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Do this cheat first

1. hold down L+R

2. press blk then white

3.then press a

4.then let go of l and r then press start

Name:Heidenriec(takes up to much room)


Hometown:New York




Head-hair-scotty 2 hotty-1,2,3 light yellow


shirtless-hand-left and right-padded back variation-1,2 light red




I like all of my caw but the hair.


ay man does that cheat even work i keep tryin it n nuthins happnin, ur ment to do it at the main menu right? am i supposed to push the buttons really quikly or summin?


thanks, the cheat doesnt work though, im in the UK, so maybe thats why. also nickname i think Dynamite, cus it kinda sounds like heidenreich, when the bloke on smackdown says it anyway


your supposed to do the cheat at the screen where it says start. the very first screen where you have to press start to enter the game.


he forgets to tell you to press all ABXY after balck and white.


the way i did my code works and the way you posted the code also works but my way is quicker.

  • 3 years later...

ay man does that cheat even work i keep tryin it n nuthins happnin, ur ment to do it at the main menu right? am i supposed to push the buttons really quikly or summin?

no. hold l+r trigger and press white+black a,b,x.y start.

dont release triggers
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