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aj styles by stg

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AJ Styles by STG

[For designs you will have to use help pics for placement and rotations]


1.)Body Skin: 2/4

Skin Color: C(-92, 26),S (5)

2.)Face Skin: 7/13 OR 13/13

3.)Eyes: 7/12,C (X: 1,Y: 9),S (X: -5)

4.)Eyebrows: 122/154 ,C(X: -89,Y: 9),S (X: -19)

5.)Lips: 31/65,C(X: -96,Y: -1),S(X: 0)

6.)Teeth 1/3

7.)Hair: 39/88,C(X: -90,Y: -10),S(X: 3) Or if you have the ability to hack layers.. Use Hair: 19/88,C(X: -90,Y: -10),S(X: 3) Then remove the body hair layer.

8.)Body hair 1/12 Or if you have the ability to hack layers.. Use Hair: 39/88,C(X: -90,Y: -10),S(X: 3)

9.) Underwear 2 colours dont matter....Or if you have the ability to hack layers.. Use facial hair 27/84,C(X: -100,Y: 0),S(X: -49) (X: -100)


Face morphing

Head(X: -6,Y: -25),depth(X: -100)

Eyebrows (X: 49,Y: 9),(Y: -29)

Eyes(X: 5,Y: -34),(X: -19,Y: -100)

Nose(X: 34,Y: 25),(X: -10,Y: 72)

Cheek(X: -80,,Y: 88),(X: -25,Y: -69)

Mouth(X: -20,Y: 100),( X: -65 ,Y: 20)

Jaw(X: -11,Y: -100),(X: 27,Y: 7)

Ear(X: 85,Y: 9),(X: 100,Y: -77)

Age(X: -75)

Full body scaling

Head(X: -10,Y: 59),(Y: -44)

Neck(X: 50,Y: 18),(Y: -85)

Chest(X: -55,Y: -34),(Y: -100)

Shoulder(X: -100,Y: -89)

Abdomen(X: 1,Y: 23),(Y: 24)

Arms(X: 0,Y: -22),(Y: -85)

Hands(X: -35,Y: -49)

Waist(X: 62,Y: 20)

Legs(X: -11,Y: 7),(X: 0,Y: -59)

Feet(X: 0,Y: 0),(Y: 0)

Body toning X: -20

Height 6' 2 (4) I know AJ's 5'10 but with the legs length it makes up for it.


10.) Elbow pads 4/16C(X: 21,Y:-34),S(X: 100),T(X: 100)

**adjust color and transparency if needed

11.) Wristbands 5/20 (X: 100,Y:-9),S(X: 29),T(X:100) (X:89)

12.)Tights 12/12 (X: 21,Y:-15),S(X: 0),T(X:100) (X:100)

13.) Knee pads 14/15 (X: 100,Y: 14),S(X: 100),T(X: 100)

14.) Shoes 13/45 (X: 20,Y: 0),S(X:14)

15.)First use shoes 1.... Make the length 100 then chane them to Shoes 7/45 (X: 12,Y: -74),S(X:-100)

16.) Make up 28/60 (X: -100,Y: -100),S (X: -10),T(X: -56)

17.) Make up 60/60 (X: -100,Y: 17),S (X: -13),(X: -20)

18.)Make up 53/60 (X: -94,Y: -4),S (X: -14),(X: 0)

19.)Dress up Head>Design>Numeral page5 second "1" on page> Sec largest width, Sec largest on height (X: -95,Y: -7),S(X: -50),(X: -13)

20.)Dress upper body>Design> Pictures 46/100 third largest in width, sec largest in height(X: -98,Y: -34),S(X: -100),T(X: 100)

21.)Dress upper body>Design> Pictures 46/100 third largest in width, sec largest in height(X: -98,Y: -34),S(X: -100),T(X: 100)

22.)Dress upper body>Design> Simple 159/162 third largest in width, sec largest in height(X: 100,Y: 46),S(X: -9),T(X: 100)

23.)Dress upper body>Design> Simple 159/162 third largest in width, sec largest in height(X: 100,Y: 46),S(X: -9),T(X: 100)

24.)Dress upper body>Design>Numeral page 1 second "1" on page> largest width, largest on height (X: 100,Y: 11),S(X: -9),(X: -100)

25.)Dress upper body>Design> WWE 19/60 largest in width, sec largest in height(X: -100,Y: 14),S(X: 44),T(X: 100)

26.)Dress up lower Body feet, Lowerbody accessory 3/18(X: 21,Y: 19),S(X: 30),T(X: 50)

27.)Dress upper body>Design> Simple 147/162 sec largest in width, third largest in height(X: 14,Y: 38),S(X: -100),T(X: 61)

28.)Dress upper body>Design> Simple 147/162 sec largest in width, third largest in height(X: 14,Y: 38),S(X: -100),T(X: 61)

29.)Dress upper body>Design> Letters page 1 "A" third largest in width, sec largest in height(X: 100,Y: 14),S(X: -19),T(X: 68)

30.)Dress upper body>Design> Letters page 1 "J third largest in width, sec largest in height(X: 100,Y: 14),S(X: -19),T(X: 68)

31.) Dress head> Design> simple 147/162 2nd largest width, Largest height. (X:-94, Y:52) (X:-53) (X:-25)

32.) Sideburns 9/16 (X:-90, Y:-75) (0) (X:29)


nice caw dude finally a good aj styles caw

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