man (2)  
41403 Welcome to the Wasteland (2)  
41404 Konnor Ascension Pose  
42001 Do It for the Day! (2)  
42002 The New Day Rocks! (2)  
42003 I Clap for the New Day! (2)  
42004 Woods Brings the Goods!  
42201 The Man That Gravity Forgot  
42202 Neville  
42203 Neville Logo  
42204 Let's Go Neville  
42301 Clothesline from Hell  
42302 A Wrestling God!  
42303 JBL  
42304 Longest Reigning Champion of the Smackdown Era  
42401 Rusev Crush!  
42402 The Accolade!  
42403 USA!  
42404 Russev Pose  
42501 Hey Bo-Leave  
42502 I'm a Bo-Liever  
42503 Bo Lieve  
42504 Bo Dallas Pose  
42801 Don't be a Lemon  
42802 Be a Rose Bud  
42803 Party Foul!  
42804 Adam Rose Pose  
42901 InZayn  
42902 Sami Zayn Logo  
42903 Ole!  
42904 Helluva Kick!  
43401 This is My House!  
43402 Ram-Paige!  
43403 Paige Logo  
43404 Paige Pose  
43501 #Emmataining  
43502 Emma Silhouette  
43503 Emma Pose  
43504 What a Dil-Emma!  
44201 4 My Peeps  
44202 Go Christian!  
44203 Captain Charisma  
44204 Flip the Switch!  
44401 Edge  
44402 Rated R Logo  
44403 Spear! Spear! Spear!  
44404 The Master Manipulator  
44501 We Are the Nation!  
44502 World's Strongest Man  
44503 Henry Hits Hard!  
44504 MH  
51301 The Vigilante  
51302 Sting Drawing  
51303 The Icon Arrives  
51304 Sting Rules Forever!  
51401 Lucha! Lucha! Lucha! (2)  
51402 Kalisto is Incredible  
51403 Kalisto Mask Logo  
51404 Long Live the Lucha Dragons  
51501 Austin is the Future!  
51502 Austin Star Logo  
51503 Steve Ain't So Stunning  
51504 Stunning Steve Austin Pose  
51505 Austin in the Future  
51507 Steve Ain't So Stunning!  
51601 Austin is Extreme!  
51602 The Superstar Has Arrived!  
51603 Austin!  
51604 Next ECW Champion  
51701 Not a Corporate Champion  
51702 Gimme a Hell Yeah!  
51703 Two Man Power Trip  
51704 You Sold Out!  
51705 Why Austin, Why?  
51706 What?!  
51801 Eva Marie Rules!  
51802 Total Diva  
51803 Eva Marie Has Me Seeing Red!  
51804 She's Got Me Out of My Mind!  
51901 Austin 3:16  
51902 Stone Cold!  
51903 Stone Cold Silhouette  
51904 Hit the Stunner!  
51905 The Toughest S.O.B.  
51906 Stone Cold Skull Logo  
55301 Haku Pose  
55302 No Escaping the Tongan Death Grip!  
55303 Haku is Devastating!  
55304 The Terror of Tonga  
55401 The Whipper-Snapper!  
55402 We Like Mikey!  
55403 ECW Original  
55404 Franken-Mikey!  
55301 Flyin' Bryan  
55502 Blondes Have More Fun  
55503 Pillman is the Best  
55504 Air Pillman  
55505 Loose Cannon!  
55506 Brian Pillman Logo  
55507 Still Flyin'!  
55508 Pillman is Out of Control!  
56303 We Are the Nation! (2)  
55602 D'Lo Brown Rules!  
55603 Give Him the Low-Down!  
55604 D'Lo Dominates!  
56001 We Are the Nation  
56002 Kama is Supreme  
56003 Kama Mustafa Pose  
56004 Kama Mustafa!  
56201 Rikishi is a Bad Man!  
56202 Rikishi  
56203 He Did It for the People!  
56204 Banzai Drop  
56301 The Caribbean Sensation!  
56302 Savio's Got Rhythm!  
56303 Savio Vega Pose  
56304 You Can't Avoid the Spinning Heel Kick!  
57001 It's in the Stars  
57002 Don't Get Trapped in the Dark Matter!  
57003 Stardust Drawing  
57004 Can You Catch a Falling Star?  
57201 That's Manly  
57202 Put Your Dukes Up!  
57203 Vaudevillains Fight Like Real Men  
57204 Aiden English Forever  
57301 End of Days!  
57302 Don't Mess with the Lone Wolf!  
57303 Baron is the Alpha  
57304 Member of the Corbin Crew  
57401 Sawft  
57402 The Realest Guy in the Room! (Cassady)  
57403 Big Cass!  
57404 You Can't...Teach...That!  
57501 How You Doin?  
57502 Sawft (2)  
57503 The Realist Guy in the Room! (Enzo)  
57504 You Can't...Teach...That! (2)  
57601 Finn Balor  
57602 Fear the Sling Blade!  
57603 Balor's Got Valor!  
57604 No Time to Catch Your Breath!  
57605 Finn Balor Demon Pose  
57606 Coup de Grace!  
57607 No Time to Catch Your Breath! (2)  
57608 Fear the Demon  
57701 Itami  
57702 The Time Has Come!  
57703 Hideo Itami #1  
57704 I Came to See Itami!  
57801 K O  
57802 Fight. Owens. Fight!  
57803 Owens Will Hurt You!!  
57804 Kevin Owens KO Pose  
57901 Samoa Joe So Cal  
57902 Joe's Gonna Get You  
57903 Muscle Busted  
57904 Samoa Joe Pose  
58001 Put Your Dukes Up! (2)  
58002 Gotch is Classically Trained!  
58003 Vaudevillains Fight Like Real Men (2)  
58004 Simon Gotch Rules!  
58101 Pretty Prince Rules the Land  
58102 Beauty Shot  
58103 #selfie  
58104 Tyler Breezes Through the Competition!  
58201 I'll Be Back  
58202 Target: Acquired  
58203 No Man Can Stop This Machine  
58204 Terminator Pose  
58401 I (Heart) Alundra Blayze  
58402 Blayze  
58403 Alundra Blayze Pose  
58404 Blayze of Glory!  
58501 Feel the Heat!  
58502 110th Street Sucka!  
58503 Harlem Heat Pose  
58504 Booker T Rules!  
58601 Proud Bushwhacker Fan!  
58602 Heeeey!  
58603 Whoooa!  
58604 Battering Ram!  
58701 Battering Ram!  
58702 Bushwhackers!  
58703 Heeeeey!  
58704 Whooooa!  
58801 Dustin Rhodes Pose  
58802 Hit Him with the Bulldog!  
58803 Dustin Rhodes is Living the Dream!  
58804 He's a Natural!  
58901 Natural Disasters Drawing  
58902 The Natural Disasters Have Arrived!  
58903 10.0 On the Richter Scale!  
58904 Earthquake!  
59001 L.Z  
59002 Long Live the Cruncher!  
59003 Welcome to Larry Land!  
59004 The Living Legend!  
59101 Ricky Steamboat Pose  
59102 Breathe Fire!  
59103 Ricky Steamboat Rules!  
59104 The Dragon Will Fly!  
59401 Harley Heat Drawing  
59402 Let's Go Stevie Ray!  
59403 110th Street!  
59404 Feel the Heat! (2)  
59501 Tatsumi Fujinami  
59502 Master of the Dragon Suplex!  
59503 Fujinami Ichiban!  
59504 The Dragon is Here!  
59701 Natural Disasters Pose  
59702 Typhoon Drawing  
59703 Typhoon Warning!  
59704 The Natural Disasters are Here!  
60401 Let's Go Blake!  
60402 Blake  
60403 The Future is Now!  
60404 Blake & Murphy  
60501 Ole!  
60502 Viva Diego!  
60503 Matadores Diego Drawing  
60504 Take the Bull by the Horns!  
60601 Ole!  
60602 Viva Fernando!  
60603 Matadores Fernando Drawing  
60604 Take the Bull by the Horns! (2)  
60701 Let's Go Murphy!  
60702 Murphy Pose  
60703 Murphy's Law is in Effect!  
60704 Blake & Murphy (2) 

WWE 2k16 moveset file analysis:


Wrestler Moveset (.moveset) Analysis for WWE 2k16

Moveset size: 2976 Bytes

00 - 01 Ring In
02 - 03 Ring Out
04 - 05 EMPTY
06 - 07 Apron Ring Out
08 - 09 Apron Ring In
10 - 11 EMPTY
12 - 13 Taunt Down
14 - 15 Taunt Left
16 - 17 Taunt Up
18 - 19 Taunt Right
20 - 21 EMPTY

22 - 23 Comeback
24 - 25 Signature 1
26 - 27 Signature 2
28 - 29 Finisher 1
30 - 31 Finisher 2

32 - 35 EMPTY

36 - 37 Leverage Pin

38 - 39 Suicide Dive

40 - 47 EMPTY

48 - 49 Royal Rumble Rope Finisher 1
50 - 51 Royal Rumble Rope Finisher 2
52 - 53 Royal Rumble Apron Finisher 1
54 - 55 Royal Rumble Apron Finisher 2

56 - 63 UNKNOWN (B220 B320 A820 A920)

64 - 65 Ladder Strike
66 - 67 Ladder Strong Strike
68 - 69 Ladder Grapple
70 - 71 Ladder Stun Grapple
72 - 73 Ladder Finisher 1
74 - 75 Ladder Finisher 2

76 - 77 Cell Ceiling Grapple
78 - 79 Cell Finisher

80 - 85 EMPTY

86 - 87 Strike Attack 1
88 - 89 Strike Attack 2
90 - 91 Strike Attack 3
92 - 93 Strike Attack 4
94 - 95 Strike Attack 5
96 - 97 Strike Attack 6
98 - 99 Strike Attack 7

100 - 101 Strike Combination 1
102 - 103 Strike Combination 2
104 - 105 Strike Combination 3

106 - 107 Strong Strike 1
108 - 109 Strong Strike 2

110 - 111 Kick Reversal: Attack
112 - 113 Kick Reversal: Grapple
114 - 115 EMPTY
116 - 117 Kick Reversal: Kick Reversal
118 - 119 EMPTY
120 - 121 Kick Reversal: Reversal

122 - 149 UNKNOWN (2003 2A03 2003 2A03 8403 8403 8403 8403 6700 6600 6400 6500 0000 6600)

150 - 151 Front Strong Grapple 1
152 - 153 Front Strong Grapple 2
154 - 155 Front Strong Grapple 3
156 - 157 Front Strong Grapple 4

158 - 159 EMPTY

160 - 161 UNKNOWN (6700)

162 - 163 Rear Strong Grapple 1
164 - 165 Rear Strong Grapple 2
166 - 167 Rear Strong Grapple 3
168 - 169 Rear Strong Grapple 4

170 - 185 EMPTY

186 - 187 Front Facelock 1: Attack
188 - 189 Front Facelock 3
190 - 191 Front Facelock 4
192 - 193 Front Facelock 5
194 - 195 Front Facelock 6
196 - 197 Front Facelock 7
198 - 199 Front Facelock 2: Submission

200 - 227 EMPTY

228 - 251 UNKNOWN (E903 6405 4D04 6505 2828 6605 1B04 6705 7F04 6805 3228 6905)

252 - 255 EMPTY

256 - 257 Face Up Grapple Upper
258 - 259 Face Up Grapple Side
260 - 261 Face Up Grapple Lower

262 - 263 Face Down Grapple Upper
264 - 265 Face Down Grapple Side
266 - 267 Face Down Grapple Lower

268 - 269 Ground Submissions Upper
270 - 271 Ground Submissions Side
272 - 273 Ground Submissions Lower

274 - 279 EMPTY

280 - 281 Stunned Against Ropes
282 - 283 Stunned Against Middle Rope
284 - 285 Rope Springboard Attack
286 - 287 Outside Springboard Attack
288 - 289 Out of Ring Dive Attack (Run)
290 - 291 Running Springboard

292 - 293 UNKNOWN (2003) 2
294 - 295 UNKNOWN (2A03) 2
296 - 303 EMPTY 8
304 - 307 UNKNOWN (2003 2A03) 4
309 - 311 EMPTY 2
312 - 313 UNKNOWN (0A05) 2
314 - 315 EMPTY 2

316 - 317 Corner Front Strike 1
318 - 319 Corner Front Running Strike
320 - 321 Corner Front Grapple 1
322 - 323 Corner Front Grapple 2
324 - 325 Corner Rear Strike
326 - 327 Corner Rear Running Strike
328 - 329 Corner Rear Grapple 1
330 - 331 Corner Rear Grapple 2
332 - 333 Seated Corner Strike
334 - 335 Seated Corner Running
336 - 337 Seated Corner Grapple
338 - 339 Corner Front Top Rope Strike
340 - 341 Corner Front Top Rope Running
342 - 343 Corner Front Top Rope Springboard
344 - 345 Corner Front Top Rope Grapple 1
346 - 347 Corner Front Top Rope Grapple 2
348 - 349 Corner Rear Top Rope Grapple 1
350 - 351 Corner Front Top Rope Grapple 2
352 - 353 Tree of Woe Grapple
354 - 355 Tree of Woe Strike
356 - 357 Tree of Woe Running
358 - 359 Corner Springboard
360 - 361 Running Top Rope Grapple

362 - 363 Rope Strike Attack
364 - 365 Diving Middle Rope vs. Downed
366 - 367 EMPTY
368 - 369 Diving Middle Rope vs. Standing
370 - 371 EMPTY
372 - 373 Diving Top Rope vs. Downed 1
374 - 375 Diving Top Rope vs. Downed 2
376 - 377 Diving Top Rope vs. Standing 1
378 - 379 Diving Top Rope vs. Standing 2

380 - 381 EMPTY

382 - 383 Apron Springboard to Ring

384 - 385 Apron Grapple to Ring

386 - 387 UNKNOWN (942A)

388 - 389 Apron Strike Attack
390 - 391 Apron Springboard to Ringside
392 - 393 Running on Apron to Ringside
394 - 395 Running on Apron to Apron
396 - 397 Apron Grapple To Apron (Ring)
398 - 399 Apron Grapple To Apron Behind (Ring)
400 - 401 Apron Grapple to Apron (Floor)
402 - 403 Apron Grapple To Apron Behind (Floor)
404 - 405 Apron Ground Attack
406 - 407 Apron Ground Grapple

408 - 409 Running Strike (Front) 1
410 - 411 Running Strike (Front) 2

412 - 413 UNKNOWN (75A4 Double Axe Handle 4)
414 - 415 Running Front Grapple 1
416 - 417 Running Front Grapple 2
418 - 419 Running Rear Grapple 1
420 - 421 Running Rear Grapple 2

422 - 423 Irish Whip Rebound Grapple 1
424 - 425 Irish Whip Rebound Grapple 2
426 - 427 Irish Whip Rebound Strike

428 - 429 Drop Down/Leapfrog 1st

430 - 431 Running Pull-Back Attack
432 - 433 Running Pull-Back Grapple

434 - 435 Rope Strong Strike

436 - 439 EMPTY

440 - 441 Standing Tag Team Down
442 - 443 Standing Tag Team Left
444 - 445 Standing Tag Team Up
446 - 447 Standing Tag Team Right
448 - 449 Corner Tag Team Down
450 - 451 Corner Tag Team Left
452 - 453 Corner Tag Team Up
454 - 455 Corner Tag Team Right

456 - 461 EMPTY

462 - 467 UNKNOWN (349E 359E A7A4)

468 - 469 Limb Target Standing Head
470 - 471 Limb Target Standing Arm 1
472 - 473 Limb Target Standing Arm 2
474 - 475 Limb Target Standing Leg

476 - 507 EMPTY

508 - 509 Limb Target Ground Upper
510 - 511 Limb Target Ground Side
512 - 513 Limb Target Ground Lower

514 - 549 EMPTY

550 - 551 Front Medium Grapple 1
552 - 553 Front Medium Grapple 2
554 - 555 Front Medium Grapple 3
556 - 557 Front Medium Grapple 4

558 - 559 Drop Down/Leapfrog 2nd

560 - 561 Rear Medium Grapple 1
562 - 563 Rear Medium Grapple 2
564 - 565 Rear Medium Grapple 3
566 - 567 Rear Medium Grapple 4

568 - 569 UNKNOWN (6DC5 Scoop Slam 5)
570 - 571 UNKNOWN (6EC5 Suplex 6)
572 - 573 UNKNOWN (3EEA)

574 - 575 Corner Front Strike 2

576 - 577 Ground Strike Upper
578 - 579 Ground Strike Side
580 - 581 Ground Strike Lower

582 - 583 Running Ground Strike Upper
584 - 585 Running Ground Strike Side
586 - 587 Running Ground Strike Lower

588 - 589 EMPTY

590 - 591 Close Range Strike

592 - 613 EMPTY

614 - 615 Kneeling Opponent Strike
616 - 617 Kneeling Opponent Strong Strike
618 - 619 Kneeling Opponent Running
620 - 621 Kneeling Opponent Front Grapple
622 - 623 Kneeling Opponent Behind Grapple

624 - 625 Announce Table Finisher
626 - 627 Double Finisher
628 - 629 Catching Finisher

630 - 635 UNKNOWN (4D 71 60 71 54 71)

NEW WWE 2k16 Moves:
636 - 637 Apron Pringboard to Ring vs. Downed
638 - 639 Springboard to Ringside vs. Downed
640 - 641 Springboard to Ringside Run vs. Downed
642 - 643 Springboard to Ring Run vs. Downed
644 - 645 Springboard to Ring Apron vs. Downed
646 - 647 Springboard to Ringside Apron vs. Downed

648 - 649 UNKNOWN (82 46)

650 - 651 Seated Strong Strike (Front)
652 - 653 Seated Running Strike
654 - 655 Seated Grapple (Front)
656 - 657 Seated Grapple (Rear)

658 - 663 UNKNOWN (7C 47 4D 71 60 71)

664 - 665 Front Facelock Working Hold
666 - 667 Seated Working Hold

668 - 669 Seated Strong Strike (Rear)

670 - 671 Ground Strong Strike (Face Up) 1
672 - 673 Ground Strong Strike (Face Up) 2
674 - 675 Ground Strong Strike (Face Up) 3
676 - 677 Ground Strong Strike (Face Down) 1
678 - 679 Ground Strong Strike (Face Down) 2
680 - 681 Ground Strong Strike (Face Down) 3

682 - 683 Strong Strike (Front) 1
684 - 685 Strong Strike (Front) 2
686 - 687 Strong Strike (Front) 3
688 - 689 Strong Strike (Front) 4
690 - 691 Strong Strike (Front) 5
692 - 693 Strong Strike (Rear) 1
694 - 695 Strong Strike (Rear) 2

696 - 697 Running Strike (Rear) 1
698 - 699 Running Strike (Rear) 2

700 - 701 Corner Strong Strike 1
702 - 703 Corner Strong Strike 2
704 - 705 Corner Seated Strike

706 - 707 Leverage Pin Rear

708 - 709 Rope Running Strike

710 - 725 UNKNOWN (B9 71 B3 71 B7 71 B8 71 B8 71 AA 72 76 72 79 72)

726 - 1017 EMPTY

1018 - 1019 Weight Detection Front Facelock
1020 - 1021 UNKNOWN (90C7 Chop Block 4)
1022 - 1023 Weight Detection Limb Target Head
1024 - 1025 Weight Detection Limb Target Arms
1026 - 1027 Weight Detection Limb Target Leg
1028 - 1029 Weight Detection Strong Grapple Front
1030 - 1031 Weight Detection Strong Grapple Behind
1032 - 1033 UNKNOWN (76C3 DDT 1)
1034 - 1035 UNKNOWN (05C5 Shoulder Arm Breaker)
1036 - 1037 UNKNOWN (0EC5 Dragon Screw)
1038 - 1039 Weight Detection Corner Grapple Front
1040 - 1041 Weight Detection Corner Grapple Behind
1042 - 1043 Weight Detection Top Rope Grapple Front
1044 - 1045 Weight Detection Top Rope Grapple Behind
1046 - 1047 Weight Detection Stunned Against Ropes
1048 - 1049 Weight Detection Apron Grapple to Ring
1050 - 1051 Weight Detection Apron Grapple to Apron
1052 - 1053 Weight Detection Running Grapple Front
1054 - 1055 Weight Detection Running Grapple Behind
1056 - 1057 Weight Detection Irish Whip Rebound
1058 - 1059 Weight Detection Pull-Back Attack
1060 - 1061 Weight Detection Ladder Grapple
1062 - 1063 Weight Detection Medium Grapple Front
1064 - 1065 Weight Detection Medium Grapple Behind

1066-1789     EMPTY

1790 - 1793         Entrance Music
1794 - 1797      Titantron
1798 - 1901      Entrance Animation
1802 - 1805      Entrance Animation Championship 1
1806 - 1909      Entrance Animation Championship 2 (Double champ?)
1810 - 1813      Minitron
1814 - 1817      Walltron
1818 - 1821      UNKNOWN Tron (LCD Apron?)

1822 - 1825      UNKNOWN

1826 - 1893      EMPTY

1894 - 1897      Entrance Music
1898 - 1901      Titantron
1902 - 1905      Entrance Animation
1906 - 1909      Entrance Animation Championship 1
1910 - 1913      Entrance Animation Championship 2 (Double champ?)
1914 - 1917      Minitron
1918 - 1921      Walltron
1992 - 1925      UNKNOWN Tron

1926 - 1929      UNKNOWN

1930 - 1933      ID Only When advanced entrance is set.

1934 - 2013      EMPTY

2014 - 2015 Advanced entrance intro: Lighting 1
2016 - 2017 Advanced entrance intro: Lighting 2
2018 - 2019 Advanced entrance intro: Lighting 3
2020 - 2021 Advanced entrance intro: Lighting 4
2022 - 2023 Advanced entrance intro: Lighting 5
2024 - 2025 Advanced entrance intro: Pyro 1
2026 - 2027 Advanced entrance intro: Pyro 2
2028 - 2029 Advanced entrance intro: Pyro 3
2030 - 2031 Advanced entrance intro: Pyro 4
2032 - 2033 Advanced entrance intro: Pyro 5
2034 - 2035 Advanced Entrance intro: Screen effect 1
2036 - 2037 Advanced Entrance intro: Screen effect 2
2038 - 2039 Advanced Entrance intro: Screen effect 3
2040 - 2041 Advanced Entrance intro: Screen effect 4
2042 - 2043 Advanced Entrance intro: Screen effect 5
2044 - 2045 Advanced Entrance intro: Lighting 1 count on timeline
2046 - 2047 Advanced Entrance intro: Lighting 2 count on timeline
2048 - 2049 Advanced Entrance intro: Lighting 3 count on timeline
2050 - 2051 Advanced Entrance intro: Lighting 4 count on timeline
2052 - 2053 Advanced Entrance intro: Lighting 5 count on timeline
2054 - 2055 Advanced Entrance intro: Pyro 1 count on timeline
2056 - 2057 Advanced Entrance intro: Pyro 2 count on timeline
2058 - 2059 Advanced Entrance intro: Pyro 3 count on timeline
2060 - 2061 Advanced Entrance intro: Pyro 4 count on timeline
2062 - 2063 Advanced Entrance intro: Pyro 5 count on timeline 
2064 - 2065 Advanced Entrance intro: Screen effect 1 count on timeline
2066 - 2067 Advanced Entrance intro: Screen effect 2 count on timeline
2068 - 2069 Advanced Entrance intro: Screen effect 3 count on timeline
2070 - 2071 Advanced Entrance intro: Screen effect 4 count on timeline
2072 - 2073 Advanced Entrance intro: Screen effect 5 count on timeline
2074 - 2075 Advanced Entrance Intro animation
2076 - 2077 EMPTY
2078 - 2079 Advanced Entrance Intro Nameplate
2080 - 2087 EMPTY

2088 - 2095 UNKNOWN
2096 - 2105 Advanced Entrance stage: Lighting x5
2106 - 2115 Advanced Entrance stage: Pyro x5
2116 - 2125 Advanced Entrance stage: Screen Effect x5
2126 - 2135 Advanced Entrance stage: Lighting count on timeline x5
2136 - 2145 Advanced Entrance stage: Pyro count on timeline x5
2146 - 2155 Advanced Entrance stage: Screen effect count on timeline x5
2156 - 2157 Advanced Entrance stage Animation
2158 - 2159 EMPTY
2160 - 2161 Advanced Entrance stage Nameplate
2162 - 2169 EMPTY

2170 - 2177 UNKNOWN
2178 - 2187 Advanced Entrance Ramp: Lighting x5
2188 - 2197 Advanced Entrance Ramp: Pyro x5
2198 - 2207 Advanced Entrance Ring-in: Screen Effect x5
2208 - 2217 Advanced Entrance Ramp: Lighting count on timeline x5
2218 - 2227 Advanced Entrance Ramp: Pyro count on timeline x5
2228 - 2237 Advanced Entrance Ramp: Screen Effect count on timeline x5
2238 - 2239 Advanced Entrance Ramp Animation
2240 - 2241 EMPTY
2242 - 2243 Advanced Entrance Ramp: Nameplate
2244 - 2251 EMPTY

2252 - 2259 UNKNOWN
2260 - 2269 Advanced Entrance Ring-in: Lighting x5
2270 - 2279 Advanced Entrance Ring-in: Pyro x5
2280 - 2289 Advanced Entrance Ring-in: Screen Effect x5
2290 - 2399 Advanced Entrance Ring-in: Lighting count on timeline x5
2300 - 2309 Advanced Entrance Ring-in: Pyro count on timeline x5
2310 - 2319 Advanced Entrance Ring-in: Screen Effect count on timeline x5
2320 - 2321 Advanced Entrance Ring-in Animation
2322 - 2323 EMPTY
2324 - 2325 Advanced Entrance Ring-in: Nameplate
2326 - 2333 EMPTY

2334 - 2341 UNKNOWN
2342 - 2351 Advanced Entrance Ring: Lighting x5
2352 - 2361 Advanced Entrance Ring: Pyro x5
2362 - 2371 Advanced Entrance Ring: Screen effect x5
2372 - 2381 Advanced Entrance Ring: Lighting count on timeline x5
2382 - 2391 Advanced Entrance Ring: Pyro count on timeline x5
2392 - 2401 Advanced Entrance Ring: Screen count on timeline x5
2402 - 2404 Advanced Entrance Ring Animation
2404 - 2405 EMPTY
2406 - 2407 Advanced Entrance Ring: Nameplate

2408             Advanced Entrance Enabler Flag 1 (01 = on, 00 = off)
2409             Advanced Entrance Enabler Flag 2 (01 = on, 00 = off)

2410 - 2501         UNKNONWN

2502 - 2505      Winning Animation
2506 - 2509      Championship Winning Animation

2510 - 2931      UNKNOWN

2932 - 2935      UNKNOWN (00 00 00 04)

2936 - 2937      Attire Selection My WWE (0 = Attire 1, 1 = Attire 2, etc.)

2938 - 2939      UNKNOWN (FF FF)
2940 - 2943      UNKNOWN (00 00 00 04)

2944 - 2945      Attire Selection WWE Universe (0 = Attire 1, 1 = Attire 2, etc.)

2946 - 2947      UNKNOWN (FF FF)

2948 - 2975      EMPTY

WWE 2k16 team_info Analysis:


Tag Team Information (.team_info) Analysis for WWE 2k16

team_info size: 168 Bytes

TEAM MEMBER IDs (0000 - 6300  = CAWs, 64-E703 Wrestlers, 00 04 = Empty)
00-01    Team Member 1 ID 
02-03    Team Member 2 ID
04-05    Team Member 3 ID
06-07    Team Member 4 ID
08-09    Team Member 5 ID

10-11    EMPTY

12         Team Member Slot 3 Occupied (01 = yes, 00 = no)
13         Team Member Slot 4 Occupied (01 = yes, 00 = no)
14        Team Member Slot 5 Occupied (01 = yes, 00 = no)

15        Number of Team Members (02 - 05)

16-17 Team Announce Name (0000 - FFFF)


19    Entrance Type (00 = Together, 01 = Separate)


24-27    Duo Entrance Animation
28-31    Duo Titantron & Walltron
32-35    Duo Entrance Music
36-39    Duo Minitron

40-43    Trio Entrance Animation
44-47    Trio Titantron & Walltron
48-51    Trio Entrance Music
52-55    Trio Minitron

56-59    UNKNOWN (FF 7F 00 00)



62 - 63 Tag Team Finisher Members 1 & 2
64 - 65 EMPTY
66 - 67 Tag Team Finisher Members 1 & 3
68 - 69 EMPTY
70 - 71 Tag Team Finisher Members 1 & 4
73 - 73 EMPTY
75 - 75 Tag Team Finisher Members 1 & 5
76 - 77 EMPTY
78 - 79 Tag Team Finisher Members 2 & 3
80 - 81 EMPTY
82 - 83 Tag Team Finisher Members 2 & 4
84 - 85 EMPTY
86 - 87 Tag Team Finisher Members 2 & 5
88 - 89 EMPTY
90 - 91 Tag Team Finisher Members 3 & 4
92 - 93 EMPTY
94 - 95 Tag Team Finisher Members 3 & 5
96 - 97 EMPTY
98 - 99 Tag Team Finisher Members 4 & 5

99-107    UNKNOWN/EMPTY?

108-134    Tag Team Name Duo? (max. 27 Characters)

135-137 EMPTY?

138-164 Tag Team Name Trio? (max. 27 Characters)

165-167 EMPTY

.team_info Announce Name values:


0000 Acolytes
0A00 The Agents
1400 Air Boom
1E00 The Alliance
2800 The Anarchists
3200 The APA
3C00 The Ascension
4600 The Assassins
5000 The Authority
5A00 The Awesome Ones
6400 The Bad Girls
6E00 The Bad Guys
7800 The Bank
8200 The Bella Twins
8C00 The Bikers
9600 The Blade Runners
A000 The Blood Brothers
AA00 The Blue Bloods
B400 The Bolsheviks
BE00 The Boom Squad
C800 Los Boricuas
D200 The Brain Busters
DC00 The British Bulldogs
E600 The Brood
F000 The Brotherhood
FA00 The Brothers of Destruction
0401 The Bullies
0E01 The Bushwhackers
1801 The Cartel
2201 The Chess Club
2C01 The Chick Magnets
3601 The C.I.A.
4001 The Circle
4A01 The Cleaners
5401 The Coal Miners
5E01 The Coalition
6801 Los Conquistadores
7201 The Conquistadors
7C01 The Corporate Ministry
8601 The Corporation
9001 The Corre
9A01 La Cosa Nostra
A401 The Crew
AE01 Dangerous Alliance
B801 Demolition
C201 The Disciples
CC01 The Disciples Apocalypse
D601 The Disciples Of Darkness
E001 Doom
EA01 The Doom Brigade
F401 The Dream Team
FE01 Dudes With Attitude
0802 D-Generation X
1202 The Eliminators
1C02 The Empire of Pain
2602 The Enforcers
3002 The Entourage
3A02 Evolution
4402 The Faces of Fear
4E02 The Fallen
5802 The Family
6202 The F.B.I.
6C02 The Four Horsemen
7602 The Gatecrashers
8002 The Geeks
8A02 The Generation
9402 The Gladiators
9E02 The Good Girls
A802 The Good Guys
B202 The Grapplers
BC02 The Grinders
C602 Harlem Heat
D002 The Hart Foundation
DA02 Havoc
E402 The Headbangers
EE02 The Headshrinkers
F802 High Energy
0203 High Voltage
0C03 The Hit Squad
1603 The Hollywood Blonds
2003 The Hooligans 
2A03 The Industry
3403 The Infiltrators
3E03 The Inmates
4803 The Insiders
5203 The Islanders
5C03 The Job Squad
6603 The Jocks
7003 The Kaos
7A03 The Kliq
8403 The Knights of the Round Table
8E03 The League
9803 Legacy
A203 The Legends
AC03 Les Femmes Fatales
B603 The Living Legends
C003 Los Guerreros
CA03 The Lucha Dragons
D403 Los Luchadores
EB03 Los Matadores
DE03 The Madness
E803 The Maniacs
F203 The Martyrs
FC03 The Mean Street Posse
0604 The Mega Bucks
1004 The Mega Maniacs
1A04 The Mega Powers
2404 The Mega Stars
2E04 The Midnight Express
3804 The Milita
4204 The Million Dollar Corporation
4C04 The Ministry
5604 The Ministry of Darkness
6004 The Misfits
6A04 Money Incorporated
7404 The Monsters
7E04 The Nasty Boys
8804 The Nation
9204 The Nation of Domination
EC06 The Natural Disasters 
9C04 The Naughty Girls
A604 The Naughty Guys
B004 The Nerds
BA04 The New Age Outlaws
C404 The New Day
CE04 The New Foundation
D804 The New Millennia
E204 The New Nexus
EC04 The Nexus
F604 The Nice Girls
0005 The Nice Guys
0A05 The nWo
1405 The Old Gods
1E05 The Olympians
2805 The Order
3205 The Orient Express
3C05 The Originals
4605 The Outlaws
5005 The Outsiders
5A05 The Patriots
6405 The Pitbulls
6E05 Power And Glory
7805 The Power House
8205 The Powers of Pain
8C05 The Power Trip
9605 Two Man Power Trip
A005 Pretty Mean Sisters
AA05 The Prime Time Players
B405 The Public Enemy
BE05 The Quebecers
C805 The Queens
D205 The Rangers
DC05 The Red Army
E605 The Red Faction
F005 The Republic
FA05 Rhythm 'N' Blues
0406 The Road Warriors
0E06 The Rock 'N' Roll Express
1806 The Rock 'N' Sock Connection
2206 The Rockers
2C06 The Rough Riders
3606 Rybaxel
4006 The Sellouts
4A06 The Steiner Brothers
5406 The Stooges
5E06 The Suicide Blondes
6806 The Superstars
7206 The Syndicate
7C06 The Team
8606 Team Bring It
9006 Team Cobro
9A06 Team Hardcore
A406 Team Hell No
AE06 Team Raw
B806 Team Rhodes Scholars
C206 Team Smackdown
CC06 The Terrors
D606 The Shield
E006 Those Guys
EA06 The Thrillseekers
F406 3MB
FE06 Tons of Funk
0807 Too Cool
1207 The Tough Guys
1C07 The Trailblazers
2607 The Triangle of Terror
3007 The Tribe
3A07 Truth Or Consequences
4407 The Ultimate Maniacs
4E07 The Undead
5807 The Union
6207 The United Kingdom
6C07 The Usos
7607 The Varsity Club
8007 The Vaudevillains
8A07 Vicious And Delicious
9407 The Villagers
9E07 Weapons of Mass Destruction
A807 The Wild Samoans
B207 The Wolfpac
BC07 The Wyatt Family
C607 The Yes Men

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Is 18-19 possibly for announcing name?

Nah, that's just a zeroed out value. The announcer name should be somewhere in the moveset file, if at all.

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2 notes: most of my pofos seem to have a 01 at byte 29 & if you want a quick conversion of the my wwe byte translate it to binary and reverse it

Edit: if the winning animation you are questioning is 6PAC then that's the right spot, there is also the championship winning animation which should be a 9XXX number of some sort.

Edited by pozzum
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I've updated .pofo information in the second post with bytes for Crowd Reaction and Personality traits. I've also posted the valid values for the My WWE Brand there.

Edited by Cave Waverider
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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated  the moveset section in the second post. I'm still missing a bunch of the new WWE 2k16 specific values, especially when it comes to the move slots. Some help finding the corresponding bytes would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Added .team_info breakdown and Team Announce names to the second post. It's pretty much identified.

I could stil use help with finding the bytes for all the new WWE 2k16 move types for the .moveset files. Note that the byte types of these moves are currently likely marked as a variant of "EMPTY" or "UNKNOWN" in the .moveset file analysis in the second post of this thread.

How could you help with that? Here are options to how you can do so:

Option 1: Using Cheat Engine
1. Backup your save game.
2. Extract/save a .moveset file of a wrestler in the game, ideally Adam Rose as he's most quickly to access. You can do so with Cheat Engine, Xpacker or, more ideally, the upcoming Custom Character Tools.
3. Open the .moveset file with a hex editor like HxD.
4. Set the Offset base to Decimal in the Hex Editor if you can.
5. Open Cheat Engine, select the WWE 2k16 process, use the Memory view and navigate to the Memory address of the Moveset of the wrestler (look it up in Pozzum's WWE 2k16 Memory table), Ideally, you'll want WWE 2k16 run in a window with the cheat engine memory view visible next to it so you can see which values change.
6. Edit the Moveset in the game. Change one of the new WWE 2k16 move types (like one of the additional strong strike slots), then save the moveset while looking at the cheat engine memory window.
7. Compare the data in the memory window with the data in your moveset file to see what has changed. Note down the Byte offset of the changed byte in the Hex editor and which move type it contains.
8. Rinse and repeat steps 2. - 8. until all the missing move types have been mapped out.
9. Post your findings here in this thread with the byte offsets in decimal and the name of the move type in the game.

Option 2: Without cheat engine:
1. Backup your save game.
2. Extract/save a .moveset file of a wrestler in the game, ideally Adam Rose as he's most quickly to access. You can do so with Cheat Engine, Xpacker or, more ideally, the upcoming Custom Character Tools.
3. Open the .moveset file with a hex editor like HxD.
4. Set the Offset base to Decimal in the Hex Editor if you can.
5. Edit the Moveset in the game. Change one of the new WWE 2k16 move types (like one of the additional strong strike slots), then save the moveset while looking at the cheat engine memory window.
6.  Extract/s
ave the modified .moveset file of the same wrestler in the game under a different name. Again, you can do so with Cheat Engine, Xpacker or, more ideally, the upcoming Custom Character Tools.
7. Open the newly created .moveset file with the changed move with the hex editor.

8. Compare the hex data in the two moveset files to see what has changed (HxD allows you to compare files via Analysis->Compare, but you can also do so manually if you're good at it). Note down the Byte offset of the changed byte in the Hex editor and which move type it contains.
9. Rinse and repeat steps 2. - 10. until all the missing move types have been mapped out.
10. Post your findings here in this thread with the byte offsets in decimal and the name of the move type in the game.

Edited by Cave Waverider
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've finally figured out and added most if not all new WWE 2k16 move types to the .moveset Analysis in the second post.

Edited by Cave Waverider
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  • 2 months later...

Info on Crowd Signs

216 - 217 Crowd Sign #1
218 - 219 Crowd Sign #2
220 - 221 Crowd Sign #3
222 - 223 Crowd Sign #4

List of Crowd Signs with IDs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bo_-ISy9MIpOA-e_crn_-H8n5oJ3qNmmxwCL9nL9DZw/edit?usp=sharing 

Discussion: http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/62917-tut-giving-a-wrestler-someone-elses-crowd-signs/?page=1 

Edited by tomwearsglasses
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Info on Crowd Signs

216 - 217 Crowd Sign #1
218 - 219 Crowd Sign #2
220 - 221 Crowd Sign #3
222 - 223 Crowd Sign #4

List of Crowd Signs with IDs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bo_-ISy9MIpOA-e_crn_-H8n5oJ3qNmmxwCL9nL9DZw/edit?usp=sharing 

Discussion: http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/62917-tut-giving-a-wrestler-someone-elses-crowd-signs/?page=1 

Great work, thank you very much! :)

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Info on Crowd Signs

216 - 217 Crowd Sign #1
218 - 219 Crowd Sign #2
220 - 221 Crowd Sign #3
222 - 223 Crowd Sign #4

List of Crowd Signs with IDs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bo_-ISy9MIpOA-e_crn_-H8n5oJ3qNmmxwCL9nL9DZw/edit?usp=sharing 

Discussion: http://smacktalks.org/forums/topic/62917-tut-giving-a-wrestler-someone-elses-crowd-signs/?page=1 

Great It Will Come In hANDY fOR Sure!

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