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BHANGRA MAN'S New look Chrisitian





Base Model: Normal

Skin color: 3, C(-90,16)

BASE Edit:

1.) Skin:1

2.)Face edit/ cheeks:3, Face Model:12

eyebrows (20,-17)



cheeks (20)



3.)eyes:20, C(-88,-11),S(0)

4.)eyebrows: 27, T(10),C(-85,-62), S(-6)

5.)Hair: 20, C(-51,91), S(20)

6.)Underwear: Default

7.)Face accessories: 64, C(-91,14), S(11)

8.)Face accessories: 52, C(-90,37),S(-2)

9.)Design>Face>Letters>signs>1/7>3rd row , last coloumn, Reduce 3*,T(0), C(-96,-17), S(-28) place just right of left eyebrow between the space of the eyebrows

10.)Design>Face>Letters>signs>1/7>3rd row, 1st coloum, reduce 3*,T(-17), C(-96,-17), S(-28) place just left ofright eyebrow between the space of the eyebrows

11.)Design>Face>Letters>signs>1/7>1st coloumn, 5th row,rotate 3*, reduce 2*,T(-51), C(-96,-17), S(-28) place just below previous peice in terms of placement

12.)Design>Face>Letters>signs>1/7>1st coloumn, 5th row,rotate 3*, reduce 1*, T(-17), C(-88,-51) place underneath left eye to create eyebag

13.)Design>Face>Letters>signs>1/7>1st coloumn, 5th row,rotate 3*, reduce 1*, T(-15), C(-88,-51) place underneath right eye to create eyebag

14.)Design>Face> WWE pattern : 42, rotate 1*,reduce 1*, this is one of the vertical peices seen below the lips that makes part of the facial hair. Place just below right end side of lips

15.)Design>Face> WWE pattern : 42, rotate 3*,reduce 1*, this is one of the vertical peices seen below the lips that makes part of the facial hair. Place just below left end side of lips

16.)Design>Face> WWE pattern : 42, C(-85,95),S(16)make sure the center of this pattern is connected half way up layer 14

17.)Design>Face> WWE pattern : 42, rotated 2*,C(-85,95),S(16)in terms of placement place just below but make it overlapp with previous layer. Then move it to the left so about a quater of it overlaps with layer 15

18.)Face>Paint:78, T(-65), C(-92,12), S(44)

19.)Face>Paint:18, T(-90), C(-91,61),S(-14)

20.)Design>Face> WWE pattern : 42, reduce 2*,C(-85,87),S(15) place just below lips

**These are the marks near the nose on both cheeks side of the face

21.)Design>Face>Letters>Signs>1/7, " ( ", reduce 2*, rotate 2*, T(14), C(-94,-53), S(-48) place just below and left away from the left nostril on that side of the nose

22.)Design>Face>Letters>Signs>1/7, " ( ", reduce 2*, rotate 2*, T(18), C(-94,-75), S(-60) place just below and to the right but away from right nostril on that side of the nose

23.)Design>Face>WWE patterm: 42, rotate 2*, C(-85,96) place half way up chin, facial hair should look like pic now

24.)Body>T-shirts>Blank:8, L(-95), C(33,-43), S(-100)

25.)Vest>Others:7, T(-20),C(21,-56), S(-100)

26.)Design>Body>Simple pattern: 139, reduce 3*, C(-90,62), S(-14) place the neck line lower of shirt and make it more like a V shape


Note: Create collars either side of the neck

27. to 28.)Design>Body>Simple pattern: 158, reduce 3*,C(14,-85) refer to above note for placement

29.)Body>accessories: 34, C(-97,-100), S(-100)

30.)Design>Body>Picture: 87,reduce 2*, T(79),C(100,-100), S(-100) place so that neck line comes more like \_/




33.)Design>Letters>Sign 2/7, 3rd coloumn, last row,T,(37),C(23,-11),S(-81) place on pants as his left pocket move it around a little see pics

34.)Design>Letters>Sign 2/7, 3rd coloumn, last row,T(37),C(23,-11),S(-81) place on pants as his right pocket move it around a little see pics

35.)Design>Body>Simple pattern: 37,rotate 1*,reduce 1*, C(-84,100), S(-7) place as seen in help link forthe pants

36.)Design>Body>Simple pattern: 22, reduce 3*,C(-81,69), S(-18)place as seen in help link forthe pants

37.)Design>Body>Simple pattern: 22, reduce 3*, rotate 2*,C(-81,54),S(-25)

38.)Design>Left arm>simple pattern: 16, reduce 2*, rotate 2*, place on left shoulder blade, T(12),C(23,-38)

39.)Design>Left arm>Simple pattern :37, reduce 3*,place so it sticks out at the top of previous pattern, T(18), C(33,-51),S(-100)


Head (-30),33

Neck (-29,-42), -15

Chest (2,-35)

Shoulder (-91,-19), -12

abdomen (-19,-23),60

arms (-31,-12), -72

forearms (-49, -38), -91

Hands (-96,-37), -39

Waist (32,-39)

Thighs (-21,-14),-27

Legs (-3,-25), -86

ankles (-47,-36)

Height 6'3"





1.)skin :4

Layers 2 - 20 the same as before on stret gear

21.)Design>Face>WWE patterm: 42, rotate 2*, C(-85,96) place half way up chin, facial hair should look like pic now

22.)Tights>Blank:3, C(-80,20), S(-22)

23.)Tights>Pattern: 1, T(-39), C(-98,100), S(-15)

24.)Shoes>Blank 12, L(-32), C(-100,-51)

25.)Elbow pads: Blank 9, C(-100,-29), S(-85)

26.)wristbands> blank: 6, L(-67), C(27,-88), S(-62)

27.)Design>Body>Letters>Alphabet: Font type 2, " C ", T(-1), C(25,100), S(-100) place on left thigh as seen in help link

28.)Design>Body>Letters>Alphabet: Font type 2, " C ", C(-2,-100), S(-100) place on left thigh as seen in help link

29.)Design>Body>Letters>Alphabet: Font type 2, " C ", T(100), C(25,100), S(-100) place on left thigh as seen in help link

30.)Design>Body>Letters>Alphabet: Font type 1, " C " , C(23,-100)place on left thigh as seen in help link

31.) Design>Body>Letters>Alphabet: Font type 1, " C " , C(22,-100), S(-66)place on left thigh as seen in help link

32.)Design> Body>Simple pattern: 159, reduce 2*, C(-78,50), S(-52) place to cover up parts of previous C's as seen in help link

33.)Design> Body> Simple pattern: 166, reduce 1*,rotate 1*, C(-71,100),S( -51) place next to the square above on the left hand side to make the C look thinner see help link

34.)Design> Body> Simple pattern: 166, reduce 1*,rotate 1*, C(-78,100),S( -51) place next to the square above and slighty below and overlapping previous peice on the left hand side to make the C look thinner see help link

35.)Design >letters> sign> 1/7 , " ( " , rotate 1*, C(23,-100) place above the C see help link

36.)Design >letters> sign>1/7, " ( " , rotate 1*,T(31), C(23,100), S(-100) place below previous peice see help link

37.)Design>Letters> Sign>1/7, 5th row ( ie 5 down) and 2 coloum ( ie 2 across), C(23,100), S(-100) place on C as seen in help link

38.)Design>Letters> Sign>2/7, 1st row, 1st coloumn, rotate 1*, C(23,-72), S(-65) place as seen in help link

39.)Design> Letters> Alphabet, font type 1: " I " , rotate 1*, reduce 3*, T(59), C(23,100), S(-100)

40.)esign>Left arm>simple pattern: 16, reduce 2*, rotate 2*, place on left shoulder blade, T(12),C(23,-38)

Figure: Form

Head (-41),19

Neck (-29,-42), -15

Chest (-12,-38)

Shoulder (-91,-19), -12

abdomen (-33,-23),60

arms (-32,-12), -72

forearms (-49, -38), -91

Hands (-96,-37), -39

Waist (22,-39)

Thighs (-24,-15),-27

Legs (-17,-25), -86

ankles (-47,-36)

Height 6'3"

  • 4 weeks later...

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