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british bull dogg

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British Bulldog by Nobody



Face Skin: 6

Body Skin: 1

Skin Color: X -94, Y -4, SH 7

Hair: 74: X -88, Y -22, SH 0,LENGTH 72

OR if you want his short haired look (Will look just as good)

Hair: 9: X -87, Y -100, SH 0

Eyebrows: 56: X -88, Y 1, SH 0

Eyes: 7: X -96, Y -33, SH 0

Lips: 65


Head: X 44, Y -100, X 8

Eyebrows: X 49, Y -51, Y -86

Eyes: X -10, Y 0, X -25, Y -100

Nose: X 14, Y 25, X -47, Y 68

Cheek: X -100, Y 69, X 38, Y -100

Mouth: X -41, Y 100, X -100, Y -22

Jaw: X 50, Y -7, X 8, Y 40

Ear: 0,0,0,0

Age: -68


Head: X 44, Y 0, Y 7

Neck: X 49, Y 32, Y -52

Chest: X 29, Y 42, Y -10

Shoulder: X 2, Y 0

Abdomen: X 59, Y 36, Y 58

Arms: X 14, Y 47, Y -31

Hands: X -34, Y -27

Waist: X 0, Y 19

Legs, X 17, Y 11, X 0, Y -18

Feet: X 0, Y 0, Y -36

Height: 6'3


Make-Up: 5: X 29, Y -100, SH -100, TR -100


We'll be back here later


Make the length of the wristbands exact.

Wristbands: M 3, D 1: X 100, Y 9, SH -15, TR 100, LENGTH 26

Design: Simple: L Arm: 153: Make it have the largest horizontal and the second longest

vertical. Now move it until it is directly on his left wristband. It should be the same

length of the wristband so you'll know when you've got it there. Now you want it to be on

the outer side of his arm. You can use the design that's already on the wristband itself

as a guide. You should see the red lines on his wristband intersect at what looks like a

V with an upsidedown T in the middle and underneath it. It also looks like a W with an

underline. Anyways just place your new red pattern in the middle of that. It should end up

being on kinda the outer side of his forearm.

X 100, Y 40, SH -29, TR 100

Ok now just do the exact same thing for the other arm.


Obviously this is NOT a design he ever wore. But it's the closest thing I could come up with

while still looking British and having a look that resembles his early 90's look.

Tights: M 3, D 1: X 29, Y 0, SH -16, TR 100, LENGTH -100

Ok now to make those tights looks a *little* better

Go back to...


Design: Simple: Front: 153: Rotate it once and then use the smallest vertical and the

longest horizontal. Now keep it right in the middle, but move it down his chest and onto

his tights. Make it so that the top of the pattern that you are moving is exactly where

the 2 red lines on the side end. It should basically be a few clicks from the top of the

tights. You should still be able to see the red center line above the pattern a bit on the tights

after you've placed it. We'll be writing the word BRITISH on this pattern in a little bit.

X 16, Y 43, SH -100, TR 100

Ok same design, same size and rotation, only now on his back. Not his front.

We want this one to, again, be a few clicks down from the top of his tights. You'll want

it to be in the center of his back. On his backside you should see a red T at the top

of the tights. With 2 side red lines that don't go all the way to it but both stop at a

certain point. In between each of the 2 side red lines and the top of the T is a white line

that goes across and stops at the T and the continues on to the other side. That's where

we want this pattern to be. It's going to be white so basically we're going to break the T

The pattern should be at the exact top of the 2 red lines. Not on them at all, just one

click above them. After we set the color. You'll know if it's right or not if it looks

like there's a white line that goes across the top backside of his tights.

X 16, Y 43, SH -100, TR 100

Ok now we are going to have some fun with letters lol...

Design: Letter: Ok now use the alphabet (of course) and go to page 11. The set of capital

letters that START at the end of page 13 and end on page 14 will be the set that we use. They are thin

And that's because of how small we're making them and we still want to be able to read them.

Ok for each letter make sure that it has the thinnest horizontal and the second smallest

vertical. now simply spell out


in all caps on the first white pattern you made. Just put it right in the center, letters fairly

close together.

X 100, Y 9, SH 0, TR 100

Ok now do the same thing for his backside on the other pattern you made. Right in the center

of the white line. Spell out, in the same size and color and everything,


It'll be lagging pretty bad cus of all the letters - don't worry.


Shoes: M 1, D 1: X 12, Y 15, SH -100, LENGTH -84

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