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Moveset/Pofo Database

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Posted (edited)


This thread is intended as a central directory containing links to various movesets/pofos which have been released.

Please post links in the comments below along with the character information and the pofo/moveset creator name and I will add them to the main post.

**I took most of these links from a document I had. I'm going to try to track down the posts they came from so I can give proper credit but if anyone can lay a claim to any of the links I'll gladly add credits. I know Refat and Cavewaverider created many of them.

Resources for Creating Movesets and Pofos

Pozzum's String ID List

Tekken's Slot ID List

Pozzum's Slot ID List


>>> A <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

AJ Styles

Pofo (by TheHeartbreakKid)

Moveset (by TheHeartbreakKid)

Alex Riley

Pofo and Moveset (by xWeasel)

Alex Shelley

Pofo (by TheHeartbreakKid)

Moveset  (by CRamirez11)

Alicia Fox

Pofo and Moveset (by Adm King and AgeOfSandow)

Apollo Crews

Pofo and Moveset (by Refat)

Austin Aries

Pofo and Moveset (by sahailee and AgeofSandow)

>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Baron Corbin

Pofo and Moveset (by Refat)


Pofo and Moveset (by xWeasel)

Becky Lynch

Pofo and Moveset (by Refat and AgeOfSandow)

Big Cass and Enzo Amore

Big Cass (by xWeasel)

Billy Gunn

Pofo and Moveset  (by TheHeartBreakKid)

Bobby Lashley

Pofo and Moveset (by TheHeartBreakKid and AgeofSandow)

Bret Hart

Pofo and Moveset (by Mincho Sheen)

Bruno Sammartino

Pofo and Theme and Tron (by MOHIB)

Brutus Beefcake

Pofo and Moveset (by kim666)

>>> C <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Pofo and Moveset (by xWeasel)

Theme (by AJ_HeelTurn)


Pofo and Moveset (by X3MCHP and AgeofSandow)

Chris Benoit

Pofo and Moveset (by Refat)

Curt Hennig

Pofo (by TheHeartbreakKid)

Moveset  (by TheHeartbreakKid and AgeOfSandow)

>>> D <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Davey Richards

Pofo and Moveset (by sahailee)

David Otunga

Doc Gallows

Drew Galloway

Dudley Boyz

Pofos and Movesets (by Refat)

Dusty Rhodes

Pofo (by TheHeartbreakKid)

Moveset (by legrandcissarcix)

Dynamite Kid

Pofo and Moveset  (by kim666)

>>> E <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Eddie Guerrero
Pofo and Moveset (by Bravebird and RighteousProdukshunz)

Eva Marie (by xWeasel)

Pofo and Moveset

Evan Bourne

Pofo and Moveset  (by TheHeartBreakKid)

>>> F <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Finn Balor

>>> G <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



>>> H <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Hardcore Holly

Pofo and Moveset (by Cave Waverider)

Hideo Itami

Pofo and Moveset (by sahailee and AgeofSandow)

Fixed Moveset (by sahailee and AgeofSandow)


Pofo and Moveset  (by geovane 3:16)

>>> I <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>> J <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Pofo (by TheHeartBreakKid)

Jim Duggan

Pofo and Moveset  (by kim666)

Jimmy Snuka

Pofo and Moveset (by abumaster)

John Morrison

Pofo and Moveset  (by TheHeartBreakKid)

Johnny Gargano

Jushin Liger

Pofo and Moveset (by sahailee and AgeofSandow)

Fixed Moveset (by sahailee and AgeofSandow)

>>> K <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Pofo and Moveset  (by TheHeartbreakKid)

Ken Shamrock

Kevin Owens

Pofo and Moveset (by Mincho Sheen)

Kurt Angle

>>> L <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

La Parka

Moveset (by Mohib)

Leo Kruger

Pofo and Moveset (by abumaster)

Tron and Theme (by abumaster)


Pofo and Moveset (by Refat)

Lord Tensai

Moveset and Pofo (Slot 318) (by abumaster)

>>> M <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Matt Hardy
Pofo and Moveset (by Refat)

Mr Kennedy

Pofo and Moveset (by TheHeartbreakKid)

Mr Perfect

Pofo and Moveset  (by TheHeartBreakKid)

>>> N <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>> O <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>> P <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Perry Saturn
Pofo and Moveset (by Cave Waverider)

>>> Q <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>> R <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Pofo (by TheHeartbreakKid)

Moveset (by TheHeartbreakKid)

Rick Martel

Pofo and Moveset (by kim666)


Pofo (by TheHeartbreakKid)

Moveset (by TheHeartbreakKid and creator of CC CAW)

Road Dogg
Pofo and Moveset (by Cave Waverider)


Road Warriors

Pofos, Movesets, Trons, and Themes (by TheHeartbreakKid and AgeofSandow)

Roddy Piper

Road Dogg

Pofo and Moveset (by xWeasel)

>>> S <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Pofo (by Tekken57 and Ticaliano)
Moveset (by Tekken57 and Ticaliano)

Samoa Joe
Pofo and Moveset (by Refat and RighteousProdukshunz)

Pofo and Moveset (by Refat)

Scott Hall

Scott Steiner

Sean O’Haire

Shane McMahon

Pofo and Moveset  (by geovane 3:16)

Shelton Benjamin

Pofo and Moveset (by beastedot9)

Shinsuke Nakamura

Pofo and Moveset (by sahailee, AgeofSandow)

Sid Justice

Pofo (by TheHeartBreakKid)

Moveset (by TheHeartBreakKid and AgeofSandow)

Sin Cara

Pofo and Moveset (by Refat)

Solomon Crowe

Pofo and Moveset (by xWeasel)

Son of Havoc


>>> T <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Pofo and Moveset 


Pofo and Moveset (by abumaster)

Tito Santana

Pofo and Moveset (by abumaster)

Tommy Dreamer

Trish Stratus

Moveset (by abumaster and beastedot9)

Tyler Breeze

Pofo and Moveset (by xWeasel)

Pofo and Moveset (by TheHeartBreakKid and Righteous)

Tyson Tomko

Pofo (by TheHeartBreakKid)

Moveset (by legrandxcissar)

Theme and Tron (by abumaster)

>>> U <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Pofo and Moveset (by legrandxcissar)

>>> V <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Vaudevillains (Simon Gotch and Aiden English)
Pofos and Movesets (by Cave Waverider)

Veda Scott

>>> W <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>> X <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>> Y <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Pofo and Moveset  (by Mincho Sheen)

Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson)

Matt Jackson (by sahailee, AgeofSandow, and Cave Waverider)

Nick Jackson  (by sahailee, AgeofSandow, and Cave Waverider)

Nick (Slot 268)  (by Adm King)

>>> Z <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Edited by pozzum
  • Like 10
  • GameElite™ pinned this topic

Nice idea :) Downloaded lots of mods without pofos so this will be very handy.



Awesome, just let me know if you want a third one and I'll delete this one too.



Awesome, just let me know if you want a third one and I'll delete this one too.

Yeh if you need a third let me know too :)



Still need to figure out credits. If you've created any of these please let me know so I can add credit.

Orange ones are in progress mods that will need pofos/movesets once released. It would be great if different users would take on some of these so that the info is ready once the modders release their mods.

Posted (edited)

Can someone helps me creating Dusty Rhodes .pofo & .moveset?

I'm using the slot #121 for the mod


Edited by MinchoSheen
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)


Still need to figure out credits. If you've created any of these please let me know so I can add credit.

Sure. I've created Hardcore Holly. Perry Saturn, Road Dogg and the Vaudevillains on the list.

Hopefully it'll be easier for the creators to create these files once I manage to finish my tool.

Edited by Cave Waverider
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

@LordJustice17, that Baron Corbin pofo and moveset you uploaded (I know it's not yours) has nothing correct. It's just a Jericho pofo and moveset. It has Samoa Joe included also. But never tested it as I think that will be the same. Don't know about the other Samoa Joe pofo, moveset you uploaded. But I have uploaded currect pofo and moveset for both Joe and Corbin.

Here is the post for Baron Corbin:


And Samoa Joe:


@Cave Waverider, bro please give reasonable attributes to the superstar's pofo you are making. I didn't tested Holly, Saturn and Dogg. But The Vaudevillains attributes are way too exaggerated. 92 and 98(!!!) if I am not wrong. Your movesets are great. Weight, height, naming everything is fine. Just the attributes.

Also here are the pofo and moveset that I made for Tekken57's Chris Benoit.


Edited by Refat
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

@Cave Waverider


Updated. Thanks. :)

Thanks. The Dudleyz, Matt Hardy and The Sandman pofo and movesets you have uploaded are also created by me.

can anyone add sin cara

Please have some patience. I already told you I am working on it.

Edited by Refat
  • Like 2

Are the movesets for guys like Angle, Joe, the Hardys, and Kennedy custom made or not? The game has each of their pre-set movesets. Also, why not include the pac files of the models (even if it's more than one mod created by different users) so that everything is in one thread. It would make everything easy to find.


Fantastic decision to make this, will help a lot of people out! Let's keep this updated for as long as we can :cool:

I agree about that there should be a place where EVERY single modded character should be (Link wise) as I'm sure I've missed out on some great mods and the Community DLC thread is a bit messy and only includes a select few.


Fantastic decision to make this, will help a lot of people out! Let's keep this updated for as long as we can :cool:

I agree about that there should be a place where EVERY single modded character should be (Link wise) as I'm sure I've missed out on some great mods and the Community DLC thread is a bit messy and only includes a select few.

I'm a bit hesitant to go that far as I don't want to step on anyone's toes especially given that some modders have donate buttons and such. Perhaps I could link to their threads. Maybe some creators could weigh in.


By link wise I mean to their thread - don't want to harm any people making stuff, just making a directory of sort. Like for example how I haven't seen the Paige mod around in ages so if you didn't have it already installed, you might know where to look.


By link wise I mean to their thread - don't want to harm any people making stuff, just making a directory of sort. Like for example how I haven't seen the Paige mod around in ages so if you didn't have it already installed, you might know where to look.

I've been working on that in the other pinned thread

  • Like 1

By link wise I mean to their thread - don't want to harm any people making stuff, just making a directory of sort. Like for example how I haven't seen the Paige mod around in ages so if you didn't have it already installed, you might know where to look.

I've been working on that in the other pinned thread

Sort of. It doesn't tell me who is where and if I'm missing anyone. I had to go a good amount of pages back to find the Batista attire pack mod from ages ago because I was not sure who made it or where it was.



By link wise I mean to their thread - don't want to harm any people making stuff, just making a directory of sort. Like for example how I haven't seen the Paige mod around in ages so if you didn't have it already installed, you might know where to look.

I've been working on that in the other pinned thread

Sort of. It doesn't tell me who is where and if I'm missing anyone. I had to go a good amount of pages back to find the Batista attire pack mod from ages ago because I was not sure who made it or where it was.


PM me anything particular I'm missing and I'll try to add more detail & links from the reserve of info I have.

I'll also add a Updated Attire section because I've sort of glanced over that so far.


By link wise I mean to their thread - don't want to harm any people making stuff, just making a directory of sort. Like for example how I haven't seen the Paige mod around in ages so if you didn't have it already installed, you might know where to look.

I've been working on that in the other pinned thread

I never even knew that was there. :p

Good job, although maybe you should spin it off into it's own pinned thread titled "Mod Directory" or "PC Mod Database" or something similar, to aid with discoverability. I know personally I would have never thought to look in the Tutorials thread, and even though its the second post I never scroll down beyond the first post in that thread.


By link wise I mean to their thread - don't want to harm any people making stuff, just making a directory of sort. Like for example how I haven't seen the Paige mod around in ages so if you didn't have it already installed, you might know where to look.

I've been working on that in the other pinned thread

I never even knew that was there. :p

Good job, although maybe you should spin it off into it's own pinned thread titled "Mod Directory" or "PC Mod Database" or something similar, to aid with discoverability. I know personally I would have never thought to look in the Tutorials thread, and even though its the second post I never scroll down beyond the first post in that thread.

once I was actually caught up with it I was going to ask @Smacktalks if I could just take it over, but splitting it off might work too.


By link wise I mean to their thread - don't want to harm any people making stuff, just making a directory of sort. Like for example how I haven't seen the Paige mod around in ages so if you didn't have it already installed, you might know where to look.

I've been working on that in the other pinned thread

Sort of. It doesn't tell me who is where and if I'm missing anyone. I had to go a good amount of pages back to find the Batista attire pack mod from ages ago because I was not sure who made it or where it was.


You're talking about the two attire pack by PH_Guy right? Or is there another one I don't know of? :p

Posted (edited)

By link wise I mean to their thread - don't want to harm any people making stuff, just making a directory of sort. Like for example how I haven't seen the Paige mod around in ages so if you didn't have it already installed, you might know where to look.

I've been working on that in the other pinned thread

Sort of. It doesn't tell me who is where and if I'm missing anyone. I had to go a good amount of pages back to find the Batista attire pack mod from ages ago because I was not sure who made it or where it was.


You're talking about the two attire pack by PH_Guy right? Or is there another one I don't know of? :p


I just think there should be a list of superstars and then links to peoples thread with mods for them, that way we find specific mods for specific people.

EG: Each addition links to that persons thread or the location of that mod on the forum.

>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

  2. LONG HAIR (Red Man)
  3. 6 ATTIRE PACK (Dhyie)
  4. 2050 Cyborg Character Mod (Mouse)
Edited by Skeeno

By link wise I mean to their thread - don't want to harm any people making stuff, just making a directory of sort. Like for example how I haven't seen the Paige mod around in ages so if you didn't have it already installed, you might know where to look.

I've been working on that in the other pinned thread

I never even knew that was there. :p

Good job, although maybe you should spin it off into it's own pinned thread titled "Mod Directory" or "PC Mod Database" or something similar, to aid with discoverability. I know personally I would have never thought to look in the Tutorials thread, and even though its the second post I never scroll down beyond the first post in that thread.

once I was actually caught up with it I was going to ask @Smacktalks if I could just take it over, but splitting it off might work too.

Feel free to take it over :)

I'm also planning on setting up a proper mod database similar to what we have with CAWs in the near future so it makes things a lot easier to find but it's still a little way off.


By link wise I mean to their thread - don't want to harm any people making stuff, just making a directory of sort. Like for example how I haven't seen the Paige mod around in ages so if you didn't have it already installed, you might know where to look.

I've been working on that in the other pinned thread

Sort of. It doesn't tell me who is where and if I'm missing anyone. I had to go a good amount of pages back to find the Batista attire pack mod from ages ago because I was not sure who made it or where it was.


You're talking about the two attire pack by PH_Guy right? Or is there another one I don't know of? :p


I just think there should be a list of superstars and then links to peoples thread with mods for them, that way we find specific mods for specific people.

EG: Each addition links to that persons thread or the location of that mod on the forum.

>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

  2. LONG HAIR (Red Man)
  3. 6 ATTIRE PACK (Dhyie)
  4. 2050 Cyborg Character Mod (Mouse)

Didn't know about that link, thanks :)

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